Himabindu uppu on LinkedIn: Schedule data refreshes in tableau server: 1. Log in to Tableau… (2024)

Himabindu uppu

Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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Schedule data refreshes in tableau server:1. Log in to Tableau ServerOpen your web browser and navigate to your Tableau Server URL.Log in with your Tableau Server credentials.2. Navigate to the Data Source or WorkbookGo to the "Explore" section to find the data source or workbook you want to schedule a refresh for.Click on the data source or workbook to open it.3. Access the Scheduling OptionsFor a Workbook: Click on the three dots (more options) next to the workbook name, and select "Schedules".For a Data Source: Click on the data source name to open it, then click on "Schedules" from the menu at the top or the side.4. Create a New ScheduleIf there are no existing schedules that meet your needs, you can create a new one.Click on "New Schedule".5. Define the ScheduleSchedule Name: Give the schedule a meaningful name.Frequency: Choose how often you want the refresh to occur. Options typically include hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.Start Time: Set the time at which the refresh should start.Priority: Assign a priority level to the refresh schedule (optional). Higher priority schedules are executed before lower priority ones.6. Assign the Schedule to the Data Source or WorkbookAfter creating the schedule, go back to the data source or workbook.Click on the three dots (more options) next to the workbook or data source and select "Refresh Extracts".Choose "Schedule a Refresh".Select the schedule you created from the list of available schedules.7. Specify Refresh Options (if applicable)Incremental Refresh: If your data source supports incremental refresh, you can choose to only refresh new or updated data rather than the entire dataset.Full Refresh: Refresh the entire data extract.8. Save and VerifyClick "Save" to apply the schedule to the data source or workbook.Verify that the schedule has been applied correctly by checking the scheduled tasks in the "Tasks" or "Schedules" tab on Tableau Server.9. Monitoring and Managing SchedulesGo to the "Tasks" section under "Settings" or "Site Status" to monitor scheduled tasks.Here you can see upcoming scheduled refreshes, check their status, and manage them if necessary.10. Notifications (optional)You can set up email notifications to alert you if a scheduled refresh fails. This can be configured in the "Settings" section of Tableau Server under "Notifications".


