Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole (2024)

by Joy the Baker 97 Comments

I didn’t have the kind of parents that made me pure, homemade, organic, sugar-free, vegan baby food. Not quite.

I had the kind of parents that would throw whatever they were having for dinner into a blender (no joke) and call it dinner for their crazy screaming baby girl Joy. I distinctly remember having Spaghetti and Meatballs in the blender… and I’m pretty sure there was some weird sort of Tofu Potato Bake blended to (probably pretty gross) perfection. Fish sticks? Blend ’em. Taco Salad? Too far.

Why am I talking about baby blender food? Well… if I had voice enough to make meal requests, I would surely have asked for a chip and guacamole blender baby meal. Guacamole is a perfect food. Even babies know this to be true.

Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole (2)

This guacamole is simple but earnest in its decadence. All it requires is a bit of the good ol’ smash-bang treatment.

This version of guacamole-land has avocados living in the same house with roasted corn, pickled jalapeno, goat cheese, chives, and lots of lemon.

Goat cheese in guacamole!? Yah. Believe the hype.

Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole (3)

Bowl. Spoon. Chopped spice and onions.

Let’s just ready our chips, shall we?

Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole (4)

Adding crumbled goat cheese to guacamole means it is irresistibly creamy. Beyond! Goat cheese also adds a bit of tang to the rich and creamy avocados. Corn is charred over a flame and adds those alluring bites of burnt but sweet corn. I like to be generous with the lemon juice and waaay heavy-handed with the pickled jalapeno. I want my guacamole so spicy it hurts so good. Yes, I just typed that… just let it happen.

The inspiration for this recipe comes from my a cookbook in my glorious stack of Spring reading. It’s from Gaby Dalkin’s Absolutely Avocado. This book screams summer… which screams margaritas… which screams YES please now thank you. So, there’s that.

Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole

adapted from Absolutely Avocados

serves 2 people who love guacamole, 4 people who don’t totally love guacamole

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3 ripe Haas avocados

1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese

corn cut from 1 roasted cob*

1/4 cup chopped fresh chives

2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

3 to 4 tablespoons chopped pickled jalapeno, (I used about 1/3 cup)

coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

tortilla chips for serving

*To roast the corn place corn over a low flame burner and rotate every 10 seconds to char on all sides. If you don’t have a gas burner, a outdoor grill is wonderful as is the broil setting of your oven. Cut charred corn from the cob once it’s cool enough to handle.

Cut each avocado in half lengthwise. Remove the pit from the avocado and discard. Scoop the meat out of the skin and place in a medium bowl. Add the goat cheese, charred corn bits, chives, lemon juice, and jalapeno. Mash with a fork until mostly smooth, but a few avocado chunks remain. Season with salt and pepper. Taste and re-season if necessary. Serve with tortilla chips. Guacamole can we stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one day. You should having a problem coaxing people to finish it.

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  1. vietjet air

    Oh avocado. My love. I just watched a Jamie Oliver video where he charred sweet corn to make salsa. I need to stock up on fresh corn to make this guac, that salsa and Tracy’s creamed corn.


  2. LoveLea

    I’m not a fan of goat cheese … I know, apparently its not normal… What other cheese could I replace it with? Thanks!!


  3. Chevy Silverado

    Asking questions are truly nice thing if you are not understanding something fully, however this paragraph provides nice understanding yet.


  4. Leila

    Oh my gosh this looks absolutely delicious. Corn, goat cheese and avos?? Yes please! I would eat it with a spoon just like you have it in the pic before it’s been mixed!! haha This would make a great topper for tacos….


  5. Claire Bingham

    Made this tonight. Added cilantro and used lime in place of lemon. It was creamy and incredible! Thanks!


  6. Gal

    I made this last weekend and it was just excellent. I didn’t have all the veggies you used, so I improvised with what I had on hand. I found that the addition of goat cheese significantly improved the flavor profile. So good! Thank you for the recipe!


  7. Jess @ On Sugar Mountain

    OMG Joy this is insane! In the best possible way. ;) I just tried your orange rosemary brown butter cornbread and it was SO amazing that I knew I had to follow your blog asap. Now I see I’ve made the right choice…pinning this guacamole immediately! :D



  8. Packing Rainbows

    I’m pretty sure we were separated at birth! Must make this pronto!!


  9. J.S. @ Sun Diego Eats

    The bf JUST started liking avocados a couple weeks ago (can you believe that from someone born and bred in California?!) and we’ve been wanting to make our own guac….since we already love goat cheese this sounds like a winning combination!


  10. Bella

    This looks amazing! I can’t wait to try it (after a trip to the farmers market) Mmm


  11. Heather

    I have made this combo twice this week! my two fav. things right now, avocados and goat cheese :)


  12. Laura

    I am making that. Right. Now! Looks amazeballs!


  13. marnely rodriguez murray

    Whoa, this looks amazing – the combination of cheese and the roasting of the corn, YUM!


