m- · NECC 82, National Educational Computing Conference,June28-30, KansasCity, Missouri. Contact E. Michael Staman, University of Mis-souri, ComputerServices, 305Jesse - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • m-· NECC 82, National Educational Computing Conference,June28-30, KansasCity, Missouri. Contact E. Michael Staman, University of Mis-souri, ComputerServices, 305Jesse


Conferences in which the Computer Society is a sponsor or participant are indicated by the IEEE Computer Society logo; other conferences of interest to our readers are also included. For listing in Calendar, submit information six weeks before the month of publication-e.g., for the August 1982 issue, send information for receipt by June 15, 1982-to COMPUTER, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. June 1982 Fourth Annual International Symposium on Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine, June 2-4, London, England. Contact Prof. J.P. Payne, Symposium Chairman, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC 2 A 3PN, England; tele. 01602-3252. ICCAS 82, 1982 IFIP-IFAC Intemational Con- ference on Computer Applications in the Auto- mation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design, June 7-10, Annapolis, Maryland. Contact Prof. David F. Rogers, ICCAS 82 Office, Computer Aided Design/interactive Graphics Group, Divi- sion of Engineering & Weapons, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402; (301) 267-3283. & National Computer Conference, June 7- 10, Houston, Texas. Contact AFIPS, 1815 N. Lynn St., Arlington, VA 22209. Sixth IFAC Symposium on System Identifica- tion and Parameter Estimation, June 7-11, Washington, DC. Contact George A. Bekey, Dept. of EE, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90007; (213) 743-2995. First Afcet Conference on Software Engineer- ing, June 8-10, Paris, France. Contact Afcet, 156 Bld Pereire, F. 75017 Paris, France; tele. 766-24-19. ICC 82, International Conference on Communi- cations (IEEE et al.), June 13-17, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact Merrill W. Buckley, Jr., RCA Missile and Surface Radar, Moorestown, NJ 08057; (609) 778-2554. & Medgraph 82, June 13-17, Anaheim, Cali- W fornia. Contact Larry T. Cook, The Univer- sity of Kansas, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Health Sciences and Hospital, 39th and Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS66103; (913) 588-6800. NCGA 82, The National Computer Graphics Association's Third Annual Conference and Ex- position, June 13-17, Anaheim, California. Con- tact NCGA, 2033 M St. NW, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 466-5895. 4 PRIP 82, Conference on Pattem Recog- nition and Image Processing, June 13-17, Las Vegas, Nevada. (Tutorials: June 13-14; Con- ference:June 15-17.) Contact PRIP, PO Box 639, Silver Spring, MD 20901; (301) 589-3386. + 19th Design Automation Conference, June 14-16, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact Design Automation Conference, PO Box 639, Si Iver Spri ng, M D 20901; (301) 589-3386. Eurocon 82, Fifth European Conference on Elec- trotechnics (IEEE et al.), June 14-18, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Contact DIEU, Danish Engi- neers' Post Graduate Institute, The Technical University of Denmark, Bldg. 208, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. ICISA, International Conference on Information Systems Auditing, June 16-18, Milano, Italy. Contact Giorgio Caldara, Sperry Univac, Via Pola 9, 20124 Milano, Italy. 21st Annual ACM/NBS Technical Symposium, June 17, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Contact J. Stephen Schiavo, 7122 Hanks Place, Spring- field, VA 22153; (202) 984-5117. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 20-24, College Sta- tion, Texas. Contact American Society for Engi- neering Education, Suite 400, One Dupont Cir- cle, Washington, DC 20036. ACM Sigoa Conference on Office Information Systems, June 21-23, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. Contact Marylu Buono, 7B-201, Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974; (201) 582-2583. Workshop on Management and Office Informa- tionSystems,June21-23,Chicago, Illinois. Con- tact Dr. S. K. Chang, Knowledge Systems In- stitute, PO Box 41, Glencoe, IL 60022. ACM Sigplan 82: Symposium on Compiler Con- struction, June 21-25, Boston, Massachusetts. (Tutorial: June 21-22; Symposium: June 23-25.) Contact Dr. Bruce S. Knobe, Intermetrics, Inc. MS/8, 733 Concord Ave., Boston, MA 02138 IEEE Intemational Symposium on Information Theory, June 21-25, Les Arcs, France. Contact Prof. Carl W. Helstrom, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, C0014, Uni- versity of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093; (714) 452-3816. FTCS-12, 1982 International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, June 22-24, Santa Monica, California. Contact David A. Ren- nels, UCLA, 3743 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90024; (213) 825-2660. Second International Conference on Data Bases: Improving Usability and Responsive- ness, June 22-24, Jerusalem, Israel. Contact Peter Scheuermann, Dept. of Electrical Engi- neering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60201; (312) 492-7141. Infodial, International Congress and Exhibition on Data Bases and Data Banks, June 22-25, Paris, France. Contact SICOB, 6, place de Valois, F-75001 Paris, France; tele. (1) 261 52 42. Comdex Spring 82, June 28-30, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Contact The Interface Group, PO Box 927, Framingham, MA 01701; (617) 879- 4502. Information and the Transformation of Society, June 28-30, Dublin, Ireland. Contact Conference Officer, Information and the Transformation of Society, Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, Ballymun Rd., Dublin 9, Ireland; tele. (01) 370101. 126 COMPUTER m-

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Conferences in which the Computer Society is a sponsor or participant are indicated by the IEEEComputer Society logo; other conferences of interest to our readers are also included. For listingin Calendar, submit information six weeks before the month of publication-e.g., for the August1982 issue, send information for receipt by June 15, 1982-to COMPUTER, 10662 Los VaquerosCircle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720.

