Daily Nashville Patriot from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)



C.e Office, No. IS Dradrrlcb street. Dsilv. pr annum ta Trl-Weekly, per annum, SMI Weekly, tier annum 3 00 One Weekly for two) or two Wecklie for one year, in advance 5 00 Clubs of ten or more Weeklies, new subscribers, in advance, each, 8 00 15 It W.N k7-Merchant Tailor, COBTJEE OF CEAEIE.ICK ST. AND THE SQUARE, IB now smtptied with a 8UPERI0P.

STOCK OF GOODS and read tu wait upon ail who may favor him with cll. A fticli Arlmr-nt of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ALWAYS OX HASI). seplll SLVJIOI (rlt'CCR'wlIt TO SlCHCrL Prico*ck,) xv no i. 1. 1: a it oc it COMMISSION AND MERCHANTS, AND DEALER IN Bacon, Lard, Com, Wheat, Feathers, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Ac, Comer lark-tnii Cliiircli MreeU, NASHVILLE.

TENJf. I-VOXS A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN AKD IMPOKTKluj Of rouns wines, liqtjoes, cigaes tobacco No. 19 Cedar 'Hreet, near the Post Oflioe, NASHVILLE, TENN. it it ii an i WHOLESALE GROCER, CotumUilon uiid I oruardiniJIrrrbanl, No.

1 aad 2 Broad nasiiville.Tknn.. it It A It 1 A TO. 8 KORTH SPRTJCE ami vii.i.i;, oct29-tf Auction, Commission If Gonorol Agency. if II I I. i ILL mi fiile-f irTril.tces, A.aign-is, anl o'her who ma wi ll tu an 1 of every description nt Aiftmn, with opt Kkitv, for Ca-h.

Jf on tim, the -ame to tntr th- pmcr received. No Go ids nld at pub-lic aut-Uon with din I'rocee if a Wales paid out wi Inn three d.iy a'ter sales. lor pr.vit- mle la-id nuhject to ini-trur-lions. Arrangement ih'e for liberal advance on iuo.in of anv noie 1'. ii.

No Coo ls bought or sold on my own sycur.t. I.KNJ. F. HHSBM'S. jnl5 Central Aireut, 41 Public Square.


43 Cherry Street, N' A 1 1 VI I. v.vx. J)ROMPT attention will be (riven to all buine entrusted to ii i tu a id HttcDtion to the collection of asierti Claim throughout M'd lle A. C. A.

H. lieoch, Kvann, Porter Co. II. fit-- A Thn T. Kx-(iov.

Neill H. Prown Kerriin, N'aihville, Gfn.J. A. I'avid-aon Ten Kx-ov. B.

Catiipbell, lion. olm P. Caruthert, Memphis, W. 1). Lavendtr New York City.

octS If JO. G. BROWN 1'KILKII II DRUGS. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, KURGlCAb INjTRCMKNTP, 43 College Street, tenn, MY ntnett of 'ancy tioodn, rerfunx-rr, now er; having reo-ived Ireih aeiectrd fc.r one of the firm in perton, tic; l.ubin'K, Mik'hel'l kxtracui; American Tinct. and tirrmun Coloitna Water, Fancy Soap; Hair 1 Tooth Uruahea, in every style; Oil-luc'satid Lohiu's ftacheu; Aromatic Chrystals, Chiua, Metai and Ulans Puff Boxes, several new sty Irs, ShcliCoinbo, large tock.

Also have on hand Indigo, Madder, Whit Lead, Linseed Oil, Tureutitie, Ac, Ao Jel Ili iti: i.o;aiii:i,a 'iriffrcr btu of the abov-, ust received, of prime quail' v. Bold for nix years old. JO. ii. BKO 41 College st.

SI () A It I pieces Stone of Jars, Churns, Josrn, Milk Fans, l-B'ter Crocks, very siae, Just received. JO. O. BROWN, 43 Collets 1)OICTI It AM S(4K'II Al ConsUntlv hand, Rarciav, Perkins A Co's celebrated Lotidwa Porter aud Mein'sScotch Ale. JO.

