The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)


TO MOVE-? rooms and bath. Extra NICELY FURNISHED 3 room 501) East 10th, 1003 Neches. 307 West 15th. $30 up. GR 7 5006, neighbornoou.

un i-xnn. warranty. $1 down, $5 month. Joseph Round Up Time! bus line. Close to community center and downtown.

Ideal for residence or residence and office combination. 1202 4 Rooms of Furniture Plumbing Supply. TRAVIS HEIGHTS Open. 4-bedrnorn. apartments lor adults.

Quiet and rea- 8-2438. GENTLEMAN: BEDROOM, dressing room, private bath, shower, garage. GR West 6th. GK 8-443. good trame construction.

ee at uu EastJHhGR 2-0946. STOCK CLEARANCE Colorful Perry plastic for patio covers, carporu, swimming pool covers, fence and 2-bath. rnncnsiyie. sio.euu. bj uhh.

GR 7-1180. EMPLOYMENT NEW AND USED SELL OH trade electric beer cooler with fond compartment. $250, Phone GR 7-8555. TWO BEDROOM house in West Austin. Phone GR 6-4445.

ADULTS. CLEAN two-bedroom apart-mentment. Walking distance town, community center. On bus. West.

Phone GR 6-9920, GR 2-2070. 8 pc. living room suite. 5 nc. dinette rebuilt refrigerator, rebuilt full sue 48 MALI WORK WANTED vs.

m. -r rflne. refinisnet' a pc. neuroono suite FOR SALE by owner, 5-room and double garage home, on corner lot, one block from Baker SchooGLJM 11 l. NEW.

3 BEDROOMS, bath, paved, curbed. L. $10,950. Used 2 bedrooms, Large living room. Nice size yaro.

Phone GL 3-4326. 1012 EAST 51st: 3 bedroom. Mi block bus. redecorated, close $65 GR 7-9052. open to 5.

Ferry tg. nincae au for SINGLE ROOM WITH PRIVATE. BATH WILLIAMS HOTEL 303 EAST 10TH $249.9 MAHOGANY DINING table 6 chairs, like new. Solid oak dinette Speed Uueen washer. Draper, miscellaneous items.

Gil 6-8408, Rd. Phone GR 2-3127. I.ow down payment, $2,75 per week also rent furniture and appliance THE CORRAL Phone GR8-2W13 6th at Red River RETIRED TEACHER wants full or part time employment. Call JJR7-8040- fx OU need a hondv man? Waxing floors, cleaning windows, landscaping, and light hauling. GR 7-8045.

BRAND NEW Refrigerator Freezer on UNIVERSITY, BUSINESS men-3 private garage rooms. Convenient Uni $7,500. your terms. These homes near Brentwood, McCallum. Lamar Schools.

NICE bedroom house near University. Large rooms and plenty of top full 5-year Factory Guarantee for WE BUY. sell, trade snd rent furniture Yep Now is a good lime to ROUND UP all your hills then phone us for a LOAN consolidate those bills and reduce monthly payment. Quick, courteous and confidential service. SENATE FINANCE CORP.

5TH AND SAN JACINTO PHONE GReenwood 2-9209 Harry H. Rutherford, Manager Nations tteai junaia aorywaiHiw wfSy's AIR CONDITIONED BACHELOR APARTMENT Garage apartment at one ol Austin's nicest homes. Living room small kitchen bedroom bath. Nice furniture. Long-boy beds, garage, storage, water furnished, Ingle $75-d 1 $90.

Call -GR 8-3374 or GR 7-8862. versity, downtown. $20. 1611 west Ave. GR fi-5034.

EMPLOYED" ADULT. "Exceptionally Moan spinet i-iano anu five-year factory guarantee, $395.00 Easy terms if desired. A-l Furniture of all kinds Terms Slreet Furniture 5 room home in jtcellenr con-dition, pretty oak. floors, large rooms, 1003 Red River GK 2-1 Obi clloset spaceGK 2-lYab. LOVELY, LARGE.

2 bedroom home. Dnncy Street. Year's lease. GR 7-9295, week days after p. m.

40,11 Guadalupe St. nice, ouiet, private southeast bedroom. Private bath and entrance. Driveway. WE WILL pay cash for used tires, so Iran out your garage and call HO 5-0474.

61-MACHINERV EQUIPMENT pump. Write details, Box 0-180, AmcriCan-SUtes- 5 ROOM rock cottage. Double garage, GR 2-0405. 4302 Rosedale Ave. tall Mrs.

Nielsen HO 5-9379. man. WALE COLLEGE 12 years' experience as business office manager. 3 jeari with CPA, 9 years with Ford and General Motors doing large volume. Qualified In handling all hooks, financial statements and customer handling.

Married, age 35. Desires position with future. Presently employed. Box C-1W1, American-Statesman. COLOHED MAN wants work spadlne yards, digging ditches, planting Brass, scattering dirt.

Consider anything GR 2 49 FEMALE WORK WANTED RIRT iiriAY-WEDDlNG cakes, cookie baked to your order Andvville Batt GENTLEMEN: PRIVATE home, entrance, tile shower, innersprings, Venetians, window fan, garage. 1600 Preston. GR 2-6014. breakfast area in xnenen. pmuiy, washer connection.

Ua acres, fenced. Out of the city limits on paved street, school bus in front of house. GR 2-4111. GR 6-4795. A I LL AGE HOME by owner.

3 BR. 1 halh, brick and frame. Will sell equity or GL C. T. Slack, 4510 Finley HO Lovely new 3 bedroom LEASE NEW 3 bedrooms, 2 baths.

GOOD 45c EACH STUDS Plenty 1'2" Shcctrock, Gyplap and Cement Reese Lumber, Inc. 6026 N. Lamar Ph. HO 5-6565 6i-MUSIC-RADIO-TELEVISION ery. 204(1 south Lamar.

mock cast o. iienrv scnooi. sua. aiua 1010 RIO GRANDE Nice, clean, well ventilated upstairs apartment. Private bath.

Bills paid, For couple. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY ft a t-meni. 2 rooms, bath, Upstairs. $35 monthly. Bills paid.

4004 Alice Ave. HO Marlton Dr. GR 2-8772. EXPERT PIANO tuning snd actio 4 BLOCKS west Capitol employed lady Venetians, innersprings, adioining bath. regulating.

Also self player plan LF.ASE YEARLY base new modern istic 3 bedroom home. $100 month vice, an hos-bmiu or private entrance. 1306 Nueces. GR 2-4879. 2207 Newfield Lane.

GR 2-8772. GENTLEMEN: LARGE attractive RADIATOR SERVICE Cars TrurkB Tractors and ell heavy equipment. Henry Wire Co. 201 West JndGReMWOod7-()OI8. STOVES, GUNS, boots, tools, furniture, radios bought and avild.

Money to loan. B. Branton. 710 Hed River GR 7-6651. LOANS Up to $1000.00 Or More P'urniture Auto Signature won i natns, tun cupeled, all the newest finest in home building.

Price will suit, I re. GR 2-1024. 92-APARTMENTS. UNFURNISHED bedroom garage. 3804 RIDGELEA Drive.

2 home, with den and 2 car private room, hath, sundeck. Refrig erator. Attic tan, bus, 21U5 r.iiiina COItORED GIRL wants washing and ironing in her home. Or days work. Ph.

GR 7-7K7, attractive Garage. CORNER HOME. Insulated, com-tortable, Ihree bedrooms. Furnace, washer connections. $75.

See anytime. 15001 WEST 6lh. Clean, apartment. 3 room's, bath Window cooler GR 8-4541. TELEVISION SERVICE Money Back Guarantee If We Can't Fix It.

SO. AUSTIN TV, GR 6-2878 SPECIAL FLOOR CLEARANCE NEW FLOOR MODELS RCA color TV, $500, 1 RCA color TV. $260. GH 6-5528. LARGE WELL" furnished, southeast exposure, connecting hath.

