How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (2024)

Know your options

Every mother-to-be should know her options for childbirth.

  • Some mamas plan for a regular, natural birth but find out late in the game that a c-section is required.
  • Other mamas know early on their delivery will require surgery.

Either way, the more you know–and the more you prepare–the better your experience will be. Take these steps now, and be prepared for a natural c-section should the need arise.

Third time around

I’ve had three c-sections. My first two babies were breech, and at the time, I blindly accepted the doctors’ decisions for surgery.

By the time my third c-section came along, our lifestyle had changed completely. I was wiser about many things, and I was deeply disappointed to be having yet another c-section. In fact, I was so discouraged that I did very little research until it was almost too late.

Finally I decided that while it was too late to avoidthis third c-section, there were stepsI could take to make Baby Bro’s deliverymore natural.

Below is my list of recommendations–all the things I did and all the things I wish I’d done.

If you feel disappointed at the prospects of having a c-section, take heart. You may have more options than you realize!

Read more about my own story here: So Much for Lamaze: A Natural Mama’s Thoughts on Having a C-Section.

1. Make sure your c-section is truly necessary.

Be aware that doctor recommended c-sections have been on the rise for years. There is now a growing movement to educate moms-to-be about childbirth options in the effort toprevent “unnecessareans“.

For example, I’ve recently learned thatbreech babies do not necessarily require a c-section. This is blowing my mind.

In fact,I’m planning an upcoming post about choosing a vagin*l delivery for your breech baby–the veryinformation I wish I’d had ten years ago when Iwas categorized as an mandatory c-section due to a frank breech baby.

2. Start your research early.

If you’re already pregnant, start now!

I learned too late about “what could have been” and wished I’d begun my research much sooner. Even so, I was able to achieve a better experience than would have been possiblewith no research at all.

The sooner you get started, the more options you will have.

How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (1)

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3. Ask lots of questions.

Some OBs are sticklers for conventionalprotocol. Others are more open-minded and might consider your requests for a more natural experience.

The more you find outat the beginning, the fewer surprises you’ll have at the end! Don’t assume anything. Bring your list of questions (see mine below) and jot down your OB’s responses.

This will help determinewhether to stick with your OB or to search for a better fit.

4. Create a clear birth plan.

Armed with your research, make a list of instructions. Give a copy to your spouse, your doctor, your doula, and any staff who will accept a copy. Include it with your pre-op paperwork.

Questions to consider for a natural c-section:

My purpose is not necessarily to answer these questions for you. I am not a medical professional! Instead, I wantto inspire you to startyour own research and come to your own conclusions. This list should provide a good starting point.

And remember: you are your own best advocate! There are very few things you must consent to. There is almost always another way.

Always do your own research!

How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (2)

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Your doctor

1. What is the OB’s position on VBACs?

In my own case, two breech babies led to two “necessary” c-sections. Which led to an automatic third c-section, even though my third baby was not breech.

My OB felt a VBAC after two cesareans was unnecessarily risky. However, I have a good friend whose OB allowed a VBAC after two cesareans–and everything went just fine.

2. What is the OB’s c-section rate?

If the rate is high, it may indicate a tendency towardunnecessary c-sections.

According to my research, the current national cesarean rate is about 33%. This is a significant increase fromthe 5% ratein 1970. The World Health Organization recommends a rate of 15%.

3. What is the atmosphere of the waiting room, exam rooms, etc?.

The friendliness of the staff and the comfort of the waiting room can impact the way you feel. And the way you feel can impact the overall health of your pregnancy.

How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (3)

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4. What is the typicalwait time to see the doctor?

This may seem silly, but if I saw my OB within one hour of my scheduled appointment time, it was a miracle. It was not unusual to wait at least two hours to see her.

Once I realized and accepted this, I could plan accordingly. I brought plenty of water and snacks. I embraced the opportunity for reading time.

Sometimes, however, it produced a stressful situation. And it often made me feel powerless.

5. How does the OB feel about your natural ways–supplements, essential oils, dietary protocols, etc.?

Though strictly conventional, my OB gave me no grief over my whole food prenatal vitamins and the slew of naturalsupplements I was taking. She did not require a prescription prenatal, for which I was grateful.