G. BROWN, 42 College street. PI'Altl. rAltrH 2 boxes of a very superior article of Starch, just received by JO. G.

BROWN, 48 Coll. st IMIII Ifioibs IsIiKla.s, yheetsnd Bhred JT Also, 1 gTuce Fparkling Gelatine; t'upuy's F.xtract Vsnilla, Ac. J. G. BROWN, 43 ColVe t.

(1 f'4l I. Abbey A on's Gold Pnil ronsi anil) un baud. JO. O. BROW 43 CoHeK street.

A II It -Constantly receiving, dl- rert from Karatoja. Alto, Kmpire ater. JO. U. HKtvs, 4SOolleir st.

TA lil.li A larx-e selects by one of the (inn, consisting of lillilie ltlicr it Ii lloolik, pi. ard on hnooon, Al-rleen, and cmni'n Un.erirk llookf; a assortment of rai'te laid Mlk and Ha Oras, spun and daited Milk; Minnow uiei, I'l by r'loats of every variety. R'-eh, Jonttd IumI', Oaring Uiiitrn, Klv Hooks, Ac, Ac, Ar. In nhort, ein tupply IIiom ahn esn appteciat. fine Tax'k'e, with nimci't every tjiinv they niay need to the successful prosecution of Ows naeful calling.

JO. O. BROWN, 4-1 Coll.ye et. AMI U. 'AULI 1U box.

Heria and Wax Canliei-, this dav reorive.l by JO. O. BK0WX, Je9 4H On. lege street. LiYery Stable.

JSI Titx "lid lrned having t'lVen fS fv tl'eruib eon MarkrtritrreL, Nah-K'f-jj 'Ii', l-iin, two doors below tl.e XLl I opjKiMte the Hfanoon House, formerly occupied ttie H.inmt ann unee that lie w.ll L. nn hand po I horses ai vehicles, to be let to the hiring pul.lic on iea.nshle terms. lie la pr-pced to tike care of, In the bett manner, all Hones left ittt bun, itlier ai ar.ting hotses or travelers IlKrtibte issi uited toiivrnient to and ha will keep hot v- erlercel o. tiers and the best provender he niarkt rsn nttorj. moderate.

Jan U. PATTKI-O'4. IMSSOI.I TIO'. Utween the undersigned, In the nme and of .1. V.

fi-nt-u wn illwlvid by mu tu il eoi.sriil nn the 8t uit. iltirr of ui will aUrud to tlx cttling up ol Ui bueiueu of Ui late linn. J. M. FFAM'RT, II.

PK H. Janl tf T. J. tfaAULKr. XEwTlRM.

rp J. III It A- II. htve fo-me. a partnership under the name 1 and sivle of T. J.

Sea'miy A Co aad taken the sUick Ti and s'and of J. M. tv.l.ufr A In Cooer's HI.k-S, Cherry street; and announce to their friends and the punoc, tht they ate prepaie-t to execute eviy tearitition of work In the I' 1. 1 WI'INU IK1 HS, In ihe nratrnt a' 4 most ub-tantial manner. They will alio furnish and fit np Gas Fix-lures In the yles.

They rcp-ctfully solicit a abaer of pcblie patronage. IjauY a A GOOD CLEANSING BITTER, TO KK AKS.V IX T1IS Sl'KlXG kind ei.ougS, reader, to give your aiteaiiua one no a-e and will le.ru wliat Cinrfenbcf Ilraltli liitlrrs Are good fie. Tiey l.av been ae 1 la an eitensire i.rae-tire 'n New Vofkf. ru war 1 of lor year I tight ye they have Wen ued in n-ee, and note this gieal truth, they Wave eured and h. pVd tiiuatands ef eases of i ii i I Nervous tefcdiy, tf V.nd and hj I'lta, IVraae-sbentof 'lie ru-ict O.

altar Aatir.g, AiidMomacU hiek Head che.M-k-lis at hro nach, ate. 1 raaU, liu i ore, ''ol I. and (luti uc'losis, riatulsty. in Hit Mde, Vhtiniati-m ltaa of AfHWita. id lu tif ihe Uver and lujwrts.

