Keen On Kindergarten (2024)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Math Work Stations

I don't know who loves math work stations more-me or my students! It is one of the few parts of our day that is actually going very smoothly. Here's what we're up to this week:

Keen On Kindergarten (1)

Station 1: Counting Game

(The kids count how many objects areon thepicture card and match it to the corresponding number card. Each kid in the partnership gets their own little baggie of picture and number cardsto work with.)

Keen On Kindergarten (2)

Station 2: Apple in my Lunch Game

(Kids roll a dice and place a cube on the apple that has that number. This game is from Mrs. Wills' Back to School Math Work Stations Pack-you can download iton TPT here.I have slightly adapted Deedee's awesome game, and give each kid in the partnership a gameboard and whoever covers all of their apples first wins.)

Keen On Kindergarten (3)

Station 3: Lego Spin and Graph

(Students spin the spinner and then color in what color lego they spun on the corresponding graph-download this free game here)

Keen On Kindergarten (4)

Station 4: Zoo Game

(Students roll a dice and then place that many zoo animals (actually erasers) on their math mat. Download the freemath mat here)

Keen On Kindergarten (5)

Station 5: Race to Trace

(Student roll the dice and trace the number they rolled on their paper. Download this free game from Sharri Sloanehere)

Keen On Kindergarten (6)

Station 6: Lacing Bead Patterns

(Students make patterns using the lacing beads Target was selling in the dollar spot this summer)

Keen On Kindergarten (7)

Station 7: More or Less Game

(Kids each take a picture card and count how many objects are in the picture. Then they spin the spinner to see if the kid with more or less in their picture wins the cards. This game is also from Mrs. Wills' Back to School Math Work Stations Pack-you can download iton TPT here)

Keen On Kindergarten (8)

Station 8: Lego Patterns

(Students pick a paper showing a lego pattern, copy the pattern using the legos, and then try to extend the pattern (actually I think these blocks are technically called Duplos). To download this free game click here)

Station 9: Pattern Block Exploration (Sorry-forgot to take a picture!)

Station 10: Making Numbers out of Wikki Stix (Again sorry-forgot to take a picture!)

I really like how much math practice my kindergarteners are getting each day as a result of the math stations-and they are working on reinforcing so many different math skills too! One thing I haven't decided yet is how often I will change the math station tubs out. Right now they are getting to do 2 math stations a day, so they get through all 10 in the course of a week. So I am thinking they should be able to go at least 2 or 3 weeks before I change them out. And I have also considered just changing the games slightly to make them more seasonal so the kids are working on the same skills butwith different clipart or game pieces that will make it seem fresh. I really hate to take too much of my math time to teach them new stations (because it took forever to teach them these, model correct behavior with each game, etc.). Of course I'm sure that I'll always have a few math work stations that focus on whatever skills we're learning in our current math chapter and then the other stations will all be review.

I'd love to see what stations everyone else is doing for math (or for literacy!). Please share any ideas or tips you have!

Keen On Kindergarten (9)

Posted byMeredithat9:18 PM2 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (10)

Labels:back to school,math games,math work stations

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gearing up for week 3!

After2 weeks with my new kindergarten students I am still feeling exhausted! This week was better than week 1, but the improvement is slow. I certainly have a few little ones that are testing my limits! I think I just have a rambunctious group this year! This week I am planning to work a lot more on getting to know each other, building community, and developing social skills. Anyone have any good suggestions of activities or books for doing this? Here are two books I know I need to read because we have had a few little incidents!

Keen On Kindergarten (11) Keen On Kindergarten (12)

Our class just doesn't feel like a family yet, and my kiddos are starting to get on each others' nerves by the end of the day! I did not have these challenges with my students last year, but I know each group is different. We have been working a lot onclassroom behavior and learning our routines. I have always used a stoplight for behavior, like the ones below that have green, yellow, orange, and red apples and kids' clips are moved after a warning.

Keen On Kindergarten (13)

However, I felt like this class needed a bit of an extra incentive, and since we are working so hard on using quiet voices in the classroom, I made us a jarfor "quiet critters" and whenever the studentsare working quietly, cleaning up quietly, walking in the hall quietly, etc. we can earn them.

Keen On Kindergarten (14)

So far it is working and thekids are very excited about earning "quiet critters" (they are actually just some pom-pom critters I happened to have lying around, but I told the kids they only come out when it is quiet-they don't like noise!). When the jar is full we'll earn a class treat. I'm thinking maybe some popcorn and watching the Leapfrog Letter Factory DVD. 

Even though my kinders have been a bit of a challenging bunch, one thing that has been going very well for us are our literacy and math work stations. These are my favorite times of the day. My kids are already pros at reading the work board and figuring out what stations they are assigned to for the day, and they have learned a lot of different station activities already. I have always done literacy work stations, but this is the first year I am doing math work stations. Honestly, I just can't believe I never thought to do math stations before, because they are so wonderful. My kids love their stations and are learning so much-and of course it is freeing up lots of time for me to assess kids (and hopefully I can start working with small groups soon).