June 1982

Fourth Annual International Symposium onComputers in Critical Care and PulmonaryMedicine, June 2-4, London, England. ContactProf. J.P. Payne, Symposium Chairman, RoyalCollege of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln'sInn Fields, London WC 2 A 3PN, England; tele.01602-3252.

ICCAS 82, 1982 IFIP-IFAC Intemational Con-ference on Computer Applications in the Auto-mation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design,June 7-10, Annapolis, Maryland. Contact Prof.David F. Rogers, ICCAS 82 Office, ComputerAided Design/interactive Graphics Group, Divi-sion of Engineering & Weapons, United StatesNaval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402; (301)267-3283.

& National Computer Conference, June 7-10, Houston, Texas. Contact AFIPS, 1815

N. Lynn St., Arlington, VA 22209.

Sixth IFAC Symposium on System Identifica-tion and Parameter Estimation, June 7-11,Washington, DC. Contact George A. Bekey,Dept. of EE, University of Southern California,Los Angeles, CA 90007; (213) 743-2995.

First Afcet Conference on Software Engineer-ing, June 8-10, Paris, France. Contact Afcet, 156Bld Pereire, F. 75017 Paris, France; tele.766-24-19.

ICC 82, International Conference on Communi-cations (IEEE et al.), June 13-17, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Contact Merrill W. Buckley, Jr.,RCA Missile and Surface Radar, Moorestown,NJ 08057; (609) 778-2554.

& Medgraph 82, June 13-17, Anaheim, Cali-W fornia. Contact Larry T. Cook, The Univer-

sity of Kansas, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology,College of Health Sciences and Hospital, 39thand Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS66103; (913)588-6800.

NCGA 82, The National Computer GraphicsAssociation's Third Annual Conference and Ex-position, June 13-17, Anaheim, California. Con-tact NCGA, 2033 M St. NW, Suite 330,Washington, DC 20036; (202) 466-5895.

4 PRIP 82, Conference on Pattem Recog-nition and Image Processing, June 13-17,

Las Vegas, Nevada. (Tutorials: June 13-14; Con-ference:June 15-17.) Contact PRIP, PO Box 639,Silver Spring, MD 20901; (301) 589-3386.

+ 19th Design Automation Conference,June 14-16, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact

Design Automation Conference, PO Box 639,Si Iver Spri ng, M D 20901; (301) 589-3386.

Eurocon 82, Fifth European Conference on Elec-trotechnics (IEEE et al.), June 14-18, Copen-hagen, Denmark. Contact DIEU, Danish Engi-neers' Post Graduate Institute, The TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, Bldg. 208, DK-2800Lyngby, Denmark.

ICISA, International Conference on InformationSystems Auditing, June 16-18, Milano, Italy.Contact Giorgio Caldara, Sperry Univac, ViaPola 9, 20124 Milano, Italy.

21st Annual ACM/NBS Technical Symposium,June 17, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Contact J.Stephen Schiavo, 7122 Hanks Place, Spring-field, VA 22153; (202) 984-5117.

American Society for Engineering EducationAnnual Conference, June 20-24, College Sta-tion, Texas. Contact American Society for Engi-neering Education, Suite 400, One Dupont Cir-cle, Washington, DC 20036.

ACM Sigoa Conference on Office InformationSystems, June 21-23, Philadelphia, Penn-sylvania. Contact Marylu Buono, 7B-201, BellLaboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill,NJ 07974; (201) 582-2583.

Workshop on Management and Office Informa-tionSystems,June21-23,Chicago, Illinois. Con-tact Dr. S. K. Chang, Knowledge Systems In-stitute, PO Box 41, Glencoe, IL 60022.

ACM Sigplan 82: Symposium on Compiler Con-struction, June 21-25, Boston, Massachusetts.(Tutorial: June 21-22; Symposium: June 23-25.)Contact Dr. Bruce S. Knobe, Intermetrics, Inc.MS/8, 733 Concord Ave., Boston, MA 02138

IEEE Intemational Symposium on InformationTheory, June 21-25, Les Arcs, France. ContactProf. Carl W. Helstrom, Dept. of ElectricalEngineering and ComputerScience, C0014, Uni-versity of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA92093; (714) 452-3816.

FTCS-12, 1982 International Symposiumon Fault-Tolerant Computing, June 22-24,

Santa Monica, California. Contact David A. Ren-nels, UCLA, 3743 Boelter Hall, Los Angeles, CA90024; (213) 825-2660.

Second International Conference on DataBases: Improving Usability and Responsive-ness, June 22-24, Jerusalem, Israel. ContactPeter Scheuermann, Dept. of Electrical Engi-neering and Computer Science, NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, IL 60201; (312) 492-7141.

Infodial, International Congress and Exhibitionon Data Bases and Data Banks, June 22-25,Paris, France. Contact SICOB, 6, place deValois, F-75001 Paris, France; tele. (1) 261 52 42.

Comdex Spring 82, June 28-30, Atlantic City,New Jersey. Contact The Interface Group, POBox 927, Framingham, MA 01701; (617) 879-4502.

