Jewish Sweet-And-Sour Stuffed Cabbage Recipe - (2024)


Submitted by Alan in SW Florida

"Whether you call them holishkes, praches, or just plain stuffed cabbage, these cabbage rolls are the real deal. The sweet-sour sauce and savory meat filling contrast nicely."


Jewish Sweet-And-Sour Stuffed Cabbage Recipe - (2) Jewish Sweet-And-Sour Stuffed Cabbage Recipe - (3)

Ready In:
2hrs 30mins





  • Cabbage Rolls

  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 14 cup diced onion
  • 2 lbs lean ground beef
  • 2 eggs
  • 12 cup water
  • 12 cup uncooked rice
  • 12 teaspoon salt
  • 14 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 large head cabbage
  • Sweet-Sour Sauce

  • 1 (16 ounce) can diced tomatoes
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato puree
  • 1 cup water
  • 14 cup diced onion
  • 13 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 6 ginger snaps, crumbled
  • 13 cup raisins
  • 12 teaspoon salt



  • TO MAKE THE CABBAGE ROLLS: Heat the oil in a skillet and saute' the onions until golden. In a large bowl, combine the ground beef with the eggs, water, rice, salt and pepper. Add the sauteed onions to the beef mixture and mix well. Set aside.
  • Core the cabbage and separate into leaves. Place the leaves in a large pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes. Drain and cool the leaves until they can be easily handled.
  • Cut the large leaves in half, removing the hard core. Place about 3 tablespoons of the meat mixture on a leaf. Fold the edges toward the center and roll up. Repeat until all the leaves are used. Place the the rolls in a large pot with the edges down, piling one on top of another, and separating them with a few of the small cabbage leaves.
  • TO MAKE THE SAUCE: In a saucepan, combine the tomatoes, tomato puree, water, onions, brown sugar, honey, lemon juice, ginger snaps, raisins, and salt. Simmer for 10 minutes, then taste and adjust the sweet and sour to your liking. Pour the sauce over the cabbage rolls, cover, and cook GENTLY on top the stove for 1 1/2 hours.

Questions & Replies

Jewish Sweet-And-Sour Stuffed Cabbage Recipe - (4)

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  1. I know everyone hates it when someone changes the recipe and reviews it, but I have to do so because I didn't have some of the ingredients. So sue me! The point is, you can use what you have on hand and use this recipe as your inspiration!<br/><br/> This recipe is excellent. I used the basic measurements as listed but substituted the lemon juice with red wine vinegar (I might have used cider vinegar if I'd had it) I also par boiled 1/3 cup rice in 3/4 cup water for 10 minutes because I didn't want to take a chance that the rice wouldn't cook through. I also added 1 tsp crushed thyme to the meat mixture...cuz I had it!! I didn't use the honey because I didn't have that either. Once the rolls came to a simmer, I removed it from the heat and baked it in the oven, lid on, at 325 for 1 1/2 hours because I had company and didn't want to be interupted. In spite of my changes, this recipe got rave reviews from my family and guests. I got 14 rolls from this recipe. I will definately make this again. Thanks, Alan...good job!


  2. These are just too delicious. Yes need to make more sauce, and I cook it same time but in the oven at 350. Also, my mom who was a fantastic cook, used apricot jam to make it sweet. Just try it!


  3. Loved the sauce in this recipe. My problem was that the rice did not cook well. I will make this again, but cook the rice first (at least half way). I used brown rice and beyond beef. I would also double the sauce next time. This recipe tastes a lot like my mom's.


  4. I love cabbage rolls with raisins. In my family we used a trio of beef, pork and lamb with a single egg and a simple tomato sauce of Heinz tomato soup with raisins. It's great. An easy way to prepare the cabbage leaves is in the microwave in a shallow covered dish with water. Faster than boiling them.

    Sadie K.

  5. you are missing hwo many eggs are needed in the rolls




  1. I know everyone hates it when someone changes the recipe and reviews it, but I have to do so because I didn't have some of the ingredients. So sue me! The point is, you can use what you have on hand and use this recipe as your inspiration!<br/><br/> This recipe is excellent. I used the basic measurements as listed but substituted the lemon juice with red wine vinegar (I might have used cider vinegar if I'd had it) I also par boiled 1/3 cup rice in 3/4 cup water for 10 minutes because I didn't want to take a chance that the rice wouldn't cook through. I also added 1 tsp crushed thyme to the meat mixture...cuz I had it!! I didn't use the honey because I didn't have that either. Once the rolls came to a simmer, I removed it from the heat and baked it in the oven, lid on, at 325 for 1 1/2 hours because I had company and didn't want to be interupted. In spite of my changes, this recipe got rave reviews from my family and guests. I got 14 rolls from this recipe. I will definately make this again. Thanks, Alan...good job!



Alan in SW Florida


  • 338 Recipes

<p>I recently celebrated my 19th anniversary living in SW Florida. I moved here from Massachusetts, just north of Boston. As much as I miss family back home, I truly love living here - the beaches, the tropical beauty, the people, and the weather (except the hurricanes!). Everyday is just another day in Paradise. I work at the new international airport here in Fort Myers. I have an opportunity to meet many different and interesting people from around the world. I've had an interest in cooking since I was a little boy, following my grandmother around the kitchen. Since I wasn't blessed with any artistic or musical talent, I think cooking was my way of being creative. My passion is my family and friends. My second passion is cooking for them. My favorite way to entertain is informally...brunches, cookouts, and small dinner parties. Just relaxing, enjoying each other's company, some good food and drink, and a little fun are the only rules of the house.</p>

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Jewish Sweet-And-Sour Stuffed Cabbage Recipe  - (2024)
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