Reader! oa sr. ai a to loi.t ssr, "iff eemid Ualtev ltn so l'a. I I have Mtn of tl.e bor com-Klatiita, an4 I wou lane tl.e ai en if 1 taa4 only Lavaeibdcboa." 1 1 I4 1 l.l an i win if rv. there was one spoken. Cas, ttieo, jo tr ani.d ltr i.b sUacoatnted and yl if you hi ot slot af tar ea'itig vur od If your triy begi waste, ar atrwngta la lati jrc anUa.ire a auiM a ba.g ira and aiiiow apeei.

if yowhtre di a am tir if yaur i la I -'ry aud ai.r.rfl -J, lr join at i-r ilia wea aad v.nal.le, fcd pe hap. rn.lv yaar avatesa ia iaug'. vc I' r. a tit. aje'tiasi If htv.

a eui stanl Uog in the esa svea why.) mi h-r only a fi of li.tf.ja I in, aud thfe (real itiiutps ar nw I car Indvrs't and a I. d- I 'eo, aa aM I Us- an I wM'' at Ci-t It gnt tin latet the Maai rteanaing atid rt mat rrtg ih- I a-wre agents. It acts on rw-vlni 'bd vuUttd is mere beautity 'ha re, il 41 Sf ttfa ad vnergt la our nura frame, ttaea laa-W. aiU laa ul4 i roet d.i And an), no w.ll tf d. las too al.rd nd thraaa ana keaoh aod hi.

ug oa al I re 4rtM in' tbe ww a with aad. ai okre, TLa 4irsfabrg n.l a ata Lac giva sa IPs This tnvaiuaM a.eli(Haa put i la pakkafcaat lAceaM SMHtrh. taaiH fraca.re wui two a atrtM.g ma.g-avatar a ionic ci.a lxu. vS' tiy.UD In lbs it, aadby All'X MalckNZIie. apt it Cul vge at NaeaViiXa.

ICO rarkars of Staple d'oodv. WE are tlls day rkrasnrr saw PRiaar cue tai'dte 1 triage tf steeabaaJww, woasiaiiaf Bed Th ki, Bleached l'uct, Botwa aad staracltaal Or 1 1 1-ng. Fu-los Print, Aartcn lawns Ac, A a. direct (row 'lie II a no tact arc wl.lrk ws sua seBl al lbs lowest pile by Uie ttackag sar purr. A.

t. TUNCA A CO, apt ha. Fww tc iaara. AdillUoaaJ IU b' made to pur slbCfc arrivals evav wea I ILfniiaUjlUsa: A.J. OA (A1.

NtW YORK ADVERTIsem*nTS. Frcm 8. M. PETTINGILL A C0'8 ADTKRTISING AGENCY 119 Xasaao Street, Nrw Voei, And No. lOState street, Bosrow.

P. A are Agents for the most influential and largest circulating Commercial Papers both la the United plates and the Canada. 500 TOCVG ME1 tn ct a gtntv in a budness. light, pleasant and honorable, at a lry of 100 per month, for further particulars in regard to th business, (Ttifffe rextare sua address 11 tsxus, H.Tgant. Mass YOCNfJ MKN'.

do yon wKh to snake four fortune Oor Ag-nU r.nainr to pr week. Part enlara will be f.irnf rats or en jx jx, to t'toae who ene ose postage stamps, and addres MK'I E0P0LITAN AGENCY OfllCK, malSl pSni Uxvriimhx, Mass. Patent Biscuit and Cracker Machines. ItouU Mixers, Ox'jrtclaLcr ZDoclsLcrs, Improi ed Oven Dampers lc, COPPER PLATE PRESSES, POWER PRESSES Codec lloastcrs and Coolers, AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. it.

a j. iccoi.h irr8'-p3rn Ko. 40 Eldridge Street, New York htTiiitiaiiiiic Scif-Scalins; Fruit and Vegetable Can OUR experience daring the pt yexr, in manufacturing i uti i i cans. And Ilia universal aativf tion and certif.e.te of parties who I ave purclmxed and tefted those of various maker, bars given oprs the decided preference over all other. Th sub.crlbers t.ffcr to the ptb ic, the LEST SEW-XEA LIS'ti CAX Ever Invented, pre-erve ruita.