  14. Hannah Jade

    Man, I love avocado but they’re super super expensive in the UK :(


  15. Rebecca Payne

    Have you had a margarita with jalapeno in it? because it would be amazing with this.


  16. Rebecca

    ahhh this looks fantastic! there really is no greater food than some awesome guac.


  17. Sarah Brown

    I want. I wish it was corn season here and I could make this! 2 more months!


  18. anna

    you’ve officially converted me to pickled jalepenos, among other things.


    • joythebaker

      right on!


  19. Katie

    Babies do love guacamole! At least mine loves her baby version of it(puréed avocado). Seriously my kid would eat 3 whole avocados a day if I’d let her. She’s 7 months old so I reign in her avocado devouring tendencies. When she’s a little older though I’m totally making this for her!


    • joythebaker

      so super rad! this makes me happy!


  20. Bree

    This is an amazing combination!


  21. Beth

    a short guacamole story:
    in hong kong, where i live, we tend to only get rock hard avos. not a great disasater, but inconvenient when one comes home from work with a craving for fresh guac.
    in a non descript alleyway near my home, i found an old lady with a non descript fruit store … that always has a case full of perfectly ripe avocadoes. where does she find them?! she is a diamond in the rough.


    • joythebaker

      i love this diamond.


  22. Nusrat Azim

    I’m a BIG fan of your food photography, Joy !


  23. Milo

    I just love you Joy the Baker.


  24. Anne

    When I was a baby, my parents used to toss me pizza crusts as a teether. I wish they has thought of this to dip it in!!!


    • joythebaker

      pizza crust teether!? i love your parents.


  25. Mirtha

    o.m.g. I’m having the fambam over for a “no reason, just come over, I’m firing up the grill” deal this weekend, my niece is making margaritas so this guacamole will be PERFECTION! but, I will agree w/ the one comment about using fresh jalapeños and cilantro…

    I love your parents!!! when my son (now 8) was tiny, I used a hand-cranked mill to “chop” up whatever food I had cooked and give to him. The one time I tried to give him jarred baby food (sorry! I thought it was convenient, no refrigeration needed and no way to heat it up!) he quickly spit it out. Thank them! because that’s why you’re a foodie. My son loves to create snacks for us, loves asparagus and will doesn’t think chicken nuggets are a meal.


    • joythebaker

      i would love your son to make snacks for me. that sounds supreme!


  26. Jessie

    I had a good laugh about this post since, fed up with how my 9 mo old won’t eat traditional baby food, I puréed chicken tikka masala. She loved it!


  27. rebecca tiplady

    joy, i’m absolutely avid reader of your blog and just wanted to say a quick congratulations on winning the saveur baking blog of the year award! you totally deserve it
    i’ve just posted my first ever blog post on my brand new blog and it would make my week if you could stop by.
    thank you so much for your amazing blog and please keep posting forever


    • joythebaker

      thank you so much for the kindness rebecca! popping over to your new blog now! xo.


  28. Mr. & Mrs. P

    Beautiful recipe!!! Need to try asap!


  29. cory

    great easy recipe for the summertime! and great as a vegetarian topping on some portobello tacos. love this. the only thing i would add is a chopped fresno chili (aka red jalapeno) for some flecks of color. thanks joy!


  30. Joy

    is that cookbook worth buying? like, really worth it? So amazing that it’s based off of one ingredient……


  31. Sheila

    I would just like to say that I love the John Mellencamp reference in this post! YUM!


  32. tracy {pale yellow}

    You and your maj are totally on the same wavelength today! Goat cheese in guac – brilliant!


  33. Cristina

    This looks amazingly delicious. I love adding non-traditional things to guacamole, like Gorgonzola, pomegranate seeds, or blueberries. For some reason though I’ve never tried adding goat cheese – but I will now :)

    By the way, my Cuban grandmother did the same exact thing to feed me and all my cousins. Adult food thrown in the blender. Seems pretty gross, in retrospect, but I imagine I’ll end up doing the same some day.


  34. Tracy

    girl, this is summer in a bowl! is it june yet??


  35. tora

    not normally a fan of avocado, and consequently guacamole- BUT, with the cream cheese, corn, goats cheese and jalapeno…I’d try this. I think I might like this…love this?


  36. Mary R

    My 10 month old baby girl loves her some guacamole! I normally add lime and cilantro to mine, but your recipe looks yummy. I may have to make a grown up (hotter version) for me with the peppers and some with out for my daughter. :-)


  37. Kristen Christensen (seriously)

    JOY–it’s like you know my life.

    Yesterday my doc told me I should go dairy and wheat free (the nerve). I am NOT a bandwagon kind of gal and it hurts to embrace this but you have LITERALLY made my day with this post.


    PS–can you come to ATL for a book signing? We have TERRIFIC food here and lots of gin and kittens.


  38. Jenn

    I definitely have to try this! What’s up with every food blogger posting about this book yesterday? Are avocados replacing kale as the new “it” ingredient?


  39. jenny




  40. Lydia

    My mom was telling me the other day how corn would be good in guacamole. We’ll have to make this recipe!