I will have to post more on our work stations later in the week-I really need to get back to blogging regularly again - I miss all of my blogging friends! I hope the beginning of school is going well for all of you and that you're not feeling quite as tired as I am!

Keen On Kindergarten (15)

Posted byMeredithat7:52 PM5 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (16)

Labels:back to school,behavior,books

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Wow-after just 3 days of school I am exhausted! I'm thrilled tomorrow is Friday-I will really need the weekend to recharge and get ready for a full week of kindergarten next week.

I can't decide if I have just blocked out my memories of how difficult the first week of kindergarten is, or if my class this year is just extra challenging! I just don't remember it being this hard last year!

The worst parts of my day by farare the transition times-I truly dread having to get them all organized for lunch and dismissal-andlining upand walking down the long hall to our special classes (art, music, P.E.) takes forever. I know it will get better as they get into a routine-but it is so hard to be patient and remind them 100 times about the right way to do things in school. I have been trying to use little songs and rhymes whenever possible to help things along.

I have been pretty ambitious this week and started both my literacy stations in the morning and math work stations in the afternoon. We have been reviewingand modeling whatthey can do (and can't do)at each station every day(boy does this take along time!) and also doing lots of whole class reflection after each station about what went well and what they want to try to do better.For the most part the stations have been VERY simple (for example some of the math stations werepattern blocks, number puzzles, counting bears, and making numbers with wikki stix). I've alsobeen keeping the rotationsvery short!I think I let them do each station for about 8 minutes- because that was about how long they could focus and I really don't want them getting into any mischief at their stations! So far my kiddos have mastered a few important rules like:

1. You can't leave your station and wander around and pick a new one!
2. You can't put anything at the stations in your mouth-seriously!
3. After stations we go out to recess (okay how can they not remember any of the rules and procedures we talk about yet half the class remembered that recess was right after our literacy stations! I guess they only remember the really important stuff!!)

I was feeling a bit down after the first two days of school since they were so very challenging- but day 3 today went a bit more smoothly. Maybe that's because we started off our day with an introduction to Pete the Cat, who the kids absolutely adore. Wekept singing his song, and reading his books, and watching his YouTube videos every chance we got today and that helped keep everything upbeat!

Another big hit today was the "magic playdoh"-I have to thank Jill at Marvelous Multiagers for this idea. It was truly magical as no one ate the playdoh and no playdoh ended up stuck in the carpet orcrumbled in chair pockets or smashedin children's hair! They really just played with it-and pretty quietly too! The magic part is that you put a little dot of food coloring in the middle of the white ball of homemade playdoh and as the kids roll the playdoh around in their handsit changes colors. The kids were amazed-and there were tears when I suggested the playdoh stay at school so we could play with it tomorrow instead of bringing it home!!

I hope all you bloggers out there have a good start tothe school year and if you have any words of advice-please share!
Keen On Kindergarten (17)

Posted byMeredithat7:26 PM7 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (18)

Labels:back to school

Monday, August 15, 2011

Classroom Pics!

I feel like I have been living at school lately! After putting in some VERY long hours this last week I feel like my classroom is finally coming together. I'm not sure I'm ready for school to start tomorrow though! Here are some pictures of my kindergarten classroom (I have taken so many great ideas from other bloggers-as I'm sure you'll see in the pics-so please don't think I came up with everything!).

Keen On Kindergarten (19)

This is the view you get when you first walk through the door.

Keen On Kindergarten (20)

Here is my whole group teaching area.

Keen On Kindergarten (21)

Here is my calendar wall (my math work station tubs are numbered and ready to go on the shelf below).

Keen On Kindergarten (22)

Here is my classroom library-it is my favorite part of the room!

Keen On Kindergarten (23)

Here is a close-up of one of the library shelves.

Keen On Kindergarten (24)

On top of this shelf is the leveled section of my library.

Keen On Kindergarten (25)

I plan to read theclass many stories from this comfy green chair I got at Target.

Keen On Kindergarten (26)

Here is my bulletin board with my lovely tissue paper flowers hanging above.

Keen On Kindergarten (27)

Here isthe writing center.

Keen On Kindergarten (28)

Here is the alphabet center.

Keen On Kindergarten (29)

Here is the drama center-so many puppets!

Keen On Kindergarten (30)

Here is my art easel and my sand table (which is full of play-doh activities right now).

Keen On Kindergarten (31)

Here is the housekeeping center.

Keen On Kindergarten (32)

Here is the listening center.

Keen On Kindergarten (33)

Here is the science center.

Keen On Kindergarten (34)

Here is the pocket chart center.

Keen On Kindergarten (35)

Here is the blocks center (later in the year the big book center will be here on the rug).

Keen On Kindergarten (36)

Here is where I keep my wordwork activities.

Keen On Kindergarten (37)

Here is my guided reading table.

Looks like the kids will have a great view of the playground as I am trying to teach them!

Keen On Kindergarten (38)

Right next to my guided reading tableis my "teacher area" to help keep me organized!