Vegetable. Aa. THE SEALING IS ISVAEIABLY PERFECT. All otners require folder or cement. The opening has been enlarged to admit a I I'LL 6IZEI) PEACH.

Fvery cn 1 re'f tented before it leave our manufao- tory, and etani ed wi nnr name. TAYLOR HODGETTS, I Manufacturer of Planhed Tin and Japanned Vt are, "21 2-np No fill Bekmn Kiw Viibk. A I M.AM) FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Office No 3 John St 2 doors from Broadway. voiik.

rIHE ui.de iiirnel, proprietor" of thh have 1. lor a tune (the senior pa- tn of the fl Nitthan Barret, for 87 earx) btn piojecuting the buiitiesi at Sia-ten Ixhitid. 'I hey have spared no efl Vt or expense, In the lant fe' years, to excel in al' the brani heo' their att, und have been successful in uttniitin a hih tleree of improvement, ai wed in the machinery and ppaianfir dre s'rig diBerei of goo-, hs in pract artistic nkill. In dyeing ar lin si iug LmiieSdlc, Satin and Merino Drc-e. gre it improvemeD's hava been ma ie.

In a large proportion of cane-i, le Hie in lit, in color and fiin'h, very nearly Ml i'l api ear nice to gootls. Cripe hi.wi", Cloal Mantillai, Velvet Gariuenf, ic are also very t.e ited. Fadei and rtainrd ids restored or is dyed. SILKS ATTD TILE DRESSES WATERED. Iice and Mnsori CurtHinH, Kgs aul lab CoV era Co nn and Ref.rmlteU, Ilaiuk and Moreen Curtains, Henu ifull Dye I.

A loo, Kil.b na, Hofierv, Glovea, Ac. execu ed with care and trootls rete ved rttiirnetl by exprens. Goo la kept subject to el urn of li owner 12 months. BARKEI 1, NEPIIhMS A CO, jan18- fim 8 John 2 doors fn tu Bro.tdway, N. Y.

ANDREWS 6c JESUP, I it ii A COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY, Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools, Belting, ic, Ac. rMFKllK PKALrUK IV JIA JU'l'Atll lll lO' AKTICItESI, G7 fine VorU. B-Ag-n'a for the "WOODItrFg A BKACU IRON WORKS" eTKAM KM. INKS AND BDlLKKi Exilu-ive in New York for "LOWELL MACHINE Sliur" MACHtHiriTO' Tools. loci dlStn XV, JAIIKMIM A SO, GRATE AND FENDER MAKERS, 246 Front Street and 930 Broadway, NEW 0KK.

augS-ly The ISrif islk I'lutc Glass Coiapany. RA rZSUEAD, LASCASBJIiE, JW. L. A i. WAREHOL'fcE FOR THE CNITED 8TATK3, JOHN R.

PLATT, It Moaaar Niw Yoag, Where will he found a full assortment of their Superior Polluted Plate for Ptore anil House Fronts, r-how Cases Ao. Also -Rou, il'i from to inches thick. N. B. Western eu lomers are referred to the New Ptate Mouse of Ohio at Columbus, whica is glased with the Plate Glass of the Company.

sn'li2-p6iD TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. UT IlERKAf, Jjhn Cheatwood, of the eourty of Bedford in i he Mate, of Virginia died, felted and possessed a tract of lnd on a hich he tetide at the time of his desth and hi last will and te wliich is tf record in the Clerk' oflics of the rea county of Bedford, hetUealhed the said tr ct of land tn his nephew, James Preelon Pesdle ion, ah. I i. lei.ee is unknown to me, and from the bed information, I am induced to believe that he moved many year ago from the Male of Virginia to the B'ate of fennea-ee. I am det-lrou that he or hia heirs, if any, -hill obtain the lorrgomg informal on and lake poa-rsaion of the property.