  41. Cali

    There are people who don’t totally love guacamole?


    • joythebaker

      not friends of mine… that’s for sure.


  42. Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie

    Wow I bet the goat cheese in combination with the smoky corn adds such an amazing flavor!


  43. FashionEdible

    Goat cheese and avocados are a combination I have yet to try. They sound delicious!


  44. Annie @ Annie's City Kitchen

    oohhh mmyyyy goodneessss. That just looks like a bowl of the best things on earth. I make a dip that’s too die for with avocado and goat cheese but adding roasted corn is CRAY. love it.


  45. mallory

    DREAM COME TRUE. joy, you’ve outdone yourself.

    have you ever had trader joe’s margarita mix?? one of those margs with this guac. i need nothing else in life!!


  46. dixya@food, pleasure, and health

    i have never had any other types of guac besides regular ones – i am so tempted to try it with so many different texture and flavor :)


  47. Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence

    I’ve added blue cheese to guac before, but never goat. Great idea! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Absolutely Avocados!!


  48. Emily B

    And here I thought guacamole couldn’t be improved upon, I happily stand corrected. This looks phenomenal!


  49. Belinda @themoonblushbaker

    Totally unauthentic, but who gives a hoot but authenticity when it taste and looks as good as this! Roasted corn is such an easy way to get that BBQ on weekday. all I need some more chilli pepper now.


  50. Sophie

    just when i’ve resolved to cut back on cheese (1 kg a week simply isn’t justifiable), this comes into my life. at least, it will be coming into my life very VERY soon …


  51. Tieghan

    So many avocado recipes today! I am dying. I think I need to go by more avocados! Love this!


  52. Chelsea

    This looks so good. So excited for your & Tracy’s delicious looking guacamole recipes! Hurry up, Cinco de Mayo!


  53. Pedantic Foodie

    I want this. The whole dang bowl – right now


  54. Marie @ Little Kitchie

    This is a beaut! Got Gaby’s cookbook in the mail yesterday and I am so in love!


  55. DessertForTwo

    whoa delicious. I’ve got to try goat cheese in avocado!


  56. Katy @ Katy's Kitchen

    You think you know all the ways to make guac, and then you see this recipe! that roasted corn looks delish and has me thinking of summer. Blender is the way to go, I bet that spaghetti and meatballs in the blender would have made a good casserole ;)


  57. Quinn Cooper

    I love guacamole. My dad is a bit of a guacamole freak. I feel like every weekend in the summer there was a fresh made bowl before dinner.
    So I’m a bit of a sucker for it.
    This recipe sounds really delicious. I like your take on an old recipe.
    The goat cheese sounds super interesting, at first glance I thought it was a bit weird but I’m gonna try it. I’m also on your side with the lots of lemon, everything taste good with lots of lemon, well maybe not everything.

    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style


  58. Joan

    oh yum! can’t wait to try this.


  59. Sara {Home is Where the Cookies Are}

    Oh my gosh! All I had to see was “Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn. . . ” but then it just kept getting better. This would definitely only serve TWO in our house. . . or less! Love the “hurts so good” reference. You’re speakin’ my language!


  60. Jayne

    Oh avocado. My love. I just watched a Jamie Oliver video where he charred sweet corn to make salsa. I need to stock up on fresh corn to make this guac, that salsa and Tracy’s creamed corn.


  61. Averie @ Averie Cooks

    Love the char marks on the corn! And this ‘4 people who don’t totally love guacamole’ — we’d be lucky to get 2 servings out of this :) Congrats to Gaby on her new book!


  62. Miss Kim @ behgopa

    Reading your posts always give me the late night munchies (I’m a total night owl).


  63. Marisa

    Love it without fail you always come through ….just in time for Cinco de Mayo all I need is a Modelo Especiale`, ole`! I will try!


  64. Caz

    Brilliant idea, avocados and goat cheese are some of my favourite foods. Goat cheese makes everything taste good.


  65. Shannon @ A Little Adrift

    This looks delicious! I am living in Mexico right now and avocados in every form are my current obsession. The corn is unique — I’ll have to see if I can hunt some down. A friend here uses mayo (yeah, mayonnaise) to achieve that creamy consistency — not healthy but pretty tasty! :)


  66. Denysia Yu

    I never thought to add goat cheese to guacamole!


  67. Amy

    Hi Joy! This looks delicious! Avocados + cheese=yum. Also, my mom used to blend chicken noodle soup for me when I was little in order to trick me into eating the veggies. I loved it.


  68. chelsea

    OMG! I COULD DIE. seriously all of my favorite things?!
    let me go ahead and tell you how great you are.


  69. Aj

    Mind Blown! :) I may need to take a small curve on my current juice fast and try this… or at it shall be “one” of my treats in a few weeks! Looks great and am sure it even tastes better.



  70. Holiday Baker Man

    Great flavour combo. You come up with some real winners!!



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Goat Cheese and Roasted Corn Guacamole (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.