Information and the Transformation of Society,June 28-30, Dublin, Ireland. Contact ConferenceOfficer, Information and the Transformation ofSociety, Institute for Industrial Research andStandards, Ballymun Rd., Dublin 9, Ireland; tele.(01) 370101.



NECC 82, National Educational ComputingConference, June 28-30, Kansas City, Missouri.Contact E. Michael Staman, University of Mis-souri, Computer Services, 305 Jesse Hall, Col-umbia, Missouri 65211.

Videotex 82, June 28-30, New York, New York.Contact Online Conferences Limited, ArgyleHouse, Joel St., Northwood Hills, HA6 1TS, Mid-dlesex, UK.

Conference on Precision ElectromagneticMeasurements, June 28-July 1, Boulder, Col-orado. Contact Dee Belsher, National Bureau ofStandards, 1-4001, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO80303; (303) 497-3981.

July 19821982 International Conference on AdvancedAutomation, July 13-15, Taipei, Taiwan, Repub-lic of China. Contact Prof. Julius T. Tou, Centerfor Information Research, University of Florida,Gainesville, FL 32611; (902) 392-0932.

Communications and the Future, World FutureSociety's Fourth General Assembly, July 18-22,Washington, DC. Contact 1982 Assembly Com-mittee, World Future Society, 4916 St. ElmoAve., Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Ju-ly 19-21, Denver, Colorado. Contact Marvin F.Anderson, Dept. of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Colorado, 1100 14thSt., Denver, CO 80202; (303) 629-2685.

^,Symposium on Reliability in DistributedSoftware and Data Base Systems, July

19-21, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Tutorial: July19; Conference: July 20-21.) Contact Prof.Bharat Bhargava, Dept. of Computer Science,A-319, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA15260.

CAD Ed 82, Second International Conferenceand Exhibition on CAD/CAM, July 19-22, Man-chester, England. Contact Suzanne Mayhew,Scientific and Technical Studies, NorwichHouse, 11/13 Norwich St., London EC4A 1AB;tele. 01-242 248/5.

Harvard Computer Graphics Week 1982, July25-30, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ContactAllan H. Schmidt, Harvard Graduate School ofDesign, 520 Gund Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138;(617) 495-2526.

International Conference on Electronic ImageProcessing, July 26-28, York, England. ContactIEE Conference Dept., Savoy Place, LondonWC2R OBL, UK.

Siggraph 82, Ninth Annual Conference onComputer Graphics and Interactive Tech-

niques, July 26-30, Boston, Massachusetts.Contact Siggraph 82, Convention ServicesDept., 111 East Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60601;(312) 644-6610.

August 1982Performance Evaluation of Computer Systemsand Networks at IMACS-10, August 8-13, Mon-treal, Canada. Contact IMACS, c/o Dept. of Com-puter Science, Rutgers University, New Bruns-wick, NJ 08903.

Second International Conference in ComputerScience, August 9-13, Santiago, Chile. ContactProf. Daniel M. Berry, 3531 G. Boelter Hall, Com-puter Science Dept., University of California,Los Angeles, CA 90024.

1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and FunctionalProgramming, August 15-18, Pittsburgh, Penn-sylvania. Contact Guy L. Steele, Jr., Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; (412)578-2586.

&X ASME Second International ComputerEngineering Conference and Show,

August 15-19, San Diego, California. Contact Ir-win Berman, Foster Wheeler DevelopmentCorp., 12 Peach Tree Hill Rd., Livingston, NJ07039.

Apple Fair, August 21, New York, New York.Contact Gary Weinstein, Teachers Insuranceand Annuity Association of America, 730 ThirdAve., New York, NY 10017; (212) 490-9000, ext.2757.

+ Computer Vision: Representation andControl, August 23-25, Rindge, New

Hampshire. Contact Dr. Robert Haralick, VPI &State Unviersity, Dept of EE, Blacksburg, VA24601; (703) 961-6819.

4i 1982 International Conference on ParallelProcessing, August 24-27, Bellaire, Michi-

gan. Contact Dr. Tse-yun Feng, Dept. of Com-puter and Information Science, The Ohio StateUniversity, 2036 Neil Ave. Mall, Columbus, OH43210; (614) 422-1408.

25th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Sys-tems, August 30-31, Houghton, Michigan. Con-tact Prof. Paul Lewis, Dept. of EE, MichiganTechnological University, Houghton, Ml 49931.

September 1982

ECICS 82, European Conference on IntegratedInteractive Computing Systems, September 1 -3,Stresa, Italy. Contact Maria Simi, Istituto diScienze dell'Informazione, Corso Italia 40,1-56100 Pisa, Italy; tele. 39 50 40862.

& Second International Symposium on Dis-tributed Data Bases, September 1-3, West

Berlin,Germany. Contact Prof. Dr. Hans-JochenSchneider, Technische Universitat Berlin, KU-Al,Kurfurstendamm 202, D-1000 Berlin 15, Germany.Euromicro 82, September 5-9, Haifa, Israel. Con-tact M. Yoeli, Computer Science Dept., Tech-nion-lsrael Institute of Technology, TechnionCity, Haifa 32000, Israel; tele. (972) (4) 225111.

ICCC 82, Sixth International Conference onComputer Communication, September 7-10,London, England. Contact ICCC 82, PO Box 23,Northwood Hills HA6 1TT, Middlesex, UK.

Eurographics 82, September 8-10, Manchester,England. Contact Eurographics, 170A Park Rd.,Peterborough, England PE1 2QF.