Any communication sd Ire aed to the underi-ig ied, and reeled Lvnchburg, Va will be atteod. tt to. Hiram iih itwood, rx'r of atwood, dee'd a( UK FLO 'pilE New York Mil hive r.i entlv open-d the Depot at 1 the old stand of the Port Royal Will Dciol No. 9 outh College where th-y aid keep ron-Untly hand a large t-upply fine Klour pu' up X-reslj for Family ue. Mm, a good lot of Unbolted lot liuckaiiet Hour, Meal Br.ti, Ac Thete Mil's have lor been knoarl i tld cninniunl'y as furniehinr the Ite-t Kloui is brom ht to tl.tlnaret and It only requires atrl.lto tlly all aho want gr.nd Xlour, that it is lor their intercut to buy of Ui.

The attention of Ba aers i. p.MH axly dun ted to this. Jt.nl! 3CICKACO- Home Insurance of 31 ill tile 'JYiim'ssee. BOOKS are now opt Corner, pen at No i si r.o 0.1, asw md the M. r- to th eh ant's Bank, for snbar Capital flock if said Company.

V-WaVi-- NEU.L 8. ERo s. ANDREW HWlN't. JUIIN ptlRrKltHLLH, CAVE J'lHNMlN, K. ANUKR.tti.N, Naahvllle, Feb, 1ST.

A. ROBERT filBSON. HAIR. TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. nVEKY VARIETY of Bruahrs, at Various Re- la aini for tale bv II ill JOHN RAMA0E, 42 College Stret, Nashville, natLaa 1st ROOTS, MIOI AMI A.N.t I.

A A.YO RE 1 II AVI now on hand, a Large and General A rortmrnt of I the -t mauuiaeture for City and Country Trade. Merchant, an I I'lmter will find it to their adv.ataga tc ixnrr.itic my stack la-fore purchaaing. wecl JOHN RAM ACT uo3ir ADi: 1 1 iimii Ihe at deriignej having r. hudt their (KM I It Ii .1 A A II 4 RE now better preiared than asi to furnUh I their fr.enda ao.l ibe ap.u any ll. Ihev mil wan' in tha lurnilure line.

Or.lers lhaiikfuily rete ved aud rotrply BUel. Warrh.Mi No, li Colli ge atreot. as be atof we. Janltv OKibiMKS, NANCE A CO. COOKS AND STATIONERY.

UTt Invite the a tenth-n of Merchant and Trailers gt rrally to ou' larg stock of Srhnnl Hooks and Stilionrn. AT WHOLLSALE AND RETAIL, At price, which e.n-i.-t I lo please. 'ur sLx ol Is alo larg at ac wil a-'l al very low pr rea boe w'io buy lo It Tsatis r-ul I to rxif.r-e mi atoc i i.ac at.ci tt at ranren ti upoly clix i. tTVE0 aOWEV.Ag nia, ly I ait i h.p-i.re, Nsl.v,t S'ct Onaujtr. 1 U-H tl at luaa been In Uie market 1 Hit.

k. ruraalaty sa rl J. C. RORFETaQM JOHN EKIE5; ATTOlni.l A 1. A Off.i-e Ne 53 Ctrry sttwet.

Up 8 -jut a) NASHVILLE, Tcca HAVING iwaril the practe al tba law, will devett mrif a. la ivai wo iti, ildtc of kj prufcawtwa. a a errwiat STEWART 0WEH, jdAMTAfrrnri-M or (oj-prr, Tin iincl Slirct Iron Warf, K0. It alA-IET STREET, a ASH I Trnn. II TIM re'srn A oa'old siaai, was wbaifc we r.r.

hf ae, a. ar. Haw pr.pan.4 aw' ad run- ate lull' waoy 11 wtMas a wtb tao a wm eal ir t- ba. twaa rvbiitll npva aa Al- fut 1 1 a A .) fac Pu. IH.r woris.

shop i fs rarNH'iousaM aaia I ana ad aamL- twwvery tmct y. Our 1 uiid. Ae la--jr, acta! a upu 4 la tir par, Ws have ta sutv. and at rwa-iaay uia.tiu, aai pai 1 Stow, Won's lrulrs. I lam and ksaSMs ad UaaaLSixo la kUrrust and tiaaDas i hfattsa, aad la st.art, siaij a4aily k'pl In Sinatiai iitwiiar am Islt uMKS i mr aasuausHLI ii rtorr cbaCrrg eoaifeuuvSi, every s'ytc ai taiUiy.