Maid service, linens. Reasonable. 611 Baylor. GR 8-7784. Call GR 6-8608, HO 5-0266.

TRANSMISSION EXCHANGE, New I iii'i-l 1st CI 11 tc FFF1C1ENT COLORED lady wants 3 days work fn private home, can cook. Have transportation. GR 2-6771, WOMAN WANTS rough dried bundles to iron. References. GR 7-6058.

Fordomatic, powergtide. fivnaflow serv ROOM house, cool, corner lot. Bus ne Phone GK 8-7641 or HO 5-1658. No Job Too Small ice. Low prices.

l.K Total Loan si no on $540.00 $720 00 Monthly Payments $10,00 $17.00 $40.00 niece dining MASSIVE SOLID oak 1 Philro shortwave radio, $150. 1 Broil uick Rotisserie, 38 suits, like 2205 WEST 4'lth. 4 rooms. Front fence. Water furnished.

One block bus. school. $55, HOS-7491L UNTARNISHED APARTMENT New. luxurious. Air conditioners.

Automatic heat. Beautiful tile bath with vanity mirror. Big bedrjsom with 7 font deep walk-in closet. Only $65.00. Barron Construction Co.

Git 2-2469 or 110 5-9063. suite, $85, 3 men size Free estimates on urban or suburban remodeling or repairs. We furnish labor and materials or materials only WANTED: BOYS or family washing and ironing in ray home. References. Thone GR 2-6628.

1 used rebuilt 21" HI A uelux TV, Typewriter -( new. each. 89-ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND private bath young working girl MEALS INCLUDED. $15 weekly, 1417 Corona DjH(J 5-7494. LOVELY FURNISHED room with home cooked meals.

401 East 8th. Phone Gli 8-7005. new picture tube, etc. $150, 1 VM hili plug In changer, rebuilt Hem.m.l ralor. S.4'1 95 5 ROOM house.

bedrooms. 819 West 11th. Phone GR 2-2541. 1513 WEST 35th. $8073 bedrooms.

Excellent condition. Near school, shop-pmgenterbusGRMMi, GR 6-5553 3 BEDROOM brick TV antenna, washer connections, tile features. 1402 Payne, GL 3-7013. See Us First and Save Consolidate Your Bills Today piano, ma Inc. Krueger Building Materials.


References. Call GR 6-1956. in excellent Austin a. lexas Miscellaneous new TV sets at oiscoum. mm BurneOlioad Phone 110 5-7357 BARGAIN SHREDDED rubber, Hoc Herms.

uasn Larry.) 6005 Burnet Rd. Northwest Shopping Center UNFURNISHED 4 room apartment, Westfield Addition. $47.50, bills paid. Phone GR 7-8345. 90-HOUSEKEtPING ROOMS BIaOCK CaTiTOL, fnrlady.

Upstairs und, and all types otner loam run- 4505 GARNETT St. 2 bedrooms. $50 pouii bcr. Peoples Finance Co. 508 BRAZOS PHONE GR 1213 west run.

month. Phone GR 7-2416. TV SERVICE anytime Including EXTRA NICE- one bedroom apartment Stove, relrigerator. water and air-con clean, one room efficiency apartment, lnnerspiings, Electrolux, utilities, $34. HIGHLAND PARK district.

Two bed nights, holiday. Sundays. Work-parts ditioner furnished. 12th and Marshall Git 8-1224. guaranteed 90 days.

Holies, HO 3-5684 I1EPAIRS REMODELING PAINTING CALL FOR FREE No Down Payment Altractivs Terms iane. un y-ouzo. rooms, inrge piayrooro, oain. ftiiuTii, combination living-dining, redwood and culstone construction, fenced back UNIVERSITY. BUSES, stores, garage PLUMBING SAVE Do It yourself.

Pipe cut to order. Cast Iron caulked to size. Low, low prices on pipe, fittings, fixture and trim. Open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 P.m., Monday thru Saturday.

Joseph Plumbing Supply, 1210 East l.h. EXPERIENCED NURSE will care for individual or couple in home, have references. Please phone GR 6-6602 WANTED SEWING, ironing, minding in my home. Also baby sitting. 1301 West inth.

GR 8-3279 CLERK-TYPIST, fast, Bcruraler'eVperi. enred desires typing to do in mv home Have transportation. IRONING. STARCHING, mending, alterations wanted in my home- 10.VB iE. I8th.

OB 2-5396, EXPERIENCED WHITE lady wants bahy sitting day or night Own car TV SERVICE. Nights, weekends, holidays. day guaranteed L. F. et iciencv.

herve rangeite. gentle, yard. 4805 West park iirive. nu a-ouo man, $25. Utilities.

604 West 28th. GL 3-0797. NEAR DELWOOD Center and University, nice, large redecorated garage apartment. Quiet neighborhood. $60.00.

GL 3-0614. Knue. 110 5-1592 or GL 3-1068. GH 6-9410. iMmiirirrt mortem 3 hed GR 2-5172 GH 8-7186 I GENTLEMEN: RIGHT in town, pri room house.

Large Closets. 1 uo aim Austin Building Materials complete selection ot tine new ana INDIAN POST vate upstairs nice housekeeping apartment Bills paid. Frigidaire. Inner-springs. GH 8-6565.

LARGE 5 room apartment, carport. Clean and comfortable. Near Matthews School and community center, 1408 West 9th. $65. Dial GR 6-9333.

TRAVIS COOKE 3 useo pianos', ftee our goon reconniuoneo 4612 South Congress Ave pianos at spring close-out prices! I Finest duality piece goods at lowest Practice pianos $05.00 "i iriKS cottons GREGG HO 5-8768 shower. Washer connections. 4903 Ro- wena.GR 8-0072. 2 BEDROOMS, garage, nice yard. $50 Phone GR 2-7893 alter 6(115 Ryan Drive (lrl and rirv.

disclnliilcs and seersurk- SELL OR TRADE Two bedroom home, located on paved SB ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION 91-APARTMENTSiFURNISHED EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE, ul Save this nurmrJ3L 3-10IB BABY SITTING day or'nicht. Mrs. K. $47.50 ROOMY 3 rooms, hath, garage. Excellent condition.

Water paid. er In dacron. These fabrics by Bates, street in F'renrh Place area. Well 5513 $100, Almost new, Airport Blvd. wamsutta.

Peter ran. Dan itiver ann LOVELY 3 BR. Overbrnok. Near Call GR 7-9431. Bus.

Northwest. GR 6-4435, GR 6-5553. tra airconditioned. well fur I rowers, j-none un mim. nave NEW in cubic ft.

Admiral refrigerator. other iajnous maKe our prices landscaped lot, wun large trees, tiwner will trade equity for modern house-trailer. Pete Crow Realtor. GR 7-7036. number.

several evnnoralive cool. those h'lr and Graduation gills of Indian made Jewel Will sell below wholesale. 1716 W. ATTRACTIVE. CLEAN apartment for adults.

Lots of closet storage space. Bus line. 3802 Duval. GL 3-3710. Small uprights $185.00 Player pianos (245.0ft Used Wurlitzcr Grand Used Spinet $495.00 $10 00 down delivers anv used piano.

1 year guarantee. Free delivery Bench Included 70 pianos In stock EHI.ANDSON PIANO CO. 107 E. 5th PJ( GR 7-1394 Anniversary Sale ers 35. nished, near University, Couple or professor.

$850 6-5546. WALK TO work. 913 West 6th. 4 rooms, halh. Porch.

Comfortable. Pleasant surroundings. Phone GR 2-2508. ry, sterling or cooper at popular prices CLOSED MONDAYS. Open Sundays 2 RENTALS, AVAILABLE jnrt.iL ns 4 OR fiimlc-v Cnan Other day 9 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants "part-time or half day work.

Ph. GR 8-9215. Fannie Mcluham. V0CATIONALNl3RSE wishes nursing bv day. or care elderly person.

Ph. GL 3-7016, p.m. Phone GR 7-2715. SOUTH AUSTIN Like new. private.

