The 25 meals children should be able to cook by 11 (2024)

Many 11-year-olds faced with the challenge of getting their own dinner would head straight to McDonald’s.

However, a survey says parents think youngsters of this age should become little chefs with 25 recipes in their repertoire.

Scrambled eggs, spaghetti bolognese and stir-fry were all on the list mums and dads think their 11-year-olds should be able to cook, albeit under their supervision.

Parents have suggested a list of 25 dishes that children should be able to cook before the age of 11 including spag bol and apple crumble.

Research suggests children’s kitchen skills have diminished by a third over the past 25 years, largely because of the rise of ready meals and convenience food.

That, coupled with an absence of cooking classes at school, means some youngsters’ experience of a potato comes in the form of a packet of frozen chips or microwave mash.

At the same time, UK families throw away one fifth of the food they buy each year, despite more than three quarters of parents worrying about food waste.


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Children being fussy eaters and leaving food on their plate is one of the main causes of food waste.

Teaching them how to cook from scratch, using ingredients found in most fridges and cupboards, would ensure families don’t throw so much away.

Home appliance manufacturer Samsung surveyed 2,000 British parents, asking them to name the dishes they believed children should be able to cook by the age of 11.

The more complex options included chilli con carne, lasagne, cottage pie, roast chicken and stews or casseroles.

Easier options on the basic recipes list were an omelette, scrambled eggs and cheese on toast.

MasterChef finalist Emma Spitzer has created videos to show to cook some of the recipes

Emma said that getting children involved in cooking from a young age can cut food wastage and help them to learn to enjoy food

And for pudding? Parents think their children should be able to whip up everything from a Victoria sponge to fairy cakes or even an apple crumble.

The study’s findings echo recent comments from TV baking queen Mary Berry that cookery skills for children should be a bigger priority both in schools and at home.

Emma Spitzer, finalist on last year’s MasterChef and mother of four, has made a series of videos showing how to cook some of the 25 dishes.

She said: ‘The food wastage issue is something which affects us all and I firmly believe that getting kids involved in cooking and preparing food at a young age can help. By the age of 11, children can all enjoy learning how to cook simple dishes such as a simple omelette, stir fry or pasta with sauce.

‘These dishes are also great for using up those foods that might be languishing at the back of the fridge, as they’re dishes that you can add a whole range of different ingredients into, depending on what you need to use up.’


1. Spaghetti Bolognese – A great way to get hidden vegetables in a sauce without the kids noticing. I often use any type of veg that’s languishing in the fridge; as long as you chop them very finely, or a quick blend in the food processor, kids will never know one of their favourite meals contains their 5 a day.

2. Scrambled egg on toast – this is such a forgiving recipe; it enables kids to practice cracking eggs and is something they can make with very little supervision. Try serving this with some smoked salmon or mackerel for some additional protein, or chop up some cooked sausages and get the kid to throw those into the pan. My kids love doing this with frankfurters.

3. Omelette – this is a blank canvas and is a great way to use leftover meat, fish and veg. Get the kids to choose their toppings and keep lots of handfuls of cheese on standby, the cheesier the better.

4. Jacket potato with baked beans – a classic favourite, try getting the kids to scoop out the mashed potato, mix with the cheese and beans and then stuff back into the skins. Once they master this, there are all other manner of toppings to get creative with.

5. Cheese on toast – experiment with different cheeses, my kids love mild blue cheese so don’t restrict the recipe to just cheddar, there are so many others to choose from. Try adding a drop of tabasco or sweet chilli sauce to the cheese for a little gentle heat, the earlier you get a child’s palate used to spice the better.

6. Cottage pie – again a great way to incorporate hidden veg. I sometimes swap mashed potato for mashed cauliflower topping which is just as delicious and one extra vegetable; it’s also a much healthier alternative without the kids noticing too much.

7. Sausage and mash – leftover sausage and mash? Slice the sausage into pieces and mix with the mash potato, some beaten egg and any other flavours you want to add (maybe some cooked carrot, peas or sweetcorn). Shape into cakes and shallow fry in some veg or rapeseed oil. Sit in a bed of ketchup!

8. Pasta bake – you can use other tinned fish such as salmon if your kids don’t like tuna. I sometimes use a tin of condensed mushroom soup to make this extra creamy; this was a real childhood favourite of mine and still is. Try using different different pasta shapes; farfalle and rigatoni are both nice options

9. Stir fry – try experimenting with different flavourings. A drop of sesame oil gives a stir-fry a real lift and a nutty flavour. Some great other noodle combinations would be flat rice noodles for any kids with aversions to wheat, or the vermicelli rice noodles.

10. Porridge – my kids love adding all manner of toppings to their porridge. Lay out some little bowls with chopped up dried apricots, dates or prunes and raisins, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds and almonds. All have lovely health benefits from aiding digestion to releasing energy throughout the day. Keep a jar of honey or date syrup nearby for some added natural sweetness.

11. Dippy egg and soldiers – a nice egg cup for this always helps make this simple dish a lot more fun. My kids each have personalized egg cups so they can really own their meal!

12. Stew/casserole – stew never looks the most attractive plate of food so I would suggest getting the kids to come and try it before you serve this brown dish in front of them. Get them excited and ask them how it tastes and if it needs any extra seasoning. They will feel very grown up having cooked it and decided if its ready to serve or not. Serve over couscous and decorate with some dried apricots, or over some nutty brown rice.

13. Pancakes – toppings are endless. Maple syrup and honey and cinnamon give the flavour bursts without all the refined sugar found in chocolate spread. Make them savoury too; cheese and spinach pancakes always go down well in my house.

14. Pizza from scratch – Make the toppings choices interesting. Introduce artichokes, olives, capers, different types of meats and cheeses. This is a good way to get kids to try foods they may not want to try otherwise.

15. Lasagne – I often introduce a combination of turkey mince and beef mince; it’s slightly lighter and healthier.

16. Macaroni cheese - I can sometimes get away with adding softened leeks to my macaroni and if your kids like tomatoes, add some slices to the top before baking.

17. Fairy cakes – add some cocoa powder to the batter if you want to make them chocolate!

18. Roast chicken – for adventurous kids, add a little harissa to the butter to make it spiced roast chicken – its zingy and very tasty. My kids eat chicken at least twice a week so I am always looking at ways to spice it up a bit.

19. Chilli con carne – leftover chilli on the plate? Serve them some tortilla chips to scoop up the leftovers with.

20. Beef burgers – make them cheeseburgers by adding some torn up bits of mozzarella to the mix. I make the same burgers using turkey mince for a lighter and healthier burger.

21. Meatballs – if you fancy a break from giving your kids pasta, try serving the meatballs on top of some couscous, or rice.

22. Victoria sponge – kids will feel proud for making this perfect teatime treat especially if they get to serve it up to family friends or relatives.

23. Chocolate Rice Krispie/Cornflake cakes – to make them extra gooey, try adding a little dollop of golden syrup.

24. Apple crumble – I often add in some additional berries to vary the crumble a little bit. Some lovely additions to the crumble mix would be porridge oats, dessicated coconut and a little date syrup. We have a large apple tree in the garden so I peel and cook apples, then freeze them so we can have apple crumble whenever the mood takes us. It goes down a treat with lashings of custard.

25. Scones – you can have some fun with using different cutters to stamp out cool shapes.

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The research was carried out to launch the new Family HubTM Refrigerator, which provides new ways to shop for, cook and manage food as well as helping to plan family life with its unique exterior screen, all designed to act as a family’s digital command centre.

The 25 meals children should be able to cook by 11 (2024)
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