Skinny Chicken Alfredo Lasagna - Not Enough Cinnamon (2024)

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Think Alfredo sauce and skinny don't belong in the same sentence? Normally, I would agree with you. I mean, it's butter, cream and cheese. Not that healthy, is it? But this Alfredo sauce is different. Now, I'll tell you my secret, but only if you promise to keep an open mind. Ready? CAU-LI-FLOWER. Please don't run away!!

I think cauliflower usually stinks (quite literally and figuratively, actually) and I'm usually not a big fan, at all. But you guys, it just makes the perfect creamy and cheesy sauce! You can hardly tellit's cauliflower. To be honest, I can't taste it at all. Maybe you will, be the cauli taste is very light. Delicious sauce, mostly made of veggies. How amazing is that?Thanks to this cauli alfredo, you can have yourlasagna,and eat it too! Enjoy 🙂

Skinny Chicken Alfredo Lasagna - Not Enough Cinnamon (3)

5 from 1 vote


Skinny Chicken Alfredo Lasagna

CourseMain Course


Prep Time 45 minutes

Cook Time 45 minutes

Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes

Servings 8 people

Calories 422 kcal


  • 2chicken breasts (about 600 g - 1.3 lbs) - or rotisserie chicken
  • 4cupschicken stockor vegetable stock
  • 4cupswater
  • 1medium cauliflowerabout 1.2 kg - 2.6 lbs, cut into florets
  • 1tbspbutterabout 15 g
  • 4large garlic clovesfinely minced
  • 3cupwhite mushroomssliced - see notes
  • 3cupsbaby spinachpacked
  • Freshly cracked black pepperto taste
  • 1cup+ ½ cup mozzarellashredded
  • 1cupparmesangrated
  • ½tspground nutmeg
  • 9oz- 250 g oven ready lasagna sheetsuse gluten free lasagna for GF


  1. Preheat oven to 360F - 180C.

  2. Prepare chicken. Place chicken in a medium pot and cover with water. Cook on medium heat for about 20-25 minutes. Drain and set aside until cool enough to handle. Chop in very small pieces. You can use your food processor for that: cut the breasts in 3-4 pieces, place in the food processor and pulse just a few seconds, or until finely chopped (don't pulse too much tough, you don't want ground chicken). Set aside.

  3. Prepare alfredo sauce. Fill a large pot with 4 cups of stock and 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Add cauliflower florets, cover and cook for 10 minutes or until cauliflower is very tender. Transfer cauliflower to the bowl of your food processor using a slotted spoon. Add 1 cup of cooking liquid and process for about 3-4 minutes or until very smooth. You can also use a blender, but if you do, you might need to process the cauliflower in two batches. Add 1 cup of mozzarella, 1 cup of parmesan, nutmeg and freshly cracked black pepper. Process again until smooth. Separate and reserve 1 ½ cups of sauce and set aside.

  4. Prepare filling. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook until just fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add mushroom and cook until they soften, then add spinach and cook until wilted. Add reserved chicken and reserved Alfredo sauce (except the 1 ½ cups you saved), and mix until everything is well combined. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.

  5. Assemble lasagna.Spray a large baking dish with cooking spray. Place 2 or 3 lasagna sheets (depending on their size) on the bottom of the baking dish, breaking up the sides of the sheets to fit if needed. Top with ⅓ chicken alfredo mixture. Top with 2-3 more lasagna sheets and ⅓ chicken alfredo mixture. Repeat layering once and finish with lasagna sheets. Spread reserved alfredo sauce on top of the last layer.

  6. Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Scatter remaining cheese (½ cup) and cook for an extra 15 minutes or until golden.

Recipe Notes

If you don't like mushrooms or spinach, you can use other veggies like broccoli, kale, bell pepper...

Nutrition Facts

Skinny Chicken Alfredo Lasagna

Amount Per Serving (1 /8th)

Calories 422Calories from Fat 117

% Daily Value*

Fat 13g20%

Saturated Fat 6g38%

Cholesterol 80mg27%

Sodium 667mg29%

Potassium 1133mg32%

Carbohydrates 38g13%

Fiber 4g17%

Sugar 6g7%

Protein 36g72%

Vitamin A 1360IU27%

Vitamin C 77.8mg94%

Calcium 319mg32%

Iron 2.3mg13%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Brittany

    This looks great! Lasagna has always been a comfort food of mine

    • marie

      Thank you Brittany! So glad you like this recipe 🙂

  2. Allison

    Could you use frozen cauliflower? This looks delicious!

    • Marie

      I think you could yes! Let me know how it turns out if you try this recipe 🙂

  3. Lori LeRoy- Reimer

    Made this tonight, the sauce is amazing! Such a huge portion size, only chance I made was using a low carb pasta! Love ❤️

    • Marie

      Yay so glad you enjoyed this recipe Lori!

  4. Anna

    I love lasagna!And this recipe looks amazing!! 😀

    • Marie

      I hope you'll try it Anna, I'm sure you'd love it 🙂

  5. Danette

    Can you use all mozzarella cheese, my husband can't eat parmesan cheese. Cuz, this looks really good, and I want to try it, if this is possible.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Marie

      Yes, it think it would work!

  6. Connie young

    Maybe I’m being silly, but what about the liquid used for boiling the cauliflower? That’s not used other than the one cup to process it? Recipe looks awesome, and am fixing now.

    • Marie

      Yes, you only use one cup of it 🙂

  7. Lorann

    Do you think this recipe will freeze well?

    • Marie

      Yes definitely!

  8. Lauren

    Would you be able to make this like a lazy lasagna with other noodles or pasta?

    • Marie

      I've never tried but I don't see why it wouldn't work yes 🙂

  9. Kathi Phillips

    This recipe sounds awesome! Do you think one could assemble it, say the day before, refrigerate, and bake it the next day? How long for bakin time would you advise? Thank you!

    • Marie

      I've never tried but I think it would work fine, yes. I would bake it as written in the recipe.

  10. Sera

    Just a question...
    When you say 4 cups of chicken stock, do you mean the liquid stock?
    Sorry if this seems like a silly question just not sure as you mention about using 4 cups of water as well.

    • Marie

      Hi Sera. There are no silly question 🙂 Yes, the liquid stock is what you need here. Enjoy

  11. Trisha Dunnavan

    Yum! My son loves alfredo sauce but I dont make it often because it's too heavy. But this was such a healthy but delish recipe. I loaded it up with lots of veggies and added extra chicken. Thank you so much for sharing !

    • Marie

      Super glad you found a healthy + yummy alternative for your son Trisha, thanks for sharing! 🙂

Skinny Chicken Alfredo Lasagna - Not Enough Cinnamon (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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