Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (2024)

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I will be the first to admit, I am NOT a great housekeeper.

I am still mostly in survival mode trying to get through every day with my six young children.

Keeping them safe, healthy, and happy always comes first.

Housework comes much later if I have time and energy.

A wise friend once told me, ” I have this much to do (holding out her hands two feet apart), this much time (moved her hands to one foot apart), and this much energy (moved her hands to six inches apart), so THIS MUCH GETS DONE (emphasizes the six inches with her hands).

I was not a mother yet when she shared that with me but now that I am, I completely understand what she meant.

It’s exhausting to be a parent and you only have so much time and energy in a day.

Our kids help us with daily chores around the house (we call them Contributions) but the deep cleaning projects only happen when I have time to work on them.

My kids were sick the entire Christmas break this last year so we couldn’t really go anywhere.

This gave me a lot of time to catch up on projects and get an early start on my spring cleaning.

One of the jobs I hate the very most is cleaning my window blinds.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (1)

When we moved into our home the faux wood blinds were already installed.

They look very nice and are still in perfect working condition ten years after we bought the house.

I try to keep them dusted and then deep clean them during my spring cleaning once a year.

However, I quite suddenly ended up on bed rest with my last pregnancy two years ago and haven’t caught up since.

So when I had extra time over the break, this was the first deep cleaning project that I tackled.

And it’s a good thing too; I didn’t realize how dirty they actually were. :/

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (2)

We turn our blinds with the inside edge going up so unless they are completely opened flat I don’t see the side of the blinds that get the most dirty.

Most blinds throughout the house just need warm water and a small amount of Dawn Dishsoap mixed into the water to become sparkly clean.

However, blinds in the kitchen are exposed to more moisture than the rest of the house (with the exception of the bathroom but most people have privacy glass windows instead of blinds).

Extra moisture in the air plus dust equals scummy residue that no amount of scrubbing with regular mild cleaners will remove.

I tried using soapy Dawnmixed with water and a variety of different cleaners but the scummy residue would not come off.

I remembered that I had a box of Mr Clean Magic Erasers and I pulled them out.

I am SO glad that I did!

I wore gloves, rinsed the magic eraser under warm running water, squeezed it, and it was ready to go.

Using small circular motions, I was able to completely remove the scummy layer with just a few wipes.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (3)

I had to keep rinsing the eraser every once in a while in the warm water and switching the part of the eraser that I was using on the blinds.

Bonus Tip: As the scummy stuff comes off, it may flake and fall onto the blinds below so it’s best to work from the top of the blinds down so the pieces don’t fall on your clean blinds.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (4)

The Magic Eraser slowly turned black and I kept using a new part of the eraser until the entire thing was black.

I went through several erasers to get my blinds clean so I was glad that I had such a large box of them.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (5)

It was a Variety Box so I tried each kind to see which one worked better.

There are several options when buying them on Amazon.

They all removed the scum about as well, but I noticed that the ones that have a blue layer of Dawn soap in the middle of them lasted significantly longer than the other types did.

They didn’t turn black as fast and rinsed out better each time I rinsed them.

So I recommend using Mr Clean Magic Erasers with Dawn Soap for the blinds, and the other two types for everything else in your home.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (6)

It took me about two hours to clean the blinds because it was a large window and it was so dirty but if you are a way better housekeeper then me it would not take you so long.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (7)

The ingredients in the Magic Eraser work immediately on scum and don’t leave any residue on the blinds.

Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (8)

I am so glad that I had those on hand for when I finally had the time and energy to clean my blinds.

Stock up today so that you will have them on hand when your opportunity comes along to clean the blinds in your home!

Don’t forget to share these tips with friends and family by using the sharing buttons below.

We send our best wishes for clean blinds, happy homes, and easy house cleaning days to each of you!


Best Way To Clean Window Blinds | Motherhood Ten Minutes At A Time (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.