2 bedrooms. Cool, cjeaa, Venetians, closets. Bus, 707B Acorn Place, $50. GH 6-9861, GR 6-3761. NEW REFRIGERATOR freezer on top and Hardwiok gas Range, new; both fultv guaranteed takes both Terms.

A-l Furniture, 4031 Guadalupe. Avail Aprii 20th $.50 4612 Burnet Rd. 3 BR, fenced, wash er conn. COMPLETE printing shop. 4 ROOMS furnished convenient to Bergslrom Field, near bus line.

Big State Realty. GH 8-0079. Mil ti i a. nin aim ivne mm nlh 9 rr. unf.

Washer 10" cutter, and esoosure frame. Sell EXTRA CLEAN. larger than aieat conn 'Paved li-- i.n 1 sn 1U, hath. FRIEDRICH. FEDDERS.

Philco, complete. Bill Shirley, 110 5-8240. EDUCATIONAL houses, just redecorated, living ream, separate dining room, large kitchen. 2 riishwashcr. clean $80.00 G.

I. LOAN NO DOWN PAYMENT NO CLOSING COSTS Only one left $11,450. All brick. 3 bedrooms. 17x19 breezeway.

Tiled bath. Formica bar in kitchen with lots of storage. Automatic heat. Many other extras. 75 foot lot.

Paved street. Call Mr. Barron. GR 2-2469; Evening HO 5-9063, GR 2-4694. OWNER "4-04 Shoalwood, 3 bedroom, carpeted, air-coiditionrd, central heat.

Lovely yard. $12,500. FHA or GL Save $100 to $500 on new piano Built by Baldwin bedrooms and a den. wauting aisiance LOANS Cash for any worthy purpose ASSOCIATES Loan Investment Co. 509 W.

5th Street Austin, Texas Phone GR 6-3515 GOOD BICYCLES, all sizes. $5 up Two good 38" attic fans. 4611 Bams ter Lane, GR 8-I37B. 52-INSTRUCTION FURNISHED RENTALS nno TP nff ant UnV Npflf of town. Drive by 808 Baylor.

Call owner GR 6-3555 or GR 2-1829. TH It EE BLOCKS west University. Un- Univ aw Schl M0.00 USED RADIATOR cores Ford. Chev YOUR FIRST lesson FREE mo ,,111. 1 RR nni.

rnUDleS rolet. other makes. Guaranteed. Austin ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT DOWNSTAIRS Completely furnished, including all utilities. 15 blocks west on 12th at Elm.

DILL ENFIELD APARTMENTS Phone GR 6-4163 nnlv' r'nnv. Univ $67.50 REBUILT USED PIANOS RE ATI REDUCED Vornado, one ton units, and up. Bunkley's TV Ik Appliances. Allandale Shopping Center WIGtRCT IC evaporative K1er CFM squirrel type, CFM 05. complete with pump, directional louvers.

Chiro portable coolers Other sizes reduced 405 Must 43rd. 20W1 CFM coolers. $29 05 each. Farri Air-Conditioning. 4401 Guadalupe.

HO 5-1574. on standard Guitar. Hawaiian Steel Guitar. Instruments furnished for trial course. Furnished Property Shown by Appoint.

lurnishcd apartment. Living room, am-elle-kitrhen, bedroom, bath. $50. Adults. GR 6-3402.

Welding Radiator Works. GR 6-3733 GH 6-4357 WILCOX GAY disc recorder, radio wayne vvoon -joe nsue Phone GL 3-4612 Bobbie Felibaum. GL 3-5680 alter 3. phonograph combination. Tor sale VERY NICE large newly decorated upstairs apartment.

Garage. Available April 15th. 1303 San Antonio. HO 5-9588. A.

B. Beddow, Realtor Phone HO 5-7633 SOUTH AUSTIN. Clean 2 bedroom. Near school, bus. Washer eonncc- tions.

Good neighborhood. GR 2-9434, GH 7-5131. Low Down Payment 36 Months to Pay CAPITOL PIANO CO $3,950 IS the total price asked for 3207 FRENCH Place. Midsyay East model Frigt-i this i bedroom home in iNortn Austin, situated on very nice lot (50x194 feet). consider trade.

Phone H0 YM DAN DY slides L9S sw in ss $1 4 50 up, 50 models. Closing out gas mowers. Linseed oil $1.98 gallon. G.E. range, reirigeiator.

Dishwasher. portable washer, organ, boat motor, proiectors, recorders, trailers, bicycles. Leslieo's HO 5-9996. 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath. Delwood No.

4. ENFIELD. 2 bedroom lower south apartment. Central heating, air conditioning. $85, GR 7-8989.

Harold Caldwell. Realtor. Avenue, Airport Blvd. rnvaie entrance. 3 rooms, bath, hall.

yard. Utilities. No pets. One child. $60.

CLOSING OUT all 1055 daire. Food Freezers, other appliances Company. 805 Congress Kange. ana Reed Music 1518 Guadalupe C.H 8-5383 Needs a few finishing touches. To settle estate.

First time offered. Call Monlandon Si Pihlgren. GR 8-5778. GR 2-9869, GR 8-7352. RCA.AI)M IR AI.

"Capehart" TV Sets BEAUTICIANS: DAY and nieht classes now forming at the new Austin Beauty School. 1412 Lavaca, Phone NEW CLASSES EVERY MONDAY DAY AND EVENING ACCOUNTING, OFFICE MACHINES 1113 ENFIELD Rnad, Living room, 1808 East Avenue. 3 BEDROOMS, large living room, huge dining room, spacious kitchen. Tile splash and drain, breakfast nook. Tile hath u-ilh chnwei- over tilh.

If you want Large storage nHim. i space. Call GH 8-6685. or after 6 p.m., HO 5-0716. JeaJUmJWorslwmc "3BEDROOMS, Northwest, on bus line, near community center.

1822 West 39th. GL 3-0787-HO 5-1511. kitchen, dinette, bedroom, bath. Attractively furnished. Mathes cooler, utili FI-TDlfts" 1055 model available.

Bunkley's TV 4-Appliances, Allandale Shopping Center. 59-ANTIQUES-ART OBJECTS 67-FOOD PRODUCTS ties. a big apartment, this is it. 2806 Rio New lulls- guaranteed. Will sell at actual wholesale prices.

1716 W. 35, RENT A television for a second set lor guests, for children, lor shut-ips. Alpha Television Rental, HO 5-5597 No answer -G It AUSTINrommunitv center. 3 Grande (downstairs). $87.50.

Phone GH 2-6970, GR 7-7135 for appointment. SOUTH AUSTIN n. i t.n carport $450 DOWN Buys tovely new house on a paved street in north part of town. Thia is a large roomy house with automatic heat and many other attractive features. Phone office, GR 8-8773.

Home. GL 3-7454. JUST RECEIVED Vine ripened to maloes, by small basket, pound ot large hoves. Ruby red grapefruit or 4 rooms air-conditioned. Bills NEW.

FOUR room rock garage apart fenced yard. Bills paid. $90. Apply 1. rsh Delicious anoles.

Fresh Country WHITE MARBLE, top walnut sideboard from French Embassy. Very old. Needs repair. $163.00, GL 3-0781. ment.

1801-C Sharon Lane. $60. FM. paifl. -ienaix wasner.

nieu snowci kitchen. Covered iloors. Flourescent lighting. Venetians, innersprings. Child.

GH 2-2702-GR 7-1234. 1312 Newning Ave. GR 2-4375. home radio phonographs, special anv tahle radio. $1.50 eggs.

Sanders Vegetable Stand. 41st GR 6-9640, GR 6-57311. 'April and Lamar. bor plus oarta. Radio Service.

2406 (tan $50 3 room garage apartment, bath. $500 DOWN BEAUTIFUL QUEEN Ann table, obis Ytntinn8 and 10 Chin- FOR LEASE OR SALE San Antonio (back ol Varsity Theatre) GR 2-9531. 69 WANTED MERCHANDISE NEAR THE University. Nicely furnished apartment. No children or pet.

