Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (2024)

Home » Baja Fish Tacos Recipe!

By Ruth V. 4 Comments

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The Baja Fish Tacos recipe is sponsored by the Gorton's brand. All opinions are mine alone. #ad

Love tacos and seafood? Whether fish tacos are a regular dish at your house or you've never tried them, Gorton's Crunchy Breaded Fillets make this Baja Fish Tacos recipe something you'll want to make over and over again!

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (1)

Fish-lovers are surely familiar with Gorton's. We are and we love their tasty seafood! They've been trusted by families for over 100 years, which is why Gorton's was the first fish I fed my son. For all of my children's first foods, I wanted to only offer them the best, and Gorton's has an excellent reputation and a tried and true history of feeding families for generations. I love the idea of feeding my children food from a brand that has been around for decades.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (2)

One of my favorite Gorton's products are the Crunchy Breaded Fillets. These taste nothing like store-brand cheap fish sticks. Instead, these taste fresh-caught, perfectly seasoned, and full of real flavor because they are absolutely 100% real fish fillets. The fish looks real real and tastes fresh, and the fillets are fabulous in this recipe!

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (3)

Just 17-19 minutes at 425 degrees, and you've got perfectly baked fillets, and theyare delicious!! I'm often cooking fish in the kitchen and enjoy breading meat for our meals, so I can appreciate the perfect crispiness you get after just minutes in the oven and no other prep beyond that.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (4)

These fillets are the star ingredient in our Baja Fish Tacos. Each fillet can be cut into three strips, and two in each small tortilla is a perfect amount for just the right ratio of fish and toppings.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (5)

The other favorite ingredient in our baja fish tacos is this lime sauce! I'm obsessed with it! The ingredients are equal parts mayonnaise, sour cream, and lime juice, with a sprinkling of cilantro and garlic powder. Simply mix in a blender and you'll want to pour this stuff on everything.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (6)

I also love the addition of mangoes in this recipe! The combination of all these flavors plus the crispiness of the Gorton's fillets in one taco is mouthwatering.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (7)

After cooking the Gorton's crunchy breaded fillets, all you do is assemble the tacos with your favorite fillers. I've found a perfect mix of sweet, crunchy, creamy, and spicy by including ingredients like mangoes, lettuce, avocado, and pico de gallo. I'm telling you, this is my new favorite recipe to cook my family and it couldn't be easier!

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (8)

Making quick and easy (and absolutely delicious) seafood meals at home is totally possible any night of the week with Gorton's products!

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (9)

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (10)

5 from 1 vote


Baja Fish Tacos

This Baja fish taco recipe is packed with flavors of mangoes and limes!

CourseMain Course



  • 6white corn tortillas
  • 4Gorton's Crunchy Breaded Fillets
  • lettuceshredded
  • ½cupblack beans
  • ½cuppico de gallo
  • ½mangocubed
  • 1avocadosliced
  • cilantro

Lime Sauce

  • 1 tbspmayonnaise
  • 1 tbspsour cream
  • 1 tbsplime juice
  • 1 tbspcilantro
  • 1dashgarlic powder


  1. Cook Gorton's Crunchy Breaded Fillets according to packaging and cut each fillet into three strips when cooled.

  2. Fill tortillas with fish, lettuce, pico de gallo, and black beans.

  3. Make lime sauce by combining mayonnaise, sour cream, lime juice, cilantro, and garlic powder in the blender for 15 seconds.

  4. Top with avocado, mango, cilantro, and lime sauce.

Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (11)

Be sure to pick up Gorton's products for all your favorite family dishes!


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Reader Interactions


  1. Lauryn R says

    My husband's all time favorite food is fish tacos! It is also one thing that I have never attempted to make at home before. He will be so excited when I make these for him, thank you so much for sharing the recipe! 🙂


  2. kathy pease says

    This looks so yummy and I will have to try out the recipe 🙂


  3. Terry says

    These fish tacos look absolutely delicious especially the lime sauce. I can't wait to try them.


  4. Jill H says

    These look so good especially your line sauce!


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Baja Fish Tacos Recipe! (2024)
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