Keen On Kindergarten (39)

Here is a view from the back of the room.

You can see my 4 student tables and then past them aremy cubbiesagainst the sidewall.

I have a few more pictures I'll have to post later in the week-but right now I'm off to prepare my plans for the first day of school! Hopefully everything goes smoothly tomorrow-I'm getting a little nervous since I have 21 students this year and I've never had so many before (I know lots of you bloggers have even more students than that-so I'll just be thankful I only have 21!).

Several bloggers are having classroom photo linky parties. Head on over to "Pocket Full of Kinders", "Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher", and "Teaching Blog Addict" to link up and check out all the neat classroom pics!

Keen On Kindergarten (40)

Posted byMeredithat3:10 PM31 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (41)

Labels:back to school,classroom pictures

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Looking for Math Games?

I'm super excited to be starting math work stations in my classroom this year. I know my kindergarten students will benefit from all of the hands on math practice! Here are a few math games I've created-I'm using the little foam shapes from Target's dollar spot as game pieces, but you could certainly use something else!

Keen On Kindergarten (42)

Keen On Kindergarten (43)

Just click on the titles of the games todownload your own copies!

If you're interested in more uses for the little foam shapes, head on over to the Target Treasures blog where I am guest blogging today. There you'll find my top 10 list for ways to use foam blocks.

Keen On Kindergarten (47)

Posted byMeredithat10:19 AM9 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (48)

Labels:back to school,math games,math work stations,Target

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Full Day K!

I just got some great news today- I will be teaching a full day kindergarten class this school year. HOORAY!

Keen On Kindergarten (49)

I am pretty excited about this since for the last 3 years I've taught half day kindergarten. I can't believe I will get to have my students all day- no more rushing and cramming everything into 3 hours! It sure solves the problem of how to fit math work stations into my schedule! Even though I had 2 wonderful classes last year, I am not going to miss writing 2 sets of report cards, having 2 sets of parent conferences, going on field trips twice, or repeating my day at noon!

Now, I know full day kindergarten has its own challenges. So, please, give me your best advice if you teach full day. How do I deal with kiddos getting tired and cranky in the afternoon (I can't send them home at lunch time anymore!). I do know that my school allows for a rest time after lunch and the kids bring rest mats. I know my kids will also get an a.m. and p.m. recess.I have no experience with helping kinders do a lunch count in the morning, or evenlearning their lunch numbers for the cafeteria though.Mostly, I'm wondering how I make the full days move quickly those first few weeks when they seem so long...
Keen On Kindergarten (50)

Posted byMeredithat6:01 PM8 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (51)

Labels:back to school

Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Crafts!

I have just had a weekend full of crafts! I did not stop after making the tissue paper flowers and the paper lantern caterpillar yesterday...I just kept going!I've finally gotten around to making several of the cute things I found on Pinterest and I'm very excited to get these crafts into my classroom to start decorating!

The most time consuming craft I did involved spray paint. I have been seeing this craft all over the internet lately and just had to give it a try. I spray painted several jars and they turned out great!

Keen On Kindergarten (52)Keen On Kindergarten (53)

Keen On Kindergarten (54)Keen On Kindergarten (55)Keen On Kindergarten (56)

Here are my spray painting tips:
1. Spray paint outside (the fumes are terrible-you will probably want a mask too-I wish I'd had one!)
2. Lay down lots of newspaper- more than you think you'll need (the spray paint goes everywhere!)
3. Be patient- do many light coats and let the paint dry between coats (if you spray on too much paint you get drips!)

I'm going to bring some in to school to put on my desk to organize my supplies. I'm also going to keep some of the jars at home and plant flowers in them- I think they will look lovely on my kitchen windowsill. I think I might even spray paint a few more jars, but this time try spraying the inside of the jars so they look more glossy.

Keen On Kindergarten (57)

Keen On Kindergarten (58)

I had never used spray paint before...but I'm afraid that I'm addicted now! It's amazing how easily a coat of paint transforms something (okay, more like 5 coats of paint, but still!). I'm on the lookout for other things I can spray paint now since I have so much left over paint. Any ideas for me? Has anyone ever spray painted something really say a beat-up oldbookcase with chipped paint that looks terrible in their classroom (I might just have a few of these...).

Here's a sneak peek at my next craft...

Keen On Kindergarten (59)

I bought this huge stack of scrapbook paper at Michaels. I lucked out and was able to use a half off coupon so it was only $10 instead of $20. My plan is to run up to school tomorrow and use the die-cut machine on this scrapbook paper to cut out the entire alphabet A-Z. Then, I want to string it together to make a garland like this fantastic one I found here.

Keen On Kindergarten (60)

Wouldn't this look amazing hung on one of the walls in my classroom? I know mine won't look exactly the same-but hopefully it is similar. I'll let you know how it goes!

Keen On Kindergarten (61)

Posted byMeredithat6:40 PM4 comments: Keen On Kindergarten (62)

Labels:back to school,crafts

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