Phone GR 2-8646 or GR 7-4197. storage, garage. Community center, bus. Nice yard. GR 6-4435, GR 6-5553.

84-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Prndale choirs. Hill West Ave. GR 6-5094. Cute, clean, 2 bedroom frame. pretty oak floors, nice closets.

60x181 ft. lot, live oak trees galore, fenced yard for dog or chickens. 1 block school. Ford nil VFRT. ALL kinds and sizes.

Used Student rooming house near University. 15 rooms and apartment. 2 double and 3 single baths. Most of floors car. 21" TV nluminized picture.

Table model, Nice. A steal at 62.50. 1621 W. tilh. GR 2-1774.

BERGSTROM AIRMAN. 4 large rooms, or' new, give dimensions, prices. Box REDECORATED LARGR 2 bedroom brick apartment. Near St. David's Hospital, Law School.

Nice lawn. No pets. 60 FURNITURE HOUSEHOLD Vi lage. Raymond L. Moore.

Kealtors. X-1HII. American-Statesman. SECRETARIAL AND GENERAL BUSINESS COURSES AUSTIN'S OLDEST LARGEST AND MOST MODERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Approved for veterans training under GI or Korean Veteran Bill Call or write for free course bulletin NIXON-CLAY COLLEGE Wh and Colorado P.O Btn 835. Ph.

GK 7-70112 GR 7-S855 Established 1903 convenient to base and city. 1(1 inicon $50 month. $10 5 0723. HUNTERS, FISHERMEN, BUSINESS MEN START YOUR OWN BUSINESS peted. Available now tor tease or small down payment.

Take trade. GR 2-4111, GR 6-4795. GK 2-fllb3. REMINDING YOU' Laybourn usually FRIGIDAIRF. with super GIVE ME a chance to buy furniture, appliances, bahy furniture, anything BEAUTIFUL ARRYTOWN CUTSTONE three bed Agent.

HO 5-5876, GL 3-7472 LARGE garage apart repairs TVs. radios right In your home, no waiting. HO 5-0922. nice modern ranne. sacruu rooms, two baths.

28..0 so. ft. Huge of value. Monson. GK 6-86U5-HO 5-1108, Sell America's Floating Housetraller menf.

Hills paid. Air conditioned. Washing machine. Near bus. 2301 S.

1st. TWO BEDROOM cottaiie- onf 'S," trees. Vacant. Realtor. GR 8-6879.

both $75, Mahogany bedroom suite, springs, mattress, all $45. Chrome CLEAN Lovely garage apartment. Cool, shade trees. Ground porch, private yard and entrance. Storage space.

Venetians, very desirable. $50. 3409 Tom Green. Franchise available lor those who quality. Can be seen Wednesday only.

NEW 1958 Admiral 17" television sets, $113.95. 1 year guarantee Free $5.9 De wood uenter. ion rarrairt. storage. $65.

HIGHEST CASH paid for furniture, refrigerators, ranees, oflire furniture. riinett $15 Sectional couch $75. May- OWNER. NORTHWAY Crest, must sell GI eouily in nice 3 bedroom home. NEAR UNIVERSITY 403 East 43rd.

lag washer Small piano, deep nttic beam antenna 5th Guadalupe, city parking lot oi write Box Z-160, American-Statesman GR 2-1851-GR 6-8454, ENFIELD: CLEAN, 2room pianos. Try us first. HO 5-142J. stotk" needed Rabv furniture Tile hath, extra large rooms. Rock shMnmn- ARRYTOWN 4 lovely rooms.

Ven Upstairs duplex, 2 bedrooms furnished i I Pi-otni- married COlinln. $1,0 month. Cat freeze, other item all go cneap. ia West 41st Strcet. REBUILT COUCtlEsf snd" occasional RE-CONDITIONED trim, large lot, fenced yard.

$850 down, assume loan. HO 5-0137. 2-9434, HO 5-9996, slaves, refrigerator chests, radios and etians, tile kitchen, bath, shower. Private entrance. Garage.

$65. GR 7-7988. S.hV..f:'l SAND lurniture. tluskin. 709 Red ttiver GR 8-6788.

95-BUSINESS PROPERTY rha rs. cneap. Off Dunaway School of Accounting $395 beds, wardrobes, FOR RENT. Air-conditioned unfurnised robes, tans, 1 1 ivro aivn. stock and dishes, rent building andTN COMPANY, Realtors.

P'luipment In East Austin. Will considerjGK b-j61. SPINET PIANO apartment. $65. Call GR 6-3884.

LIVESTOCK, SUPPLIES Spridlliti ennditioned, 1 bedroom, nicely spraining. furnished apartment, close m. $75.. Call FOR RENT STORE BUILDINGS 1701-1703 Guadalupe St. COUCH-NEW rover.

$45. Bedroom suite, $35. Refrigerator, apartment stove, both $70. Piano, $85. Washing machine, $.15.

Organ, $45. Mattresses. BARTON HILLS AUSTIN'S SCENIC BEAUTY DAY AND EVENING CLASSES 71 DOGS, PETS, ETC. 3821 MAPLE WOOD Nice, cool. 2 bedroom upstairs apartment; near schcool and community center.

$60 monthly. Bobbins. Montgomery and Nieman Co. GR 7-6108 DRIVE IN cafe. located near down I Mi W.

W. Stevens at GEO. W. SAND-town area, large parkins lot. fronting'LlN COMPANY.

Realtors. Off. Also one at $495 and one at $543. Two Studio Pianos $4.15 and $195. Several good uprights from $175 up.

Two grands $895 and $975. FOUR AKC registered Collie pups. The only school In the Austin territory $10 up. Springs, $5. More turniture devoted exclusively to BOOKKEEPING cheap.

631 West 34th. GH B-562L 3 BR, 2 bath-den $15,500 main traveled street, and across from location for new cilv auditorium. Brick store building, newuv. each. GL alter 5, or Beigstrom, riiiw MKTAnts GARAGE anartment and rcmoaeien, coin-i nd Alt 1 HOT POINT refrigerator, Hardwickl FURNISHED OR unfurnished nice 3 reasonable lease, price is reasonable.

ivivvivc. anv ANCKD I shoo. Dr nuns Quiet, very private. S40, bills paid. Bus.

range. Westinehnilse Console TV. Must see this before you buy. i'hone extension 512. Wilkins FLASHY FAWN Boxer pup.

Registered. Only $30. Aller 5 week days, GR 7-1515, rni -pyi-i AnnrnvMl lor training under KH8 iuas room apartment. Children welcome. Near school.

1411 West 9th. GR 2-1355. schools. 4509 Shoalwood Electrical and plumbing shop, furniture -ir interior decorator, offices, most Suber Really, GR 8-5729. 3 BR.

2 balh-den, fireplace and central heat $16,850 3 BR. 2 bath-den, completely air conditioned, tree studded corner lot. carpeted throughout. Beautiful brick $17,950 Bit and Korean veierans nm GI room-size imported rug. Remits washer and other household articles must sell immediately, (ill 8-2744.

RIGHT DOWNTOWN with suburban Tel. GR 8-1051 EAST 32nd, across from St. David's 1703 lower View lourt. 1005 Guadalupe atmosnhere. Large, correctly appointed 805 CONGRESS PHONE GReenwood 6-3531 anv Kino ot ousiness.

iw Rent $200.00 and $150.00 per month. II IJ Hospital. 4 rooms, $65 month. For more information, call GR 2-7990. MALE PEDIGREED Pomeranian.

With Quiet, refined surroundings. Cooled. Jilll 1IM I DUE TO III health, you may now buy a wholesale candy novelty husiness in county seat near Austin papers. Black with while markings. 906 Trinity, 608-610 Jast (in oi.