6. How many ultrasounds are required?

Many naturally-minded folks believe routine prenatal ultrasound can be harmful to babies. If you opt out of all or most ultrasounds, is your OB going to hassle you?

7. How latewill they allow you to deliver?

The benefits of waiting until at least 39 weeks are largely undisputed.

For my thirdc-section, I pushed for the latest surgery date possible. There was some dispute over my actual due date, and my OB agreed to use the latest date.

This meant Baby Bro was allowed to remain “in the oven” for as long as possible. I actually went into labor, which gave me the assurance that he was ready to come out.

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Your surgery

8. Who will deliver your baby if you go into labor early?

This happened to me, and I was assigned an on-call doctor I’d never met.

9. Are doulas allowed?

  • In the operating room?
  • Pre-op?
  • Recovery room?
  • Post partum?

Support from an advocate such as a doula can make a huge impact on the birth experience. The doula knows your birth plan. She can manage all the details and communicate with the doctor, surgery team and hospital staff.

This frees the parents to focus on the actual experience, and on bonding with their new baby.

10. Isdelayed clamping of the umbilical cord permitted?

A growing number of studies suggest that waiting to cut the umbilical cord offers compelling benefits to the baby.

How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (5)

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11. Is breastfeeding allowed right away, in the delivery room?

Nursing your new babyright away carries many benefits. Some hospitals will allow a c-section mom to nurse immediately, in the OR. Many hospitals do not.

If your hospital allows immediate breastfeeding in the OR, certain preparations will be required.

12. Cannewbornprocedures be delayed until the parents are ready?

Some hospitals allow for APGAR assessments to take place while baby is snuggling on mama’s chest. Some may agree to wait until after Baby’s first feeding.

13. Is kangaroo care allowed? Can you have skin-to-skin time with baby right away? If not, can Dad do kangaroo care?

Benefits abound for babies who snuggle skin-to-skin with Mom right away.

Too late, I discovered the hospital nearest my home allows immediate skin-to-skin time for c-section moms. Unfortunately, the hospital where our OB delivers does not.

This was one of my biggest disappointments, but we were able to make the best of the situation.

Thankfully, our surgery staff allowed me anunusually long cheek-to-cheek time with my new little guy in the OR. By the time they took Dad and Baby Bro out of the operating room, I was almostfinished getting stitched up. It wasn’t long at all until we were reunited in the recovery room.

In the meantime, Dad was allowed to do skin-to-skin time with Baby Bro. For us, this compromise was our best-case scenario.

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Your baby

14. CanBaby’s first bath be delayed?

There are a number of good reasons to wait 24 hours or more before bathing your new baby.

15. Will you be hassledfor avoiding standard procedures for newborns?

Be sure to find out official hospital policies and state regulations ahead of time. In our case, we were permitted to avoid every procedure except for the standard heel prick blood test which screens for a variety of diseases and genetic disorders.

A few standard procedures to consider:

  • eye ointment
  • vitamin K shot
  • PKU test
  • Hep B vaccine

16. Can Baby stay with you, in your room, at all times?

“Rooming in” with your newborn is linked to more successful breastfeeding, babies who cry less, and even a lower incidence of postpartum depression.

You can have a natural c-section

If you must have a c-section, it can still be as natural as possible. Find a baby-friendly hospital and an OB who respects your concerns. Arm yourself with good research, a solid birth plan, and an advocate in the form of your spouse or a doula.

Then enjoy the process of welcoming your baby to the world! Every baby is a blessing, no matter how they make their debut.

Have you experienced a c-section? What would you change or keep the same? Do you have tips for a family-friendly, natural c-section?

How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (7)

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How to Prepare for a Natural C-Section (2024)


What can you do to prepare yourself for a possible C-section? ›

5 tips to prepare for your C-section
  1. Restrict solid foods for eight hours before the C-section. ...
  2. Shower with a special soap. ...
  3. Don't shave your stomach or pubic area. ...
  4. Discuss with your doctor how incisions should be closed. ...
  5. Discuss pain management. ...
  6. Insert a Foley catheter. ...
  7. Prevent blood clots.
Mar 27, 2018

Should I shave my pubic hair before a C-section? ›

Shower #1: Night Before Surgery

Clean your body well. Do not shave any area of your body that is near the surgical site.