+ Practical Approaches to High-AvailabilityComputer Systems, IEEE Computer So-

ciety Western Area Committee 21st AnnualLake Arrowhead Workshop, September 8-10,Lake Arrowhead, California. Attendance will beby invitation. Apply by June 1,1982, to Jim Gray,Conference Chairman, Tandem Computers,19333 Vallco Parkway, Cupertino, CA 95014;(408) 725-6212.

ASME 1982 Design Automation Conference,September 12-15, Washington, DC. (Not to beconfused with the IEEE Computer Society/ACMAnnual Design Automation Conference.) Con-tact Prof. Kenneth M. Ragsdell, Purdue Universi-ty, School of Mechanical Engineering, WestLafayette, IN 47907; (317) 494-8607.

VLSI Packaging Workshop (IEEE et al.), Septem-ber 13-14, Gaithersburg, Maryland. ContactGeorge G. Harman, Room B344 TechnologyBldg., National Bureau of Standards, Washing-ton, DC 20234; (301) 921-3621.

& Sixth International Conference on Soft-ware Engineering, September 13-16,

Tokyo, Japan. Contact Sixth International Con-ference on Software Engineering, PO Box 639,Silver Spring, MD 20901; (301) 589-3386.

Wescon and Mini/Micro 82 (IEEE et al.), Septem-ber 14-16, Anaheim, California. Contact Elec-tronic Conventions, Inc., 999 North SepulvedaBlvd., El Segundo, CA 90245; (213) 772-2965.

, Compcon Fall 82, September2O-24, Wash-ington, DC. Contact Compcon Fall 82, PO

Box 639, SilverSpring, MD 20901; (301)589-3386.

ISSLE 82, International Symposium onSubscriber Loops and Services (IEEE et al.),September 20-24, Toronto, Canada. ContactRichard E. Mosher, American Telephone &Telegraph Co., 295 North Maple Ave., Room3249B2, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.

MICAD 82, Second European Conference onComputer-Aided Design, September 21-23,Paris, France. Contact Jean-Claude Rault,Chairman of the International Programme Com-mittee, Agence de L'Informatique, Tour Fiat-Cedex 16,92084 Parris-La Defense, France; tele.(1) 796.43.14.

1982 International Conference of the Chinese-Language Computer Society, September 22-23,Washington, DC. Contact Prof. C.Y. Suen, Dept.of Computer Science, Concordia University,1455 de Maisonneuve West, Montreal, QuebecH3G 1 M8, Canada.

& Medcomp 82, International Conferenceon Medical Computer Science/Computa-

tional Medicine, September23-25, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Contact Dr. Judith M. S. Prewitt,National Institutes of Health, DCRT, Bldg. 12A,Room 2053, Bethesda, MD 20205; (301)496-1247.

& Workshop on Applied Imagery-PatternRecognition, September 27-28, College

Park, Maryland. Contact John Hall, 14742 DillonAve., Woodbridge, VA 22193.

1982 International Computer Music Con-ference, September 27-October 1, Venice, Italy.Contact La Biennale Di Venezia, ICMC/82,Limb/Settore Musica, S. Marco, CA' Giustinian,30124 Venezia, Italy; tele. (041) 700311.

Federal Computer Conference, September28-30, Washington, DC. Contact Federal Educa-tion Programs, PO Box 368, Wayland, MA 01778;(617) 358-5181.

IEEE 1982 International Conference onCircuits and Computers (ICCC), Sep-tember 29-October 1, New York, New York. Con-

tact Dr. John Golembeski, Bell TelephoneLaboratories, Rm. 3E-217, Holmdel, NJ 07733;(201) 949-4974.

October 1982& VLSI and Software Engineering Work-' shop, October 4-6, Port Chester, NewYork. Contact J. A. Rader, 7372 W. 83rd St., LosAngeles, CA 90045.

Continued on p. 131.


& IEEE Infocom 83: April 18-21, 1983, SanDiego, California. (Tutorials: April 18; Con-

ference and Exhibits: April 19-21.) Submit fourcopies of a full paper by August 15, 1982, to Dr.John Spragins, Program Chairman, IEEE In-focom 83, PO Box 639, Silver Spring, MD 20901;(803) 656-3190.

4& Compcon Spring 83: Intellectual Leveragefor the Information Society: February

28-March 3, 1983, San Francisco, California.Papers are solicited on the following topics:local area networks: baseband, broadband,voice/data PBX; personal computers and workstations; distributed computer systems: theirconnectivity and management; factory automa-tion and CAD/CAM; interactive graphic sys-tems; data base machines and issues; impact ofartificial intelligence; VLSI: gate arrays,memories, microprocessors, custom functions;electronic office: systems and networks;semiconductor device design, fabrication,testing, and packaging; speech recognition,synthesis, and analysis; computer/communica-tions interface; software: operating systemsand languages; social, legal, and regulatoryissues in data processing; computerized infor-mation utilities; new and emerging computerapplications; computer systems and networkarchitecture; computer system peripherals;data flow structures; circuit and logic simula-tion. Send four copies of a 1000-to 1500-word in-formal digest by September 1, 1982, to John F.Wakerly, Computer Systems Laboratory, Stan-ford University, Stanford, CA 94305; (415)856-0169.

