Nine Interesting Blogs to Follow: Mom Edition | Mom Life (2024)

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It’s seems like there is a never ending supply of blogs to follow these days. You can find blogs on nearly any subject you can imagine. There’s a lot of good information out there, but also some not-so-good info. And because you’re a busy mama, your time is valuable, and you don’t want to waste it reading something that’s not interesting or helpful. I’m super picky about what I follow, so I’ve compiled my list of the top blogs to follow.

Nine Interesting Blogs to Follow: Mom Edition | Mom Life (1)

Why follow blogs?

Blogs and bloggers have been around for a while, but it seems like the trend has really taken off in the last few years. Because of Pinterest, it’s easier than ever to find what you’re looking for, but sometimes it’s hit or miss.

The main reason people read blogs is to find information. I’m sure that’s how you ended up on Living Kairos (unless your my mom and just want to support your favorite daughter *wink*). You may have even searched for something and found yourself here (and welcome, btw!).

I like to encourage people to look for blogs to follow because it’s good to get perspective from other people. Many bloggers are experts in their niche and have great information. Others have wisdom to share about their topic from experience. Still others are super creative and want to share their creativity with the world.

What to look for in a blog

Since your time is valuable (#momlife), you don’t want to waste it reading stuff that isn’t worth it. Here are a few things to look for when searching for blogs to follow.

Something that interests you

It’s important to read blogs that pertain to stuff you’re interested in. I love organization, so I follow several blogs that focus on that topic. The same goes for motherhood and marriage. I’m also a little artsy, so I like to follow a few creative blogs. The point is to find something that holds your interest. Maybe you love knitting, cooking, or travel. Search for blogs to follow in those niches.

Good information

When searching for blogs to follow, have discernment. Anyone can pretty much say whatever they want online, so it’s important to use your best judgement and common sense. I never follow medical advice I find on blogs unless I discuss it with my doctor first. Many of the things you read on the internet are actually harmful! If something sounds a little fishy, do some research and see if you can verify what the author advises.

Just make sure to use your God-given common sense. This also pertains to relationships, marriage advice, and parenting. Sometimes people suggest things that go way against my convictions and beliefs. Pray about whether you should follow that advice and then go from there.

Good writing

As I said before, anyone can write anything they want on the internet, so be careful when looking for blogs to follow. You can usually spot the validity in the writing. Is the content full of spelling and grammatical mistakes? Does everything flow well?

Everyone makes a few mistakes here and there; I know I do, and I was a copy editor before becoming a blogger. Practice a little grace, but if a blog is completely riddled with errors, think twice about spending too much time there. Clean, polished content shows the author has pride in his or her work, and it adds to the validity of the information.

Alright, now that you know what to look for in a blog, here’s a list of blogs to follow. I’ve followed each of these blogs personally for a while, and I always find great information.

Blogs about life skills, organization, and family

Living Well Spending Less

I’ve followed Ruth Soukup at Living Well Spending Less for several years. LWSL was actually one of the very first blogs I started reading! I heard her on a radio interview and knew I had to check her blog out. Her mission is to “eliminate overwhelm and make your life just a little bit easier.” I always find great information on her blog, and she has a lot of great tools to help busy moms stay organized.

Busy Budgeter

Rosemarie Groner at The Busy Budgeter is another blogger I’ve followed for several years. She makes managing your finances super fun and so much easier than you can imagine. Her goal is to “teach you how to effectively manage and organize your budget, your home, and your life…even if you’re chronically disorganized.”

Thrifty Little Mom

Kim Anderson at Thrifty Little Mom is super personable, and I love reading her work. She has a ton of fun DIY projects and yummy recipes. She helps overwhelmed moms like you and me “focus your time, finances and goals so you can feel confident, successful and have fewer regrets.”

I Heart Planners

Laura at I Heart Planners is all about helping you find “beautiful organizing systems that you’ll actually stick with.” She has beautiful printables for almost anything you can think of! If you need to organize it, chances are she’s got a printable to help you get it done.

Creative blogs

As I said before, I’m a little bit artsy, so here are a few creative blogs to follow if you’re interested.

Dawn Nicole Designs

Over at Dawn Nicole Designs, Dawn shares her talent in the world of hand lettering. I found her a few years ago, and I love her teaching style! She has some great printable worksheets to help you practice hand lettering.

Krystal Whitten

Kristal Whitten is another hand lettering expert who uses her talent to “letter for the Lord.” She shows you how to “connect your creativity with your faith for a more meaningful walk with God.” She has some fun freebies, including a monthly lock screen you can download for your phone.

Rebekah R. Jones

I found Rebekah R. Jones when I got into Bible journaling a few years ago. The art form fascinated me, and each of her tutorials has some amazing faith lessons. I actually had the privilege of meeting her this year when she was in Albuquerque for a Art and Prophecy conference. She’s super sweet, and extremely talented.

Low-Carb blogs to follow

As a women living with PCOS, I am dedicated to a low-carb lifestyle. Before I was diagnosed, I had never really learned to cook low-carb, so I searched for to follow that had easy,low-carb recipes.

Peace, Love and Low Carb

In addition to several books, Kyndra at Peace, Love and Low Carb has a ton of free recipes on her blog. She’s all about low-carb, keto, and gluten free cooking. Her recipes are delicious, and I’ve never disliked a single one I’ve tried.

Low Carb Yum

Lisa over at Low Carb Yum offers great sugar-free and low-carb recipes that are amazing! She also has some lovely recipe videos on her Facebook page.

So there you have it, mama! I hope this list is helpful to you! I’ve been following most of these blogs for a while, and I can say that the authors know their stuff. I hope you check some of them out, and maybe find one that piques your interest. Happy reading!

Do you have a favorite blog that you follow? Let us know in the comments!

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Nine Interesting Blogs to Follow: Mom Edition | Mom Life (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.