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Creating hierarchies in tableau:1. Open Your Tableau WorkbookOpen Tableau Desktop and load the workbook that contains the data you want to create hierarchies for.2. Access the Data PaneEnsure the Data pane is visible on the left side of the Tableau interface. This pane lists all the dimensions and measures available in your data source.3. Identify the Dimensions for the HierarchyIdentify the dimensions that you want to include in the hierarchy. These should be fields that have a natural hierarchical relationship, such as Country > State > City or Category > Sub-Category > Product.4. Create the HierarchyDrag and Drop Method:In the Data pane, drag the dimension that represents the highest level of the hierarchy (e.g., Country) onto another dimension that will be part of the hierarchy (e.g., State).A dialog box will appear, asking if you want to create a hierarchy. Click "OK."Tableau will create a new hierarchy, and you can name it by double-clicking the default hierarchy name (e.g., "Hierarchy").Continue dragging additional dimensions into the hierarchy in the order of their levels (e.g., City below State).Using the Context Menu:Right-click on the dimension that will be the top level of the hierarchy.Select "Hierarchy" and then "Create Hierarchy."A new hierarchy will be created with the selected dimension as the top level.Name the hierarchy as desired.Right-click other dimensions you want to include in the hierarchy, select "Hierarchy," and then choose the created hierarchy to add them.5. Arrange the Hierarchy LevelsEnsure the dimensions are correctly ordered within the hierarchy by dragging them to their appropriate levels. The top-level dimension should be first, followed by subsequent levels in descending order of granularity.6. Use the Hierarchy in a VisualizationDrag the hierarchy to the Rows or Columns shelf in your worksheet.You will see a plus (+) sign next to the hierarchy level names. Clicking the plus sign allows you to drill down into the next level of the hierarchy, providing a detailed view.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Process of publishing a workbook to Tableau Server:1. Prepare Your Workbook:Before publishing, ensure your workbook is complete and ready for sharing:Complete the Workbook: Finalize your data visualizations, dashboards, and worksheets.Check Data Sources: Ensure your data sources are connected and set to the appropriate extract or live connection based on your needs.Review Filters and Parameters: Verify all filters and parameters are correctly configured and functioning.2. Connect to Tableau ServerTo publish a workbook, you need to connect to Tableau Server from Tableau Desktop:Open Tableau Desktop: Launch Tableau Desktop and open the workbook you intend to publish.Connect to Server: Click on "Server" in the top menu and select "Sign In." Enter the Tableau Server URL and your login credentials.3. Start the Publishing ProcessOnce connected, you can begin the publishing process:Select Publish Workbook: Go to "Server" in the top menu and select "Publish Workbook."Configure Publish Settings: In the publish workbook dialog, you will need to configure several settings:Project: Choose the project on Tableau Server where the workbook will be published. Projects help organize content on the server.Name: Provide a name for the workbook.Description: Optionally, add a description to help others understand the content and purpose of the workbook.4. Set Data Source OptionsDetermine how your data sources will be handled:Extract or Live: Choose whether to publish as an extract or keep a live connection. Extracts can improve performance but require refresh schedules.Include External Files: If your workbook uses local files (e.g., Excel, CSV), you can include them in the publication.Authentication: If applicable, set the authentication method for data connections, such as embedding credentials or using server-side authentication.5. Define PermissionsSet permissions to control who can view or edit the workbook:Set Permissions: You can define specific permissions for users or groups. Permissions can be set for viewing, editing, downloading, etc.Inherit Permissions: You can choose to inherit permissions from the project where the workbook will reside.6. Review and PublishBefore finalizing, review all settings:Review Summary: Ensure all configurations are correct. Double-check the project, name, data source settings, and permissions.Publish: Click the "Publish" button to upload the workbook to Tableau Server.7. Post-Publishing ActionsAfter publishing, consider the following actions:Set Refresh Schedules: If you published extracts, set up extract refresh schedules to keep your data up-to-date.Share the Workbook: Share the URL of the published workbook with intended users or groups.Monitor Performance: Use Tableau Server’s administrative tools to monitor the workbook's performance and usage.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Different types of charts and graphs available in Tableau:Tableau offers a wide variety of charts and graphs to visualize data effectively. Here are some of the most commonly used types:1.Bar Chart:Displays data as horizontal or vertical bars of varying lengths, with the length representing the value of the data.Useful for comparing values across categories.2.Line Chart:Displays data points connected by straight lines, showing trends or changes over time.Useful for visualizing time-series data and trends.3.Area Chart:Similar to a line chart but fills the area below the line with color.Useful for showing the cumulative total of a measure over time.4.Pie Chart:Displays data as slices of a circular pie, with each slice representing a proportion of the whole.Useful for showing the distribution of categories within a dataset.5.Scatter Plot:Displays individual data points as markers on a two-dimensional plane.Useful for identifying relationships or correlations between two variables.6.Histogram:Displays the distribution of continuous numerical data by dividing it into bins or intervals.Useful for understanding the frequency distribution of data.7.Heat Map:Displays data in a matrix format, with colors representing the magnitude of values.Useful for identifying patterns or trends in large datasets.8.Tree Map:Displays hierarchical data as nested rectangles, with the size of each rectangle representing a measure.Useful for visualizing hierarchical data structures.9.Box Plot:Displays the distribution of a dataset using quartiles and outliers.Useful for identifying the spread and skewness of data.10.Gantt Chart:Displays tasks or activities along a timeline, with bars representing their duration.Useful for visualizing project schedules and timelines.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Dimensions and measures in Tableau:Dimensions:-Dimensions are categorical data fields that provide context and categorization for the data.-They typically represent qualitative or descriptive information, such as categories, groups, or labels.-Examples of dimensions include geographic locations (e.g., country, city), time-based data (e.g., year, month), product categories, customer segments, and any other non-numeric attributes.-Dimensions are displayed as discrete fields in Tableau, which means they are typically used to segment or group data and are represented by headers in visualizations.-In Tableau, you can use dimensions to create categorical visualizations such as bar charts, pie charts, and maps, as well as to define the level of detail in your analysis.Measures:-Measures are quantitative data fields that represent numeric values or metrics that can be measured and aggregated.-They typically represent numerical quantities or values that can be analyzed mathematically, such as sales revenue, profit margins, quantities sold, or counts.-Measures are displayed as continuous fields in Tableau, which means they are typically used to perform mathematical operations such as aggregation (e.g., sum, average, count) and are represented by axes in visualizations.-In Tableau, you can use measures to create quantitative visualizations such as line charts, scatter plots, histograms, and gauge charts, as well as to perform calculations and analyze trends over time or across different dimensions.In short dimensions provide context and categorization for the data, while measures represent the numeric values or metrics that can be analyzed and aggregated.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    What is a dashboard in Tableau, and how do you create ?To create a dashboard in Tableau, follow these steps:1.Connect to your data source: Start by connecting Tableau to your data source, whether it's a database, Excel file, CSV, or other data format. Tableau supports a wide range of data sources, making it easy to bring in your data.2.Create visualizations: Build the individual visualizations that you want to include in your dashboard. Use Tableau's drag-and-drop interface to choose the fields you want to analyze and select the appropriate chart type (e.g., bar chart, line chart, pie chart) to represent your data.3.Customize your visualizations: Customize each visualization to meet your specific requirements. You can format axes, add labels and annotations, apply filters, and adjust colors and styles to enhance the clarity and aesthetics of your visualizations.4.Arrange your visualizations: Once you have created all the necessary visualizations, arrange them on your dashboard canvas. Use Tableau's layout containers and floating elements to organize your visualizations in a logical and visually appealing manner.5.Add interactivity: Enhance your dashboard with interactive features such as filters, parameters, and actions. These interactive elements allow users to explore the data dynamically and drill down into specific details based on their interests or needs.6.Format and design your dashboard: Fine-tune the appearance of your dashboard by adjusting fonts, colors, borders, and other design elements. Pay attention to the overall layout and aesthetics to ensure that your dashboard is easy to read and visually engaging.7.Test and iterate: Once your dashboard is complete, thoroughly test it to ensure that all visualizations are functioning correctly and that the dashboard is delivering the intended insights. Solicit feedback from stakeholders and make any necessary adjustments based on their input.8.Publish and share your dashboard: Finally, publish your dashboard to Tableau Server or Tableau Online to make it accessible to your intended audience. You can also export your dashboard as an image, PDF, or PowerPoint file for offline viewing or sharing with stakeholders who do not have access to Tableau.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    How do you create calculated fields in Tableau ?1.Navigate to the Data Pane:Open your Tableau workbook and navigate to the Data pane, which typically appears on the left side of the Tableau interface.2.Right-click on the Data Source:In the Data pane, right-click on the data source to which you want to add the calculated field. This could be a database table, an Excel file, or any other data source.3.Select "Create Calculated Field":From the context menu that appears, hover over the "Create" option, and then select "Calculated Field."4.Enter a Name for the Calculated Field:In the calculated field dialog box that appears, enter a name for your calculated field in the "Name" field. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the calculation.5.Enter the Calculation Expression:In the formula editor box below the "Name" field, enter the calculation expression for your calculated field. You can use Tableau's calculation language, which includes mathematical operators (+, -, *, /), functions, logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), and other syntax.You can also use functions like IF-THEN-ELSE, DATE functions, string functions, aggregation functions, and more to perform complex calculations.You can refer to fields from your data source by double-clicking on them in the fields list, typing their names, or using drag-and-drop.6.Validate and Apply the Calculation:After entering the calculation expression, you can click the "OK" button to validate and apply the calculation.Tableau will parse the expression and check for any syntax errors. If there are errors, it will display a message indicating the issue.Once the calculation is valid, Tableau will create the calculated field and add it to the list of fields in your data source.7.Use the Calculated Field in Visualizations:Once created, you can use the calculated field just like any other field in your data source. Drag and drop it onto the rows shelf, columns shelf, or any other shelf in your visualization to incorporate it into your analysis.