WE RENT electrical appliances. J. Reed Music 805 Congress. GH 6-3531. year old.

lilt 7-3o. 2 LARGE rooms, bath. Close in. $40, 92-A-DUPLEXES, UNFURN. Two nire, newly decoraten 5 separate built up routes, established 8-10 years route truck, and about $3,000 stock reasonably priced.

100b West 12tn. Hio-HnhH. For sale: Toy Fox Terriers. Registered. UKC purple ribbon.

3307 Lafayette Ave. CASH FOR bahy beds, high cnairs, 608 IS 2U xou ami niv t-y location for furniture repair shop. 2nd hand furniture sales, who esale or re NICELY FURNISHED apartment at 816 Come alter 5:30. av pens, cnesis oi uiawt-i. nfurnlture.

GR 6-5979. FURNISHED, newly decorated. See to appreciate. $65. Nice working couple preferred.

4514 Ave. B. GL 3-3479. west 6in. lan Mrs.

rvjeisen, nu tail auto parts, tailor shop, otiices. Stelnway Pianos Everett Piano Cabte-Nelson Pianos Chickering Pianos Hammond Organ Continued Service Since 1901 FOR SALE: 3 Fox Terrier puppies NEW CLASSES BEGIN APRIL 9-11 Lern Shorthand in 6 SpeedwrJting No sign No Symbol ENFIELD REALTY In Tarrytnwn Shopping Center Phone GR 6-3521 or HO'5-1356 COUPLE. 3 rooms with hath. Between s.n-ra n-nv GAS RANGE. In good conaitinn.

GH 2-3221. ahout fl weeks old, $10 each GR 8-7186 GR 2-5172 $65.00. Capitol. University and Brarkenndge 407 East 16th. GR 2-8128.

LIVING ROOM, bedroom, kitchen-dinette, tile hath and drain. 8 blocks west of Congress. GR 6-9330. ADORABLE AKC registered wire WiHiden cnncK wagon wim compartments, perfect for den or $25. 3306 Perry Lane.

GL3-03iR. 620 iamar haired Terrier puppies. GL 3-0060. THE SAN ANTONIAN OPPORTUNITY AWAITS someone who nine hnilHing. newly decorated FURNISHED LIVING dinette bed ana.

remodeled. Can be used for 702 San Antonio Downtown, modernistic efficiency apartment. Electric kitch BOXF.H PUPS. AKC registered. Well marked, fawn and hrindle.

Reasonably room kitchenette bath. Redecorated, Save $1 00 with this Test Ad. wants to own their own husiness downtown. Superb location on lease with option. One of Austin's better stocked nv IrinH nf retail husiness CAS ranee, like new- HAnllWICKE utilities furnished.

Piano. UK 3-3573. FOR GUARANTEED TV. SERVICE priced. 3408 Kawioipn, die I bargain at $50, call on 1-MW 1004 West 34th.

Adults. No pets. ens, uatns witn snower. air-cnnoinonen. Maid service Utilities paid.

See Mgr. GR 8-9412. Uses I I nm HAM'S BUSINESS COLLEGE office. About 20'x50'. Rent reduced to $100.00 per wonth.

Call us. Leases available on all build 6 weeks. CALL Git 6 2876 SOUTH AUSTIN TV HO 5-8911, children and maternity wear, ror more information contact Mrs. Davenport or Mrs. Bnsko with George W.

CLEAN. NICELY furnished duplex. 3 Live GERMAN SHEPHERD pups. Subject to registration. 1009 Oak, Lockhart.

Phone B96. CONVENIENT LOCATION Nire. clean, large rooms, hath. Couple. No pets.

ings. No trouble to answer quest nine. 3000 BLOCK SOUTH FIRST NO DOWN PAYMENT 100 GI LOAN bedrooms, $54 per month. 3 bed Water furnished. Convenient to Berg AKC REGISTERED Shetland Sheep strom.

$50. 909 Willow. GR 6-5531. PAUL O. SIMMS UU.

322 Westm St. Phone GR 2-5475 S.indtin, and Co. Realtor otflre. GR 862 LRe RJfitG 7-5858. STATION for lease.

Phone Henry Sasse at GR 8-8156. GR 2-1132. dogs 8 weeks okl. Call for appoint FINE QUALITY PIANOS NEAR ZILKER school, redecorated an. ment to see.

GL newly redecorated. Plenty closet space. Air-cooled. GR 8-6249, GL 3-5616. EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS.

All bills paid. $55 and $60 per month. Or $15 per week. On bus and near everything. Colonial Court 4926 East 1st.

GR 2-0466. furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Stor rooms. $64 per month. Why pay rent.

toy i.r.rTH Poodle registered. White with apricot ears. $150. Call age, bus, yard. GK Alter p.m.

week days. OFFICE AVAILABLE April 20. 5 rooms, garaee. Professional, commercial studio. $95.

Parkway block off Lamar in Enfield. GR 2-7111. CARRUTH REAL ESTATE GR 2-2535 GL 3-6558 or HO 5-9841 Let BLEDSOE' 65 years of musical service, guide and help you in your selection of the finest new or ccon-dilloned used pianos. Choose your new piano from such nationally known brands as Nationally accepted tor business and Civil Service Day and Evening Classe. Gregg Shorthand.

Typewriting (Electric and manual). Accounting. Oiiice Machines, etc. MANY JOBS AVAILABLE FOR TRAINED PEOPLE. Approved for Veteran Training Day and Evening Clasc.

NIGHT CLASSES DRAFTING MEN WOMEN Basic Blue Print Reading Architectural Structural Electrical Piping Mapping Topographical USED FURNITURE BARGAINS GR 6:3795 forappointmcnt. BEAUTIFUL GERMAN-puppies. GL 3-Ontifl Shepherd TV repair for 2902 WEST Avenue, furnished duplex, 2 bedrooms, living, dinette, kitchen tile, Venetians, innersprings, wall carpet. $60. Garage.

GR 6-4265. 2 FURNISHED apartment. Air conditioned, gas. water paid. 2503-A San GR 2-7893 after BUILDING.

12x28 shop or office space. 6:30. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY store in suburban area of Austin. Corner lot 168x68' on North Lamar, store building. storage room, service station-equipment, stock St fixtures, $4250.00.

ENFIELD REALTY In Tarrytown Shopping Center Phone GR 6-3521 or 110 5-1356 Gabriel, Apartment 2. DOGS AND cats boarded. For stud service, registered silver REDUCED. BLOCK Capitol. Redecora- NICELY FURNISHED three rooms, Kimball Knabe Persian cats.

Hank Kcnnels.iH 8-046. FOR RENT for loan company or real estate office. Very nice. Reasonable. Phone GR 8-0149.

tions just completed in new modern colors. Large closets. 304-B East 13th. GH 8-0072. bath.

Refrigerator, Venetians. Good location. Adults $45. utilities paid. 3911 Alice Ave.

GL 3-2609. FOR SALE or trade for car er boat or anything of value, 32 high grade Wurlilzer Mason It Hamlin Fischer Practice pianos Piano rental FOR RENT or lease, 75'x290' lot. 4700 block Burnet Road. GL 3-1890. NEAR UNIVERSITY-710 West 19th.

FURNISHED UPPER apartment, 2 WASHATER1A $50 00 up 5.00 up CHECK THESE LISTINGS For Better Buys CRESTVIEVV chinchillas with complete equipment Box R-180 American-Statesman. 72-POULTRY AND SUPPLIES Mostly one of kind Hems. Hurry down. Instruction by Professional DrafUmen Downstairs, evaporative coolers. 4 rooms $55.

3 rooms $50. Water furnished. GR 6-3005 GR 7-9374. bedroom; near Delwood community center. Very convenient.

GR 7-8535; GR 6-8066. NEW 20x60 store. Suitable for retail or office. $100 month. 5132 Burnet Rd.

For null sale or trade with late car. GR 2-6973. GH 7-7879. HO 5-9411. DURHAM'S BUSINESS COLLEGE FURNISHED GARAGE apartment.

