Chapter 4 Alpha's Secret- 100 Days Contract With Alpha Asher Novel Read Online | Bravonovel (2024)

  • Asher's Point Of View.
  • "What..." I stuttered, terror rendering my words shaky.
  • I took hesitant steps backward, only to slip on my own unsteady footing.
  • Panic surged as they continued to advance, their menacing presence closing in on me.
  • Desperation engulfed me as I attempted to crawl backward, but an invisible force seemed to hold me in place.
  • The impending doom loomed, and it felt as if they were on the brink of ending my life.
  • "The Insane Alpha is going to die!"
  • "I can't wait to see him humiliated!!!"
  • "He doesn't even look like my son! He should be killed right away!" My father's harsh words pierced the air as he seized a sharp spear from one of the rogues, intensifying the scary threat that hung over me.
  • "Kill him, honey... I regretted giving birth to a fool like him!!" My mother's urging echoed, and in that moment, laughter erupted from everyone around me, mocking and taunting me as I lay helpless on the unforgiving ground.
  • "No, please… Do not kill me, please!! Stop!" I pleaded desperately as my father raised the spear, its dreadful shadow looming over me, poised to pierce through my heart.
  • "No!! No!! Please!!! Stop!!!!!!!" I shouted, my eyes instantly snapping open as I jolted back to reality, the darkness of my room replacing the harrowing nightmare.
  • I bolted upright, sweat cascading down my cheeks, eyes wide with terror. Panting relentlessly, I frantically scanned my surroundings, a sense of dread gnawing at me.
  • With a gulp that echoed fear, I struggled to shake off the lingering intensity of the nightmare.
  • The fear lingered as I thought my own father was about to kill me, yet relief washed over when I realised it was just another of my silly nightmares.
  • Branded an insane Alpha, my frightful nightmares had the power to drive me to madness, causing me to dash barefoot out of the mansion in a desperate attempt to escape the haunting terrors within my dreams.
  • This was one of the reasons I never wanted Claire. Nobody knew the exact reason why I acted like an insane Alpha most times.
  • Externally, I portrayed strength and toughness as an Alpha, yet internally, I was crumbling, enduring silent suffering and the slow agony of my inner uproar.
  • "Stupid dreams!" I snarled, frustration dripping from my words, casting a wary glance around the room to shake off the remnants of the unsettling visions that had haunted my sleep.
  • The confinement of the room bored me; craving fresh air, I yearned to clear my mind.
  • Nighttime sleep never seemed to be my forte, prompting a desire to break free from the confines and seek comfort in the open air.
  • Standing up, I grabbed my car keys, determined to escape the room. Drake, slumbering in the hallway, posed a challenge; I had to get past him silently if I wanted to leave the mansion without disturbance.
  • Tiptoeing cautiously to avoid waking Drake and facing his inquiries, I made it halfway to the hallway exit when, irritatingly, he stirred awake, halting my silent escape.
  • "And where are you going?" His abrupt question halted my progress, eliciting a sigh tinged with a sense of melancholy as I pondered how to respond to his inquiry.
  • "That's none of your business!" I retorted, reaching for the door handle in a bid to make my escape.
  • However, Drake wasn't about to let me off the hook so easily, his persistence lingering in the hallway.
  • "Then I'd love to go with you!" he suggested, but his idea didn't align with my plans. The desire to go alone surged within me.
  • "Stay back, Drake! Don't join me! Stay here and make sure no one knows I am out of the mansion," I urged, my words firm as I continued forward without turning to meet his gaze, determined to leave alone.
  • I emphasised my seriousness, ensuring he understood that my words were not a jest, leaving no room for doubt as I forged ahead without looking back.
  • I exited the building, hopped into my car, and ignited the engines.
  • Without a moment's hesitation, I sped out of the mansion, heading for the highway in a rush to clear my head.
  • "I can't believe this keeps coming back!" I whispered to myself, my hand rubbing my jaw in frustration while the other steered the car in the right direction, grappling with the recurring nightmare that plagued my thoughts.
  • Lost in thoughts about quelling my terrifying dreams and managing my fury under the full moon, I accidentally knocked someone down, the impact sending him or her to the ground.
  • "Holy goddess!!" I exclaimed, swiftly stepping onto the brakes and rushing out of my car in response to the unexpected accident.
  • I hurried to see who it was, only to discover it wasn't just anyone but a stunning female Omega, adding a layer of surprise to the unexpected encounter.
  • Luckily, she was still moving and conscious.
  • "Are you okay?" I inquired, my face etched with anxiety and concern, genuinely worried about the well-being of the individual I had unintentionally collided with.
  • "I..." she staggered to her feet. As I attempted to assist her, she swiftly pushed my hand away, keeping it out of her line of sight.
  • "I am fine!" She finally asserted, summoning the strength to stand upright on her own.
  • Staggering toward the woods, she ignored me and refrained from looking back.
  • It wasn't my fault for knocking her down; she was the one who appeared out of nowhere, catching me by surprise.
  • Just as I was about to believe her words and head back to the pack, my gaze shifted to where she had fallen, and I noticed a werewolf-like necklace lying on the ground.
  • Scooping up the werewolf-like necklace, a sudden determination seized me, and I dashed into the woods in pursuit of her, compelled by the need to have another conversation.
  • Driven by the intention to return her necklace and check on her well-being, I walked deeper into the woods.
  • But to my astonishment, I stumbled upon a shocking scene that left me in awe.
  • I found her motionless on the ground, an unsettling stillness enveloping her.
  • The realisation hit me like a wave; she seemed lifeless, sending panic coursing through my veins.
  • "Did I just kill a pack member?" I questioned under my breath, my gaze fixated on my hand, uncertainty and guilt gnawing at me as I grappled with the weight of the unsettling possibility.
  • My hands trembled as the identical dream I had before leaving the mansion flashed through my memory, connectin g the dots and deepening the unease within me.
  • "She isn't dead, right? I am not a murderer!"

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Chapter 4 Alpha's Secret- 100 Days Contract With Alpha Asher Novel Read Online | Bravonovel (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.