skate 7roc jht Iron Cociir Store, Ansoog ata-r sa srticie whi. st la graald saaaa. saal.ttfactawa far Lbs tlade at 4 l.taP, and a all Tw iM t.i UvU Warw.aad kscpsuustsjaigf am tt.4 a la s. tbV.w ihe a tatioa wf ak ta aut SMa-4alal, pkdf lo. riv aut I WJatnija tuwAitr iom, aurhj) lnul sC r-n- a XJ NEW YORK ADVERTIsem*nTS.

From FISCHER A FCHELL8 Genl AdvertistDf Boo, Arrurroa- bdilcixq, jmo ant 43 Broadway. Late No. 60 Nassau-Street. BAGS ANDBTiGG1K NOYES VHITTLESEY, Km. 80 WATER STHI.ET, NEAR OLD SLIP, NEW YORK, IT AYE constantly on hand, and MANTFACTUKE to a a order i Bajs and Sacks, Sewed and Seamless, tor all n4 of every derlrable style and qa Jity.

They would rspecta'Jy call attentot) to their uueqaDed fa- a'itiesfor Tilaking and Printing Raffs) or hack for Flour, Veal, Hominy-, Buck wheal, alt, Spicea, Ac. i ef wh'cb they funljh to onler in Oil most approved style of design and printing, with quickest despatch. ALSO, IMPORTERS AJrD DEALERS IN Gunny Bags and Bagging, tnd various kinds of THREAD snd TWINE, both Linen md Cotton, of ehlch wears receiving continual supplies. "niarcl.It lyT Wines, Erandies, Liquors, DE VEN0GE CHARLES, 138 Pearl Street, New York, HAVE ea abli'hed an Agency the sale of their jmpor tntions in the city of Vi 1 I 1. 1:, a o.

7 1' I'll AC NQIJAItE. Tjs V. A are the representatives of some of the large vases in 'rnue; among others the CkNIEAL SOCIETY )lf VINKV AKD, Of COGNAC, whose Bran-ii they are prepared to off.r In Halt, Quarter ami Kighth tipet. lids House hag become celebrated for the excellence of the'r fhiptnents, and from the immense capital which they represent, offer superior advantages, both in quality and price, any other Brandies. Shipments in Bond, if rte--lirtd.

Is V. A C. also offer for sde of their OWN 1.MP0R TATIONK. sn SJ'onment o' CHAMPAIONEV CfcARET. VIADKIRAl, SHERRIES, H0CK.3, WHISKIES, GIN and RUM, Ao.

Charles' London Cordial Gin, Oi tilled tn London, under supervision of the British Government, expressly for Da Venoge A Charles of New York, a pure tonic, slitnu ant and dmrtt drink, pronounced by medical men tu be the most sanitary alcoholic distillation ever ff rcl to the PnLlI--. This Gin, from its peculiar qual-iiie'a, is eminently td-tptcd to par's of the country whose waters al-ouud with Lune-b ne and is in general use ul a beverage, throt-gbuut ale l-s United Stntes. In cases of one and two dozen billies, each bottle bearing tl.e words, Charles' Lon Cordial Gin, blown in the gWss, and the Proprietor's fac aimile on th" label. AM rders confided to the care ami srrutinv of Mews. De Venoje A Charltsthrouuh their Nashville Agency, ill meet with prompt attention and dipatch.

dcc5 tf i is ic 1 Gold MedalPiano Fortes. NTLniVAV sos. 8 4 and 8 8 Walker Street, K1K BROJI1W1T, NKW TtlRK, T1 EFPECTFULLY call the aitention of the it vuolie to their siao-ntui sssnnment of and sqimre Pianos, whit for vo'un eof eluii 'ity of torch, benui of finifh; in short, every thing that rend. r. a Piuni pe are unui pa-sed.