4 SlCtl) 1 rli.nlav BABY AND started chicks. Baby and started pullets. Gosllns, turkeys, and FOR SALE: Major company' service OFFICE SPACE for. rent. Air condi Westinghouse 90 Laundromat value station business.

University neighbor Central heat, wasner connections. Near schools. 6514 Woodrow. $75. GL 3-6159.

rooms. Near bus. University. Hardwood floors. Venetians.

2054 Sabine. $60. HO 5-1840. bantams. Planting seeds and supplies washer, iau MUSIC COMPANY hood.

Call GL 3-6486 alter fi p.m. tioned. American yesum North Congress. Phone GR 2-4138. 11 no answer.

GR 8-7313. 6O0-A Lavaca Phone- GR 8-3446 Austin, Tega at Tomlinsons. 2113 East Avenue. GR 7-5321. LOVELY REDECORATED 5 room fur "SERVICE STATION bedrooms anrl Hen hnm, mm.

FURNISHED APARTMENT 4 large rooms. Bills paid. Quiet, private. Across from 215 West 6th St. the Post Office Phone GR 8-6539 COMMERCIAL BUILDING 316 East 73-LIVESTOCK-FEED lot one blork from Brentwood School- MERCHANDISE nished duplex; 2 bedrooms, tile bath, large closets.

Garage. Convenient to downtown, shopping center. University. GR 2-5805. 6th.

Phone GR8-1881- 1613 West 8th. l. $299 Philco Deluxe Peep freeze, 55 model, good as new a 1 1 1 stneker WA NTED GOOD Available in good section of town, doing-nice volume of business. Will require small Investment. Call GR 2-1132 or after 6 or Sunday NEAR CAPITOL, University.

Redeco. rated garage apartment. 3 rooms, nice- 63-PLANTS, SEEDS, TREES WiH: calves. Call Mr. SMALL OFFICE, air utilities.

Janitor servire. $45.00. 1207-B 34th. Phone HO 5-6335. iams, GR 7-1211.

Completely redecorated inside, featuring extra large bedrooms, living and dining room combination, plus knotty pine den off kitchen with attached ga-rage and double carport with fenced l.v furnished. Bill paid, $50. 1606 Red VI l.4Rr:F vrntn. ewes All wllh big TWO BEDROOM furnished duplex, 1816 West 38th. 3 room apartment.

1508 Enfield. Bills paid. GR 7-9333. GL 3-1058. 57 BUILDING MATERIALS JET GLASS wnler heaters.

10 vesr warranty. $1 down, $5 month. Joseph numbing Supply, 1210 East 6th. Kiver. lambs.

Will deliver around Austin. $18 TOMATO PLANTS All kinds of hed-ding plants. Kieuz Florist, 3106 East Ave. Phone GR 2-2656. back yard.

Worth $10,200. EBBS' NEWS Stand, 127 West 7th pair. GR 7-9876. $149 Ham four piece Solid Maple Bedroom suite 109 WEST 15th Clean, modern, unfur NICE, CLEAN living, bedroom, kitchen halh. Private entrance.

Bills paid Working couple. 4108 Ave. C. lor aie due lo illness. See owner.

508 Ellliwood. nilFn SIIFTT.ASjri mnre Real eenlle PAUL 0. SIMMS CO. RENTAL BULLETIN COMMERCIAL VIOLET CROWN well trained for only $510. Don call nished 5 room apartment.

Upstairs in brick duplex. Immediate occupancy $75 monthly. Robbins, Montgomery and FOR SALE or trade for car or boat unless Interested. GK 7-8595. NEWLY DECORATED one bedroom or anything of value.

32 high grade JOIINS-MANVILLE ASBESTOS SIDING Nieman. GK7-6io. apartment. Tile drain. Convenient to 2 bedroom on corner lot convenient to schools, shopping center and bus rnincniiias wun complete equipment, Box R-180.

American-Statesman. Doubte chest. ELECTRICALLY AIR-condition, up- 8.49 Blond Mhg Dresser, mirror, bookcase bed ATTENTION GOURMETS AND MEAT LOVING TEXANS $149 er, turnisneii. a rooms, spacious, nrm 'nivcrsity, Garage. Couple.

No pets line. Available on FHA, or VA financing this offers the most for the money anywhere in town. Frame construction Bergstrom; also close in. GR 2-i925. 370tTiOVALLE Ave.

2 room apartment, hills paid private bath. GR 2-6634. 2 BEDROOMS kitchen All ho Down Payment 36 Month to Py Call L. D. HOLT, HO 5-9H85 A certified Johns-Manville Contractor RENTALS PETUNIAS.

PLUMBAGO, Hydrangea, Salvia, Snapdragons, Verbenas. Violets. Lnntanas. Yard Geraniums. Hibiscus, Carnations, Pinks.

Ivy Geraniums. ABeratum, C'nladiums. Asters. Marigolds. Dogger's Florist.

1312 Weat 4()th. Phone gl 34322. 64-STORE OFFICE EQUIPMENT VARIETY hardware store fixtures secliunal wall and counter fixtures, center counters, display sections, complete setup for average size store. Sell or trade any part or all. GH 6-1356, Faulkner.

P. O. Box 741 Austin. $80. GR 6-5546.

corn fed sinre 401-403 Paul warehouse $400 111 San Jacinto store bldg. $3aO 415 West 6th bldg. 24'xl06 $200 129 East. 6th store $225 1701 Guadalupe corner store 28W $200 1107 East 4th warehouse 7.VX128' $225 1703 Guadalupe store bldg. $150 i-oo drive-in with Heavy, pure bred beef, September.

GR 6-41311, with floor- furnace heating, separate dining room and attached garage. A buy at only $8,150. 93-HOUSES, FURNISHED bills paid. Near shopping center. 405 table.

West 39lh. HO 5-9131. 29 small chairs Walnut finish, buffet, four 87-ROOMS JURNISHED TWOROOMS, bsThTlrieals, lovely pri vale home; for girls. Near bus, shopping center. Phone GR 8-2372.

REDECORATED SOUTHEAST apart STRIPLING-BLAKE LUMBER INC. Phone HO 5-6551 5453 BURNET ROAD PRIVATE, clean, small, one-bedroom cottage. Closets. Adults. No pets.

South Austin. 2314 Forest Ave. SOUTH AUSTIN ment. Nicely furnished. Close In.

For Dead Stock Removed Call 39-K2, Buda. Texas NORCO RANCH business couple. Quiet; private. Call GR 6-4226. NEAR UNIVERSITY, bus.

Single room. private bath, entrance, evaporative 69 MODERN COTTAGE, furnished 1401 Alameda (Travis Heights). Convenient to Bergstrom, $65. Mrs. Angus, GR 8-9761.

Two piece lime green sectional, three sturdy tables Here's a deal for the large family requiring a lot of room at a down-to-earth price. 3 bedrooms, separate din COMMERCIAL MEAT grinder. 1-3 hp motor. No. 12 head.

$65. GL 3-4945. Bargain Bazaar cooler, refrigerator, sua west 22Va. AND 75 FARM EQUIPMENT-SUPPLEIS rt ing room. Plus large screened norch counter, Special purchase permit us lo offer BETWEEN CAPITOL UNIVERSITY AIR C60LED fixtures MM 1101 East 4th warehouse 50'x75' $150 620 Lamar store or office $100 608 East 7th store or office, 2O'x60' 75 610 East 7th store bldg.

65 120 Congress store bldg. 85 East 705 East 6th store 70 West 705 East 6th store 60 2801 East 5th store $40 1008 West 34th small store 30 CAFE FIXTURES-nooth. beer box, etc. GR 8-1881. with panel wall heating, and only 2 FACTORY BUILT cattle frames for LOVELY BEDROOM Private entrance ton truck.

Like new. $50. GL 3-4945. NICE 2 bedroom house Northeast Mer school and hus. Lease $60,00 private bath.