Why drink apple juice before a C-section? ›

Why should I drink clear liquids before a cesarean birth? Clear liquids and carbohydrate drinks give you energy to heal after delivery. You'll feel less hungry and more hydrated. If you have diabetes, drink only clear liquids.

What heals faster C-section or natural? ›

Healing is faster with vagin*l delivery

Even though you're sore after vagin*l delivery, your recovery time is much faster than with a C-section. When your perineum is torn or cut by your doctor, that lengthens your recovery time. However, in almost all cases, you can return to most activities within two weeks.

What to do the night before a C-section? ›

The Night Before Your C-section

Try to get a good night's sleep. You may brush your teeth in the morning. Check with your doctor if you are taking any medication. Take a shower before coming to the hospital.

What is more painful, a C-section or a natural birth? ›

During a cesarean section, you will most likely not feel much pain. However, after your C-section, you may experience quite a lot of pain. Recovery times following C-sections are also typically longer than those following natural birth. Ultimately, a natural birth may be more painful than a cesarean section.

What is the best last meal to eat before a C-section? ›

Once you've scheduled your C-section, day-before preparation includes: Fasting from food after midnight, or a light meal (such as crackers or toast) up to six hours before surgery. Clear fluids are encouraged if you are not diabetic (clear juice, coffee or tea without milk) up to two hours before surgery.

How soon after a C-section can you eat? ›

At first you may be asked to only eat ice chips or take sips of water, at least until your provider is certain you are not likely to have very heavy bleeding. Most likely, you will be able to eat a light diet 8 hours after your C-section.

How do I clean my private area after C-section? ›

You may use a squirt bottle instead of wiping to clean the perineum area after you go to the bathroom. As you start healing, use the squirt bottle before wiping yourself. Make sure to wipe gently. To relieve pain caused by an episiotomy, vagin*l tear, or hemorrhoids, try taking a warm sitz bath 2–3 times a day.

How to pee after a C-section? ›

Assisted births (forceps and ventouse) and Caesarean birth

The urine drains down the tubing into a collection bag which means you don't need to worry about having to go to the toilet. Once the catheter is removed, the maternity staff will advise you to try and pass urine (void) within four to six hours.

How to stay calm during a C-section? ›

The operating room often stays relaxed during C-sections. Some even let you play background music during the procedure. This might help you stay calm. Also learn about the drugs and anesthesia you will receive.

How to sleep after a C-section? ›

Avoid stomach sleeping until your incision has completely healed. Sleep on your back or side to reduce strain on your incision. You can also position yourself at a 45-degree upright position to prevent obstructive sleep apnea.

What is the golden hour after C-section? ›

What is the Golden Hour? The Golden Hour is a special period of skin-to-skin contact between a birthing parent and newborn for the first hour (or two) after birth.

How to reduce tummy after a C-section naturally? ›

There are several preventative steps that you can take to minimise your hanging belly after a c-section. These include moisturising regularly, ensuring you get enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating healthily, and exercising where possible.

What is childbirth pain equivalent to? ›

You may also experience a dull backache, feelings of pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, and sensations similar to those of intense menstrual cramping.

How can I reduce my chances of C-section? ›

Can you lower your risk of having a C-section?
  1. Keep track of your pregnancy weight gain. Women who gain too much weight have a heightened risk of a C-section. ...
  2. Stay active. ...
  3. Consider working with a doula. ...
  4. Choose your hospital and provider wisely. ...
  5. Take a childbirth class. ...
  6. Try relaxation techniques.
Feb 8, 2019

How to prep the abdomen for a cesarean section? ›

Preparation for cesarean surgical skin incision included: 1) Painting the abdomen with iodine from the navel to the groin 2) Wiping down the iodine with a sterile towel 3) Repeating this process three times before putting the drapes in place.

What do I need to bring to a planned C-section? ›

What to pack in your hospital-stay bag
  • your own nightgown and/or robe.
  • nursing bras or tanks and nursing pads (if you plan to breastfeed)
  • another pair of non-slip socks and/or slippers.
  • rubber shower shoes.
  • toiletries (i.e., toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)
Jul 21, 2020

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.