Breastmilk and Coconut Oil Fix Everything (2024)


August 11, 2017October 14, 2017 Nicole Gonzalez

Yes! I have become one of “those” momsBreastfeeding, babywearing, attachment parenting, crunchy mom, just use breastmilk on that, and coconut oil on this “crazy mamas”.

I turned to the “crunchy mom side” over 4 years ago, when I became pregnant with my second child. I started reading every label, researching everything, the benefits, the pros and cons, looking into cloth diapers, homemade baby wipes, baby wearing, natural remedies, homeopathic and organic products.

I have become a bit obsessed with it and now, have turned my husband into an almost “crunchy dad”. 😊

There are so many benefits for the use of breastmilk and coconut oil. Not only is breastmilk perfect for babies and toddlers (adults too), I seriously use it for everything. Like many, I was a little skeptical at first but after reading articles, other moms experiences in my local mom groups, I decided to try the breastmilk and coconut oil remedy for myself.

I mean, my 4 year old has had shirts since she was an infant that says “My mom says there’s nothing a little breastmilk and coconut oil won’t fix” and wears them proudly!💟

My go-to for any healing remedy, is always breastmilk and coconut oil. It has always been a success and worked well for us.

Breastmilk Can Be Used For Many Things:

  • Eye infections (pink eye)- Squirt breastmilk into the eye. Do it frequently until healed.
  • Sore/cracked nipples- After nursing or at any time, rub onto nipples and let air dry.
  • Mosquito bites/bug bites-Squirt onto the bite and rub it in. It helps stop the itching.
  • Ear infections- You can squirt the breastmilk or pour it into the ear.
  • Eczema, Acne, Diaper Rash (Not A Yeast Rash)- Wash the skin with water, pat dry, apply breastmilk all over and let air dry.
  • Milk Soap can be done, although I have yet to try it myself.
  • Milk Bath- Add any amount of breastmilk to bath water for skin soothing benefits. (One of my favorites!)
  • Breastmilk Popsicle- Pump or hand express milk into an ice tray and freeze. I do about 1/3 filled in an ice tray, so that it will fit into baby C’s silicone food feeder. I have also made breastmilk popsicles using a Dollar Tree bought popsicle do-it-yourself kit. (Pictures below)
  • Mix into puréed foods- If you don’t do baby led weaning and choose puréed foods, breastmilk is great to mix into the foods for baby.
  • Clogged Tear Ducts- Squirt a bit in the corner of the eye near the duct.
  • Cuts and Scrapes
  • Cradle Cap- For us, when baby C had cradle cap, I put a little in his hair and combed through it. It helps to loosing up the cradle cap.
  • Sunburn- Rub some onto the sunburn and repeat as necessary.
  • Lotioncan also be made out of breastmilk. I have not tried it myself just yet but I do plan on it.
  • Coffee Creamer- I mean, if worst comes to worst and you’re out of your creamer, just pour a little breastmilk in your coffee. You’d never know the difference (LOL😉)

There are endless things that you can use breastmilk on. The list above are the things I’ve done and it worked well for us.

Coconut Oil Can Be Used For Many Things:

  • Use on skin as a moisturizer- I use it daily and more than one time a day. It has made my skin feel so soft.
  • Deep Hair Conditioning- This is a remedy that I do weekly. I rub a pea size into my scalp and then rub a gerneous amount through the rest of my hair, focusing a lot on my ends.
  • Foods- I cook with coconut oil most times. It’s a great alternative to butter!
  • Facial Moisturizer- I apply a small about and rub it on my face about 3 times a week.
  • Sunburn
  • Wounds
  • Lips- I use CO instead of chapstick. It helps heal cracked dry lips (for me).
  • Soothes Bug Bites- Just rub a small amount on a big bite and repeat as needed.
  • Eczema– When my second child was a baby, she had mild eczema. I applied CO to her skin daily and it helped so much!
  • Helps to take the frizz out of hair- I seriously use CO on all of our hair instead of hair products.
  • Rub on nail cuticles
  • Toothpaste- Mix coconut oil, baking soda and peppermint oil.
  • Removes crayons from walls- Bingo! For those mini artist who like to draw on walls, CO helps to remove it!
  • Makeup Remover- I love CO as a makeup remover. It works so well!

(These are remedies I’ve tried. This is in no way medical advice or medical remedies.)

Breastmilk and Coconut Oil Fix Everything (2)

Published by Nicole Gonzalez

Wife to my husband M and mother of three precious children, A, B and C. A, B, and C are their first name initials to protect their privacy ;-). I have been a mom for 11 years and these past 11 years have been amazing and quite adventurous with a bit of chaos...a lot of chaos😃. I am a pro-Breastfeeding (4+ years of nursing so far), organic and crunchy living, cloth and disposable diaper loving, babybwearing (5+ years now or until college 😉), breast milk and coconut oil fixes everything, beach living, Target shopping, coffee obsessed mama, living in the Sunshine State.☀️View all posts by Nicole Gonzalez

Breastmilk and Coconut Oil Fix Everything (2024)
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