Near bus line. 91)7 East Mhg. vanity, chest, Dargain prices on remodeling, repairs, and building, while present storks last. Garages, extra rooms, porches, car-ports, garage apartments, or what- finish beds 49 43rd. GL 3-1574.

twin month. 930 East 52nd. Shown by ap One room efficiency apartment, knotty FINANCIAL ROOM FOR gentleman, just off South blocks from Zilker School. $1,000 down and payments like rent moves you in. HOME INCOME Yes.

you can buy this duplex pine walls, upstairs, i'nvate natn, pri have-you at lowest prices in Central Congress. Community center. $6.50 LATE MODEL Burroughs 10 Column Electric with credit also, slightly used Remington 8 Column Electric at a big reduction. Several bargains in used hand machines. UNIVERSITY TYPE-WHITER EXCHANGE.

2542 GUADALUPE STREET, PHONE GR 8-4360. pointment. Call Mr. W. W.


entrance, ixice turniture. apart- weekly. 113 Went Johanna. GR vate 77-AUTO LOANS refrigerator. Double clos lex as.

NO CASH REQUIRED. 3 YEARS TO PAY. lH years of honest dealing and thou et. $50, bills paid. GR 7-1659.

17" Westinghouse T.V., 99 $2,500 and let the income from one Unfurnished Dwellings 2528 Guadalupe 6 rooms $65 $75 com 2916 Rio Grande 4 bath. flay tree service GENTLEMAN: DELIGHTFULLY cool. Clean, quiet, compact bedroom, private halh. Private entrance, $25. 406 West 33rd.

GL 3-4670. IMMACULATE. SMALL 4 room, partially furnished, house. Large lovely yard. Near Bergstrom.

Adults. $75 per month. GR 2-5782. GET CASH FURNISHED APARTMENT. Air conditioned.

New quiet beautiful convenient for University and downtown. Per- and breakfast room 65 PAUL 0. SIMMS CO. apartment tietp you make the payments. 2 bedrooms, living and dining combination in each with panel heating and tile bath.

Detached double garage and storage. Priced at $12,300 with $9,800 loan established, A.B BEDDOW. feet for two students or married sand of satisfied customers back up our statements. Call at once and save during this "BARGAIN BAZAAR." Estimates are free snd cheerfully AUSTIN LUMBER 66-MISCELlAJYEOUSFOR SALE SPIN -DRY RwasnerT.Oloubietub" $7. Boat trailer, GH 8-2017.

GOOD T'SED bedroom suite, bicycle Reasonably priced. GK washing ma chine. $11). Also other items. 2522 Rose wood Ave.

CLEAN ROOMS, 3 blocks Capitol. Male, female. Innerspring mattress, linens, maid service. Garage. 1511 Colorado.

$5 up couple. 1506 Colorado. $95. GR 2-2207 Odd Vanity and Dressers 322 West 6th St. Phone GR 2-5475 614 OAKLAND "High on windy hill." 4-room (2-BH) modern home, nicely furnished.

$75. 4 Ph. GR 8-6739 or GR 2-9734 A NICE furnished upstairs apartment. BUY ON EASY TERMS Garage. Conveniently located.

Utilities REAL ESTATE EXTRA NICE bedroom with private entrance and tile bath for a working gentleman. Close In. Phone GR 8-5391. paid. 404 East 40th.

Phone HO 5-9588. 7106 Woodrow Ave. Ph. HO 5-7631 BEND1X. ELECTRIC mower and CO.

AIR-CONDITIONED modern 3 room 100-HOUSES FOR SALE eager.v.eeit daysaiter a. liH 6-3897. near University. Private and autet. J415 East 5th GR 6-3534 GH 6-1700.

REAL STEAL beautifully crocheted 100 G.I. F'URNISHED COTTAGE Convenient Bergstrom. 3 rooms, hath. Utilities furnished. 1801 South 6th.

$55 month. GR 2-2236. TARRYTOWN: 2204 Bowman. 6 room rnone answered fy nour. ociispreaa za.

riisree jew cry. an 3710 MANORWOOD ROAD 2 bedrooms, near grade school, con PRIVATE 2 BEDROOMS, living room. GR 6-4444 CLOSE IN Desirable downstairs bedroom, private bath, entrance. Iilnens. maid service 209 W.

10th. GR 8-7120. CLOSE IN. Lovely bedroom In quiet home. Linens furnished.

For refined gentlemanJOT Henderson. GR 2-3298 praised value $200, sell $50. Thone tile kitchen and bath, students welcome. 3103 West Ave. b-twao.

venient Delwood Shopping Center. Priced very low. Owner. GR 8-5597. SUMMER RATES University apart Automobile Loans Fast Friendly Service NORGE AUTOMATIC washer, rated No, 1 by consumers.

Regular list price $289.95, our crated price $175. 1716 ments Gay and modern. Air-couiea Beautiful three bedroom, one bath home, Chip-stone A asbestos. Attached garage. Natural finished knotty pine cabinets, tile drain, stove hood, big closets.

No down payment and monthly payments are just $65 including taxes St insurance. Call Jamie Stru-hall at GR 7-8549. CAREER GIRLS. Attractive rooms, large closets. Private entrance.

Near or air-conditioned. GR 6-1700. OWNER OPEN HOUSE west n. PORCELAIN REFRIGERATOR LAKE AUSTIN Knotty pine and rock. 5th and San Jacinto Close in.

Private. GK 6-1700. nus. $20. 1611 west Avenue.

GH 6-5094. LOV'FXY BEDROOM for business girls. Upstairs rooms for men. $6.50 up. 210 East 9th.

GR 6-0007. Hendix washer $35. Baby hed. with innerspring mattress, $10. Study desk rock house 3 bedrooms, 2 bath.

Nicely furnishedJS, GR 2-5227. HIGHLAND PARK 3 rwdrcioms. air-conditioned, central heating. Kenmore washer, garage, fenced yard. $125 plus utihtiesCallJ-R 8-1348 after 4 p.m.

SMALL TWO bedroom, partly furnished. Fenced yard. North. $50. Also close in, 3 room Bill paid.

5-6685. EXTRA CLEAN one bedroom house. Fenced bark yard. Carport. Couple preferred.

$60. 7809-A Watson. HO 5-6660 or GL 3-6267. Assume my 4t4 GI equity. 3 bed Allied Finance Plan 1609-11 CONGRESS 2 and 4 room Exceptionally furnished utilities paid d.

--iti. 41 MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT rooms, 2 baths, storage, patio, work shop, sun deck. In Windsor Park, at heauttful vards convenient LaPI FINANCIAL 420 W. Jth St. Austin Phone GR 6-6294 tol University GR 6-4883.

LET US recondition your evaporative cooler. Woodland Hardware, 1708 South IbU SUttOlK. YOU'VE A choice. WTy not pick the congress, tilt 6-1767. "OPERATION HOME IMPROVEMENT" "56 the year to fix" Let us add a Repaint your home- Build your patio- Remodel your kitchen- Apply a new roof- Apply asbestos siding or build you a LURECO Garage.

FREE ESTIMATES. NO monejr down- 3 to 5 year to pay. AL EHRLICH Lumber Company 3001 South Lamar Serving Austin snd Lake area for past 10 years. Phone GR 6-0665 Your "Caterpillar" Dealer i( the best place to buy equipment new or tsed hest? 1909 Red River TARRYTOWN BRICK: 3 bedroom, i NEAR GR 8-6249 GL 3-5616. LARGE TRAILER, farm or stock hauling.

Four trurk tires, eight batns, den, Ipvelv carpet. Drapes in eluded. Mr. Bendetti, Agent. GR 6-9491 (.

rftt -M--'' 1 1 ll kitchenette. $8.50 UP and from Reconditioned Cat D7 Tractor Jl liuecns ana sixieens. ho CASH FOR clean ThoapitaT ONE BEDROOM Sleeping rooms GR 2-0061 ADULTS, Unusually attractive, targe 2 bedroom home completely furnished. UNIVERSITY AREA New, large living series with Cat hydraulic control and straight doer. $7,830.

wheel chair. Niven Furniture. 609 Near Tarrytnwn center. room, party kitchen. 3 bedroom.