& Intemational Symposium on VLSI Tech-nology Systems and Applications: March

30-April 1, 1983, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic ofChina. Submit 12 copies of a detailed abstractfor a 30-minute presentation by September 30,1982, to Dr. Hwa-Nien Yu, IBM T. J. WatsonResearch Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Hgts.,NY 10598; (914) 945-1942.

Sixth International Conference on DigitalSatellite Communications: September 19-23,1983, Phoenix, Arizona. Submit abstracts bySeptember 30,1982, to Howard B. Briley, Con-ference Administrator, ICDSC-6, c/o Comsat,950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, DC20024; (202) 863-6248.

ACM Sigsoft/Sigplan Software EngineeringSymposium on High-Level Debugging: March20-23, 1983, Pacific Grove, California. Submittwo copies of a single-spaced working paper ora four-page position statement by October 8,1982, to Dr. Mark Scott Johnson, Hewlett-Packard, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Bldg. 28B, PaloAlto, CA 94304; (415) 857-8719.

& 10th International Symposium on Compu-' ter Architecture: June 13-16, 1983, Stock-holm, Sweden. Submit five copies of a manu-script in English (maximum 20 double-spacedpages) by October 15,1982. Send to appropriateaddress as determined by region of residence:(America) Prof. Jean Loup Baer, University ofWashington, Computer Science Group, Seattle,WA 98105; (Far East) Prof. Mario Tokoro, KEIOUniversity, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama 223,Japan; (Europe and all other regions) Prof. Lars-Erik Thorelli, Royal Institute of Technology,Computer Systems, S-100 44 Stockholm,Sweden.

ICC 83, 1983 International Conference on Com-munications (IEEE et al.): June 19-23, 1983,Boston, Massachusetts. Submit four copies ofmanuscript and a one-page abstract by (authorsoutside North America) October 18, 1982 or

(North American authors) November 1, 1982.Send to appropriate address as determined byregion of residence: (Europe, Africa, and MiddleEast) Dr. F. Tosco, CSELT, Via G. Reiss Romali,274,10148 Torino, Italy, tele. (39) 11 21691, ext.388; (North America) Dr. L. J. Ricardi, MIT Lin-coln Laboratory, PO Box 73, Rm. D-422, Lexing-ton, MA 02173, tele. (617) 862-5500, ext. 7331;(Central and South America) Dr. J. Valerdi andDr. J. Pomalaza, CICESE, PO Box 222, SanYsidro, CA 92073, tele. (714) 398-3803, ext. 201 or203; (Asia and Oceania) Dr. N. Kuroyanagi, NTT,Musashino Electr. Comm. Lab, 9-11, 3 Chome,Midoricho, Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180, Japan,tele. (0422) 59-2539.

44 13th Intemational Symposium on Mul-tiple-Valued Logic: May 23-25, 1983,

Kyoto, Japan. Send four copies of an originalsurvey, tutorial, or research paper (20-page max-imum) and a 50- to 100-word abstract by Novem-ber 1, 1982, to (North and South Americanauthors) K. Wayne Current, Dept. of ElectricalEngineering, University of California, Davis,Davis, CA 95616; (European authors) Stanley L.Hurst, School of Electrical Engineering, Univer-sity of Bath, Bath, England BA2 7AY; and (allothers) Tatsuo Higuchi, Dept. of ElectronicEngineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980,Japan.

6 ACM IEEE 20th Design Automation Con-ference: June 27-29, 1983, Miami Beach,

Florida. Submit five copies of paper byNovember 19, 1982, to Hillel Ofek, IBM Corp.(B22/951), PO Box 390, Columbia St.,Poughkeepsie, NY 12602; (914) 485-7763.

The Journal of Digital Systems will publish aspecial issue on channel routing in November1983. Submit papers by December 1,1982, to Dr.Ernest S. Kuh, TE01, EE and Computer ScienceDept., University of California, Berkeley, Berk-eley, CA 94720.

1984 IEEE Intemational Conference on Acous-tics, Speech, and Signal Processing: March19-21,1984, San Diego, California. Submit threecopies of a 200-word summary by September 1,1983, to Dr. Stanley A. White, Rockwell Interna-tional (BB85), PO Box 4192, Anaheim, CA 92803.

Continuedfrom p. 128


AdaTec Tutorial and Conference on Ada, Oc-tober 4-8, Arlington, Virginia. (Tutorial: October4-5; Conference: October 6-8.) Contact AnthonyGargaro, Computer Sciences Corp., 304 WestRoute 38, Moorestown, NJ 08057; (609)234-1100, ext. 2280.

; Micro 15, 15th Annual Workshop on

Microprogramming, October 5-7, Palo

Alto, California. Contact Will Tracz, IBM-FSD,101 BM44, Owego, NY 13827.

Sococo 82, Third IFAC/IFIP Symposium on Soft-ware for Computer Control, October5-8, Madrid,Spain. Contact Sococo 82, E.T.S. Ingenieros In-

dustriales, Castellana, 84, Madrid-6, Spain.

June 1982

Annual Conference of the Italian ComputerSociety, October 6-8, Padova, Italy. ContactProf. Luigi Mariani, Istituto di Elettrotecnica edElettronica, Universitadi Padova, Via Gradenigon. 6A, 35100 Padova, Italy.

Design Automation Workshop, October-8, East Lansing, Michigan. Contact De-

sign Automation Workshop, PO Box 639, SilverSpring, MD 20901; (301) 589-3386.