Th-y were awarded the First Premium for both kind, in competition with the mot rfi'tingnished ma erj from boatou, Pl.iltiieli tia, New York a Baltimore. Tit A rVwn have just -cen award-d the FIRST Premium llOI.D MEDAL (over all competitors,) at the la'e Fair ol tl.e Am rican lnatiiute, Crystal I'aiace, for the IIEST Piano korte sct4'i If FOR THE 1,000,000. TIIK I', s. ivrii.vr CO. capital No.

398 Broadway, Cor. Walker st Srw York. RK prepare to exeru'e all onlets for Mantles, Tails Pl. Cl'LlIMKg. PrDITAL8.

I'lLAeTrU. Mill. C. Ill I nilta'ion Mt nna, Brocnlel, Pyr nees, NeiiMilitan, snd ill fancy Mrhir; equal in beauty snd durability, 0 rea' innrltle, in sume respect superior thereto, snd it les than half the coat Unlike marble's 'd iron, wood, alate, it is who ly fre- from sll olj-K-tiona which are ged igsint mere surface work, where pa nt, copal varnish, Ac. mi the temporary polish and beautv ef tb article.

Man tel. from to t) Ordr-s from Builders, Cabinet Makers and solicted, and satisfaction guarantied. Agents for the principal cities treated with, PETER REN SIR. PresH. L0VEL MICKLE3, V.

Pres't. J(tpa Lamb, Pec'y. ocr35 ly I.1IPOKT.4XT TO H0D6ESEEPEES AND DEALERS. 'I lie Hope TI Fulton Ptreet snd 71 Beekman Ftreet, New York, Principal Office, IDS Front Street, New York, Factory, No. 86, 87 and 82 Hudson Streets, Jersey City.

'PHI PROPRIETORS OF THIS LONG AND WELL 1 KNOW 14 Coffee and Spice Fsla1)lInient Continue, to prepare the beat I'linriHHfnel leal lowlersin ue, for RAIDING BREAD, BISCUIT, TEA AND OfHKR CARPS, Ac. They also prepare Muitard, Cocoa, and many other articles of dailv u-e iu every fam ly, ahich they offer unoc the most reasonable terms. Cuta-. ogues tent dealers who request them. R.

II. A J. 0. AM. N.

B. Consumers advised to inquire for Hurt MiiLa ar i ilcles. aug 1y nirtp us i.i;iit. 'piIE RVNZOI.K GAS LIGHT COMPANY sre prepared to fueniah Portable list Machineh suitable for kianufac lories. Stores, dwelling Ilouaes, rteaut'-oa Railroad fta-lions, Ac.

These Mach ne a.e warranted to givs Mti-fac-lion. I hey lire nndrr S. T. McDouzalPs Patent, aud are the only noes that alii operate well in cold weathr. The Light prodiie Is one half cfiexoer han Coal lea than Ihe com in one at Tallow Candle Ihev are ea-lly managed and free from danger, and li price S3 per cent, less than any other machines mnde.

The Company oOijr fo rale Stale and County Rights for all the States. Ail orders ahouid headd'etsed to 8. T. MrlMiUGALL, Agent for the Company, 321 Itroailuay, rw Vork. New York Millinery.

SIMMONS' Wholesale and Retail Millinery and Straw Goods Warehouse, 661 Broadway, New York MRS. h. hi now In Europe fur the rxpren purpose of selecting the Spring Trade, which will arrive and be re dy lor inapeciion nn or Urns' the fit si of March. eniitl em an I Vteaiern Merchants and Milliners are re'pec-fully invited to call ex mine the Sam be ore purchasing elsewbere. Pat'cn Bonne always on band, and snt by express to any ad Iretn.

feL 3m Na 48 Dey st New York. QMITn'S SELF-ADJUSTING STOCKS. TIES and CRAVATS The only premium awardod by the American lii-itiutto at their late Fair at the Crvatal Palace for cKLF-AUJl'SUNii tT CK8 wa to P. F.bMITH, Manulac-lurrr, No 4S ley -t New York. Merchant, will find I' greatly to their advantage to call and examine Smith'" ex'enaive of very fa-bionable ante e- for' neck lrel lt 'Cement, will be offered to Johlera font ri and Hoothern S'tieS.