2 beautiful tile baths, central heat, air-conditioned. Gorgeou trees. Call Bobbie CLEAN, EFFICIENCY apartment 2 nea rtiver. Available soon, ji*z- per mo. i.rt Kecont oned jai racur iu EAST WOODS PARK Four bedrooms, two baths.

13 closets, living room, dining room, kitchen, activities room, patio, and barbecue are some of the bare farts to appreciate them as well as the unlisted features of this White Colonial two prvTT Ar.g 9t3 West T.vnn. (Rear) large room and batn. Bills paid, 503 Walsh. 6 FOOT barbecue tables, bolted to. reuoaum, us v-oil, GL3-5b80 Kitchen, hath, living-bedroom.

Bu 4 gage with Cat hydraulic angle dozer $8,950. International TD18 Tractor with cabie angle dozer and douole drum rear la $2000 getner, delivered city limits, $13.95 Henry Wire Co GR 7-0018. doors. Bills paid. $o0.

up. D. C. HEARN CO. HO 5-9274 OR GR 8-2705 3 VACANCIES conveniently located at 220K San Antonio.

Efficiency for lady-larger downstairs apartment and 2 bedroom cottage. GR 6-0072. SLIGHTLY DAMAGED: Rath Tubs control very good condition. Allis Chalmers Model crawler trac SOUTH AUSTIN 3 rooms and hath. $50 monthly.

401 West Mary. Couple preferred. GR 2-772L Lavatories, Sinks, Frigidaire. Dish- COMPAREI SAVE! wasner. Genera eject ric Kcfr aerator mime you must see them.

l-0eated east ol the Knivaraiiv in tor with hydraulic bulldozer good (1708 F.NFIEI.n Road Garage apart Bargains. Joseph Plumbing Supply, 3703 GRAYSON Lane, block of quiet easily accessible neighbor. ment living room, kitchen, large bed mil r.asi htn. room, halh. Nicely furnished, utilities GR 7-2684.

DA-TEX RUBBERIZED paint beau Airport tiiva. tor rent inrougo aui.v 2 bedrooms, full tile bath and hower. Water paid, yard kept. $85 month; GR 2-5980. 3 bedrooms.

2 baths, air-conditioned, trees and view In Highland Hills. Washer and dryer connections, dishwasher, built in oven and cooking top if desired, exposed beams and brick in living area. Two car garage. Excellent loan established. See now to select colors and floor covering.

running condition, Albs Chalmers Model HD14, 100 horsepower, Diesel tractor with cable bulldozer, engine completely rebuilt at a cost or 7no; complete machine priced at $3.2:0. ATTRACTIVE, colorful 3' large rooms bath. Drapes. Excellent location. $60 tiful colors for every room.

Covers ovet any surface. Regular $5.95 seller Our Introductory price $3.99 per gallon. Outside house paints $1.69 and up per gallon. Wallpapers 10c and SntlTtt AtTRTTN Cash It Month Cadi II Month Yov Provision Ye. ProviiioA Receive Fot Poymeet Receive For Poymeni $152.52 $10.00 $4.4.07 $40.00 259.01 17.00 951.41 62.00 45.56 30.00 1553.21 100.00 1 bedroom cottage.

F'enced yard. Rills paid $67.50. Apply 1312 Newning GR 2-4375. Plusul.ilities!1508 Colorado. GR 2-7617 NICE EFFICIENCY.

Adults. No pets Youngslown kitchen, living ronm, bed-room, hath. 605 West 12th. $50 GK 6-9861, GR 6-3761. up per single roll.

Linoleum rugs. Visit THE CUT RATE PAINT CO. MACHINERY CO. Phone GR 6-6739 entiTit AttCTTM WM K. HOLT 300 South Lamar 4f REPAIRS GARAGES EXTRA ROOMS REMODELING 500 East 6th Street Phone GR 8-0149 nood that portn.ys the care and charm of home ownership.

Priced at $17,500 and now vacant for immediate occupancy. For appointment to see, call St nRM478 or -HARRISOfr UJILSOn-PERRSOn "REALTORS" 305West6thSt; 2-6201 2407 East 1st St Remodelled Home, $6,300 2 bedroom cottage. Fenced yard. Bills paid. Apply 1312 Newning.

GR 2-4375. EFFICIENCY: AIR cooled. Utllltle $90.00. and garages. Weekly or monthly rate Mehf Motel, 6712 North Lamar.

The above da not Include Insurant 94-HOUSES, UNFURNISHED BEDROOM house. Redecorated. Tile TO BUILD Jnyllung ADULTS. BLOCK Capitol. Clean, cool, quiet.

3 room, bath apartment Inner-springs. Electrolux. utilities $55 GR 8-1224. ith. drain.

Venetians, wasner con- Splendid location. GR 6-4281 nections Phone GR 6-6312 before noon for a loan later the same day! 10M HIGHLAND PARK WEST 3 B. 2 BATH MODERN BRICK BEAUTY $21,500.00 Rrand new air conditioned brick and frame home with attached two car garage. Excellent neighborhood of all fine new homes. A.

most attractive place from the front with entry hall and closet, huge combination living-dining room, a spacious den that opens Into the living room for entertaining and it can-be closed off and used as a bedroom. The very latest in a modern kitchen with dishwasher, disposal and formica drain. You will like such outstanding features as the sliding glass panel that opens into future terrace, the beamed ceiling in the living room, the multitude of closets and storage space, the two fancy tile baths, (one with built in dressing table) and luxury, of wall to wall carpeting. Excellent financing can be worked out so phone for appointment to Inspect this one. LARGE TWO bedroom.

Corner trees. Washer connections. $80. East 44th. GL 3-5373 alter J.

NORWOOD APARTMENTS. Attractively decorated living-bedroom, kitchen bath, apartments. $60 $65. 2506 Kio Grande. GR 2-3643.

"ur salesmen and he snow this IDEAL FOR couple. Paved, street. Block from bu stop. Block from DRESS UP YOUR HOME AND PROTECT IT, TOO, WITH NEW ROOFING AND SIDING. NO DOWN PAYMENT East End Lumber Co.

AJIjndaleJterTO 5508 JOE Raven, $80. 3 bedrooms, new. Near schools, shopping center, bus. GR 6-4435, GR 6-555i CLOSE IN 314 West 13th. 2 bedrooms.

Walking distance of town and University. GH 2-8927, GR JMSIL, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FOR RENT SOUTH AUSTIN FREE ESTIMATES NO DOWN PAYMENT LOWEST PRICES Texas Lumber Co. and bath frame house is fc, per feet condition inside and ed outside. This Is a valuable com. e'n ll? hnm on at on lv Veev rpal '3no.

We will arrange easy monthly payments for you with a Zfor bJe. No loan cost or delay. You can move in right awv because we make buvlng a house as easy for you a buying a car. Let us show vou tortov $551511 West 35th 2 bedrooms, good condition. Near school, shopping cen ter, bus.

GR 6-4435, GR 6-5553. 5 ROOM house V4 blork off South FINANCE THRIFT CORPORATION 115 Wst Fifth Street Phone GR 6-6312 Supervised t. Ixomlned by the Stole Deportment ol tanking COMMUNITY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES PAY 1 PER ANNUM Congress Avenue. Reasonable rent, GR 6-0161, GR 8-3844 nights. Sundays, Completely furnished new efficiency apartment.

Air-conditioner, thermostat wall heater, wall to wall carpels in living room, tile floors throughout, tile bath and kitchen, 2 blocks from main Henry Johnson Arnold Bengston Gene Greenwood 2235 E. 6th 000 EAST 6th GR 8-8773 bedroom houe weekday after Phone GR 2-5441 I r.n!! i COLONIAL STYLE, 2 in French Place. Call 6 p.m. GR 7-9295. bus line.

Call GR 8-1081. 107 West 5th St, Phone GR 2-9228.

The Austin American from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.