20th Annual Allerton Conference on Com-munication, Control, and Computing, October6-8, Monticello, Illinois. Contact Prof. H. V. Poor,Coordinated Science Lab, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign, 1101 West SpringfieldAve., Urbana, IL 61801.

First ACM Conference on Security, Audit, andControl in Office Systems, October 7-8, St.Louis, Missouri. Contact David R. Callaghan,Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02157; (617)235-1200, ext. 467.

3 Workshop on Automotive Applications ofMicroprocessors, October 7-8, Dearborn,

Michigan. Contact Patrick P. Fasang, SiemensCorporation, Corporation Research & Technolo-gy, PO Box 5031, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.

Second Annual Convention of IEEE Sections ofCentral America and Panama, October7-1 0, SanSalvador. Contact Orest A. Meykar, Apartado01-249, San Salvador, El Salvador; tele. 23-53-63.

0 Large Scale Systems Symposium, October11-13, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Contact

Dr. Stephen J. Kahne, National Science Founda-tion, Division of Elect. Comp. and SystemsEngineering, 1800 G St. NW, Washington, DC20550.

Safe Comp 82 Workshop (IEEE et al.), October11-14, West Lafayette, Indiana. Contact Roy W.Yunker, PPG Industries, One Gateway Center,Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

4 Seventh Conference on Local ComputerNetworks, October 12-13, Minneapolis,

Minnesota. Contact Rick Tett, Program Chair-man, 4425 North Victoria St., Shoreview, MN55112; (612) 484-761 1.

Joumees D'Electronique 82, International Con-ference on Optoelectronics in Telecommunica-tion and Measurement Systems, October 12-14,Lausanne, Switzerland. Contact SelectionCommittee, Secretariat des Journees d'elec-tronique, Departement d'electricite-EPFL,Cheminde Bellerive 16, CH-1007 Lausanne,Switzerland.

A Ninth Annual International Conference on

Computers in Cardiology, October 12-15,Seattle, Washington. Contact William J. San-ders, Cardiology Division, Stanford University,Palo Alto, CA 94305.

Fourth Israeli Quality Assurance Conference,October 18-21, Herzliyah, Israel. Contact BenLivson, Dept. 4540, Israel Aircraft Industries,Ben-Gurion International Airport, Israel; tele.03-973111/6821.

; Third Intemational Conference on Distrib-uted Computing, October 18-21, Ft. Lau-

derdale, Florida. Contact Distributed Com-puting, PO Box 639, Silver Spring, MD 20901;(301) 589-3386.

Continued on p. 132.


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The editors predict an accelerating shiftin this decade from data-base facilitiesthat focus on hardware efficiency tothose that focus on the needs of the user.Covers tools for data-base access, cou-pling a programming language to a database, data-base design, data-base man-agement-system design, and hardwareaids. 497 pp.

Order #369

Tutorial-DATA BASEMANAGEMENT IN THE 1980'sEdited by James A. Larson and

Harvey A. Freeman, 1981


J.-1Use order form on p. 136C

l'-O-Pi T R £ if'iKfzilN *r tvlt '5 rifilser

An overview of present technology foruniversity students and faculty in busi-ness data processing, beginners in thecomputer field, users of business com-puter systems, and others. The 55 re-printed articles cover system and soft-ware development, networks and distrib-uted processing, data-base considera-tions, privacy and security issues. ap-plications of new computer and telecom-municatiOn systemns, and new applicationof computer technology. 1981. 484 pp.



DECISION-MAKINGEdited by Harold J. Podeii and

Madeline WeissMMebers-S18.75 Non-members-S25.00

November 1982

Infommatica 82, 15th Brazilian National Infor-matics Congress, October 18-24, Rio deJaneiro,Brazil. Contact R. Colcher, Sucesu-SociedadeDos Usuarios de Computadores e Equipamen-tos Subsidiarios, Rua Do Darmo, 57-6 Andar,2011-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1982 Intemational Display Research Confer-ence (IEEE et al.), October 19-21, Cherry Hill,New Jersey. Contact Thomas Henion, Pali-sades Institute, 201 Varick St., New York, NY10014; (212) 620-3384.

§ Sixth Intemational Conference on PattemRecognition, October 19-22, Munich, Ger-

many. Contact Prof. Dr. H. Marko, Lehrstuhl fOrNachrichtentechnik, der Technischen Univer-sitat Mlnchen, 8000 Mfinchen, FederalRepublic of Germany.

1982 ACM Annual Conference, October 25-27,Dallas, Texas. Contact William Burns, ACM 82Chairman, E-Systems, Inc., PO Box 26118,Dallas, TX 75266; (214) 272-0515, ext. 3916.

First Annual Workshop on InteractiveComputing: CAD/CAM: Electrical Engi-

neering Education, October 25-28, Charlot-tesville, Virginia. Contact Dr. Harlan D. Mills,IBM-FSD, 6600 Rockledge Dr., Bethesda, MD20034; (301) 493-1495.

§ Fifth IEEE Symposium on Mass StorageSystems, October 26-28, Boulder, Col-

orado. Contact Bernard T. O'Learor Karen Fried-man, National Center for Atmospheric Re-search, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307; (303)494-5151, ext. 293 or 387.

Fourth Symposium of Information Control Prob-lems in Manufacturing Technology, October26-28, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Contact M.Auman, National Bureau of Standards, Bldg.220, Room A 123, Washington, DC 20234.