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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Different data connection options available in Tableau:Tableau offers a variety of data connection options to access and analyze data from different sources. Some of the most commonly used data connection options in Tableau include:File-based Connections:Tableau allows you to connect to various file-based data sources, such as:Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx, .xls)CSV (Comma Separated Values) filesText files (TXT)JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) filesAccess databases (via ODBC or OLE DB)Database Connections:Tableau provides native connectors to connect directly to relational databases and data warehouses, including:Microsoft SQL ServerMySQLPostgreSQLOracleAmazon RedshiftGoogle BigQueryIBM Db2TeradataSAP HANASnowflakeAnd moreCloud-based Connections:Tableau supports connecting to data stored in cloud-based platforms, such as:Google SheetsSalesforceMicrosoft Azure SQL DatabaseAmazon AuroraGoogle BigQuerySnowflakeAnd moreWeb Data Connectors:Tableau allows you to connect to data from web-based APIs using Web Data Connectors (WDCs). WDCs enable you to extract data from web services and APIs that conform to the WDC framework.Tableau Extracts:Tableau extracts allow you to create local copies of data from your data source within Tableau. This can improve performance by reducing the amount of data transferred between Tableau and the data source, especially for large datasets or slow database connections.Other Connections:In addition to the above options, Tableau also supports connections to other data sources, such as:PDF filesStatistical files (SAS, SPSS)R script outputsSpatial files (Shapefiles)



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  • Himabindu uppu

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  • Himabindu uppu

    Data Analyst |Reporting Analyst

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    Differences between Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau Online:Tableau Desktop:-Tableau Desktop is a data visualization tool used for creating interactive and visually appealing dashboards and reports.-It allows users to connect to various data sources, such as Excel, CSV files, databases, and cloud-based platforms, to analyze and visualize data.-Tableau Desktop comes in two versions: Tableau Desktop Personal and Tableau Desktop Professional. The Professional version offers advanced features such as data blending, advanced calculations, and geographic mapping.Tableau Server:-Tableau Server is an enterprise-level platform for sharing, collaborating, and managing Tableau workbooks and dashboards within an organization.-It allows users to publish Tableau workbooks created in Tableau Desktop to a centralized server, making them accessible to other authorized users via web browsers or Tableau Desktop.-Tableau Server provides features such as user authentication, permissions management, version control, and data governance to ensure secure and efficient sharing of data insights.Tableau Online:-Tableau Online is a cloud-based version of Tableau Server hosted by Tableau on its own servers.-It offers similar functionality to Tableau Server, allowing users to publish, share, and collaborate on Tableau dashboards and workbooks securely over the internet.-Tableau Online eliminates the need for organizations to manage and maintain their own server infrastructure, making it a convenient option for smaller businesses or organizations with limited IT resources.


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Himabindu uppu on LinkedIn: Schedule data refreshes in tableau server:1. Log in to Tableau… (22)

Himabindu uppu on LinkedIn: Schedule data refreshes in tableau server:1. Log in to Tableau… (23)


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Himabindu uppu on LinkedIn: Schedule data refreshes in tableau server:

1. Log in to Tableau… (2024)
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