§ ISMIII 82, Intemational Symposium onMedical Imaging and Image Interpreta-

tion, October 26-28, Berlin, Germany. ContactDr. Judith M. S. Prewitt, National Institutes ofHealth, DCRT, Bldg. 12A, Room 2053, Bethesda,MD 20205; (301) 496-1247.

1982 IEEE Intemational Conference on Cyber-netics and Society, October 28-30, Seattle,Washington. Contact William B. Rouse, Centerfor Man-Machine Systems Research, School ofIndustrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia In-stitute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332; (404)894-3996.

§ Sixth Annual Symposium on ComputerApplications in Medical Care, October

30-November2,Washington, DC. Contact BruceBlum, Symposium Program Chairman, JohnsHopkins University, Traylor 514, Baltimore, MD21205; (301) 955-8379.

a Annual Workshop on Computing to Aidthe Handicapped, November 4-5, Char-

lottesville, Virginia. Contact Dr. J. H. Aylor,University of Virginia, Thornton Hall, Dept. ofEE, Charlottesville, VA 22901; (804) 924-3042.

16th Asilomar Conference on Circuits,Systems, and Computers, NovemberS-10,

Pacific Grove, California. Contact Herbert E.Rauch, Lockheed 52-56/205, Palo Alto ResearchLaboratory, 3251 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA94304.

Compsac 82, The IEEE Computer So-ciety's Sixth Intemational Computer Soft-

ware and Applications Conference, November8-12,Chicago,Illinois. (Tutorials: November8-9;Conference and Exhibition: November 10-12.)Contact Compsac 82, PO Box 639, SilverSpring,MD 20901; (301) 589-3386.

1982 Intemational Microelectronics Sympo-sium, November 15-17, Reno, Nevada. ContactWalterMathews,41OCambridgeAve., PaloAlto,CA 94306; (415) 327-3721.

Intemational Test Conference, CherryQg Hill 82, November 16-18, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Contact Doris Thomas, PO Box371, Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927; (201) 267-7120.

Autofact Four, November 30-December 2, Phil-adelphia, Pennsylvania. Contact Society ofManufacturing Engineers, OneSME Dr., PO Box930, Dearborn, Ml 48128; (313) 271-1500.

Midcon 82 (IEEE et al.), November30-December2, Dallas, Texas. Contact Electronic Conven-tions, Inc., 999 North Sepulveda Blvd., El Segun-do, CA 90245; (213) 772-2965.

December 1982Special Conference on PL 96-511 and Beyond,December 2-4, Washington, DC. Contact PL96-511 and Beyond, 12611 Davan Dr., SilverSpring, MD 20904; (301) 622-0066.

Tencon 82, VLSI and Microcomputers:Today and Tomorrow, December68, Hong

Kong. Contact S. Y. King, Dept. of EE, Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Tutorial Week West 82, December 6-10,San Diego, California. Contact Robert M.

Long L-72, Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550(415) 422-4339.

1982 Real-Time Systems Symposium, De-cember 7-9, Los Angeles, Califomia. Con-

tact Dr. Earl E. Swartzlander, Defense and SpaceSystems Group of TRW, Huntsville Facility, 7702Govemors Dr. West, Huntsville, AL 35805; (205)837-3950.

First Intemational Information Conference inEgypt, December 13-15, Cairo, Egypt. Sponsoredby the Egyptian Society for InformationTechnology and the American Society for Infor-mations Science. Contact Bahaa El-Hadidy,ESIT/ASIS Conference Co-Chairman, GraduateSchool of Library and Information Science,Catholic University of America, Washington, DC20064; (202) 635-5085.

Fourth Israel Convention and Exhibition onComputer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, De-cember 13-15, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Contact IsraelSociety for CAD/CAM, PO Box 3473, Tel-Aviv 61033, Israel.




Second Conference on Foundations of SoftwareTechnology and Theoretical Computer Science,December 13-15, Bangalore, India. ContactMathai Joseph, National Centre for SoftwareDevelopment and Computing Techniques, TataInstitute of Fundamental Research, HomiBhabha Rd., Bombay 400 005, India.

Third Intemational Conference on InfommationSystems, December 13-15, Ann Arbor, Michigan.Contact Carol J. Dunn, The University ofMichigan, Graduate School of BusinessAdminis-tration, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109; (313)763-1100.

ICS, 82, Intemational Computer Symposium(EEE et al.), December 15-17, Taichung, Taiwan.Contact President Ying-Ming Liao, Feng ChiaUniversity, Taichung, Taiwan, 400, Republic ofChina, or Prof. S. S. Yau, Dept. of EE and Com-puter Science, Northwestern University,Evanston, IL 60201.

1983HICSS-16, 16th Annual Hawaii Intema-

' tional Conference on System Sciences,January 5-7, Honolulu, Hawaii. Contact Dr.Bruce Shriver, Computer Science Dept., Univer-sity of Southwestern Louisiana, PO Box 44330,Lafayette, LA 70504.

, Southeastem IEEE Computer SocietyConference, January 9-13, Orlando, Flor-

ida. Contact Southeastern Computer SocietyConference, PO Box 639, Silver Spring, MD20901; (301) 589-3386.

Southcon 83(IEEEet al.), January 18-20, Atlanta,Georgia. Contact Electronic Conventions, Inc.,999 North Sepulveda Blvd., El Segundo, CA90245; (213) 772-2965.

W Compcon Spring 83: IntellectualLeverage for the Information Society,

February 28-March 3, San Francisco, California.Contact Frederick W. Clegg, Hewlett-Packard,11000 Wolfe Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014.

Camp 83, Computer Graphics Applications forManagement and Productivity, March 14-18,Berlin, Germany. Contact World ComputerGraphics Association, 2033 M St. NW, Suite 250,Washington, DC 20036; (202) 775-9556.

. 16th Annual Simulation Symposium,March 16-18,Tampa, Florida. Contact V.P.

Boyd, US Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza,Washington, DC 20260.

ACM SigsoftiSigplan Software EngineeringSymposium on High-Level Debugging, March20-23, Pacific Grove, Califomia. Contact Prof.Richard E. Fairley, Dept. of Computer Science,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO80523.

A Workshop on Computer System Organi-zation, March 29-31, New Orleans, Louisi-

ana. Contact Dr. Bruce D. Shriver, USL Box 4330,Lafayette, LA 70504; (318) 231-6284.

A Intemational Symposium on VLSI Tech-nology and Systems, March 31-April 1,

Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. Contact Dr.H. N. Yu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, POBox 218, Yorktown Hgts., NY 10598.

First Intemational Symposium on AutomatedIntegrated Manufacturing, April 5-6, San Diego,California. Contact Symposium General Chair-man, Leonard B. Gardner, P.E., 2406 ButtetopPi., Spring Valley, CA 92078; (714) 464-2446.

intergraphics 83, April 11-15,Tokyo, Japan. Con-tact World Computer Graphics Association,

2033 M St. NW, Suite 250, Washington, DC20036; (202) 775-9556.

, IEEE Infocom 83, April 17-22, San Diego,California. Contact IEEE Infocom 83, PO

Box 639,SilverSpring, MD20901; (301)589-3386.

, SPIE Intemational Technical Sympos-ium, April 18-22, Geneva, Switzerland.

Contact Joseph Yaver, SPIE, PO Box 10, Bell-ingham, WA 98227.

Jordan-Intemational Electrical and ElectronicEngineering Conference, April 25-28, Amman,Jordan. Contact Dr. M. Maqusi, ElectricalEngineering Dept., University of Jordan, Am-man, Jordan.

, Sixth intemational Symposium on Com-puter Hardware Description Languages

and Their Applications, May 23-25, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. Contact Takao Uehara, Informa-tion Processing Laboratory, Fujisitsu Labora-tories LTD., 1014 Kawasaki, Japan 211 or MarioBarbacci, Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

13th Intemational Symposium on Multi-pie-Valued Logic, May 23-25, Kyoto,

Japan. In Japan contact Tadahiro Kitahashi,School of Information and Computer Science,Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyo-hashi, 440 Japan; tele. 053247-0111, ext. 520. Inthe US contact Jon T. Butler, NorthwesternUniversity, Dept. of EECS, Evanston, IL 60201;(312) 492-5628.

. 10th Intemational Conference on Compu-ter Architecture, June 13-16, Stockholm,

Sweden. Contact Prof. H. W. Lawson, Jr.,Link6ping University, S-581 83, Link6ping,Sweden.

ICC 83,1983 Intemational Conference on Com-munications (IEEE et al.), June 19-23, Boston,Massachusetts. Contact Paul Spiers, New Eng-land Telephone, 185 Franklin St., Boston, MA02107; (617) 743-3731.

, Sixth Intemational Symposium on Com-puter Arithmetic, June 20-22, Aarhus,

Denmark. Contact Prof. T.R.N. Rao, USL, Box44330, Lafayette, LA 70504.

, ACM IEEE 20th Design Automation Con-ference, June 27-29, Miami Beach,

Florida. Contact Charles E. Radke, IBM Corp.,320W300-47A, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533;(914) 8974682.

, FTCS-13, 1983 Intemational Conferenceon Fault-Tolerant Com puting, June 28-30,

Milano, Italy. Contact Dr. Daniel P. Siewiorek,Carnegie-Mellon University, Dept. of ComputerScience and EE, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA15213.

1983 Summer Simulation Conference, July11-13, Vancouver, Canada. Contact Dr. StewartSchlesinger, The Aerospace Corp., PO Box92957, Los Angeles, CA 90009; (213) 648-6020.

Second IntematIonal Conference on DataBases, August 30-September 2, Cam-

bridge, England. Contact H. D. Rose, BritishComputer Society, 13 Mansfield St., London,W1M OBP, England.

Sixth International Conference on DigitalSatellite Communications, September 19-23,Phoenix, Arizona. Contact Howard B. Briley,Conference Administrator, ICDSC-6, c/o Com-sat, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, DC20024; (202) 836-6248.


This conference focused on currenttrends in computer networks, multi-microprocessor systems, soft-ware/hardware interfaces, perfor-mance of computer systems, hardwaredescriptive languages, and computerarchitecture education. 336 pp.

Order #411

Proceedings: 9th AnnualIntemational Symposium on

Comuter Architecture

Austin, TX, AprI, 1982


Use order form on p. 136C

The45 articles contained in this tutorialare introduced by a brief review of thehistory of parallel processing, a look atit* spectrum of taxonomic types, and adiscussion of the theoretical obstaclesposed by extensive parallel processing.Topics include pipeline processors andarchitectures, multiprocessors, paral-lelism extraction, and algorithms forparallel computers. Extensive refer-ence lists are included. 498 pp.


PROCESSINGEdited by Robert H. Kuhn

and David A. Padua1981




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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.