Ke'erenre can be a aearly all of the Brat-ciaaa liouaea of New York Cry. Jant 1 I SI caI Kmploj mcnt ami (aood Pay FOR ALL WHO WISH A PERMANENT DL'SINE-S. VN Age. of Uiis kind Ii wanted in erery town of thai Un on, to sn.i.ufc.i.re anartWU of daily cotuUTp'om In ev.rv Tt.e manufACturr L-f it can becarr4 on in I i dwniug th Agent wiibout any incanvenu -e. 1 here is a laic ptoft on the and Its a.e is a permanent saij It.

pie a that of i'i'. Il is secured by bene st w-11 not meet th empetit.oo, ul pur "en a'i wdi bd eul ly id receipt of 1) enu: Adlnas J. 1IUKNS CD xt-CawIm Box 4 York 5. I.are II read aud CcLc IlaLcrv, AND Wholesale and Eetail Confectionery, a bac Juat rec. iv.

at our riuui Bieot, jja a flue U1 of Or.uge-, Sarrhuea, Hys JaJ era, I. Jj.Uar ia nson, J. I 'Ha, fie g.uns and ilraa- dj k.a la. ahtcsi w. will well low for Csh.

LuNi.M JBFT A Na. I sirs Pittsburgh Coal and co*ke. A ti DEAIERS tn ritubnifh CoJ sal co*ka snd hiU Pins L-aabr, euraer 4 Brvad aud Front buraeu, ea the Lciaa, alil ie. Tens a kr. thry intent leei a ran-Haiti aaipiy of lb a va aitic a at aaoaabla prvsa.

Faantiies aud large aMiawrs af Cuai anal Case, ui pttVJ an oa trael i a Ian nas. jasiill Fnrtt About AIMotTpe. nilllor 11 ra Naaavnia bv A I.ABtX'naa. An beotrpM are made h- la a villa ILaaj ai tha Aasutine at Sa. 4w Cad's i.

Aaabrwi an are a ada ap a a aula pats (lass, SaMwieti Salty naUd.aaJ thus proUxKcd afaat aJ poe.bdiiy af Id- Aicbrwiepw CnueterMts a-t i ad sfa*gta glaaa, na4 sealed, aad arc s4o4ia'. aaanawtHnarj Ufgue-mitjpa. Aa bT-tyia rt v. t.futi If lb larrnu Mi g-jwk rKa friau all fiber pt'Uiiea. Qthwr wet swrmw the mam, and apply It to aa ta ermr pvrt wb esi lacaa tb stain pu.au (f a Awkraiysa.

tm.e and dur.bil ty. tablA XTLiflo Powder, IIIti: 14. 4X1. I i. tUi-ONfj si)pcs, I -et a.

a' a. ll- Knky kts Uaa.taf (vet aiy Pw a T. A. McCALL, Ageat. Cl.l ir.

vWi kMa aad U.aard I a is. aV; Vi B.TttjM 1 bwkv fnaoa MdOiMea; A-l aa 4a Pi lane Mssa; s) bas Aaa -Aad e-bf lpi PAT1A HtCHTl fa Orausra! Oran.rkl 150 kOTkii 8wy Or-agas, ia a. ism twavattkm; rvewvad ikiaaay.kF a.U.A tt)0i-VH IIII.UA.n fcCIIXAri'. A by aaraei.oa, aad kxk sa (uoiw. aad sa-parhar aM U-r.

I alCcH.laitvlVa. SPENCER HOUSE, PRATT ETC ALP, Proprietors, Corner of Broadway and Front Streets, CICI.ATI. OHIO. "TIHE Central Prsi'jon, largssnd airy rooms of this Hotel, commend it to re traveling public. apl6-ly CIXCIXXATI Eagle Candle and Lard Gil Works.

LITO, waMirraPTrrnKa or STAICCANU1.ES, ADAMATI.SE iaii OETINE, GERilAX AND PALiI SOAP. aplg -ly Great Western Trunk Store, Ti: 2 5 IIKOAUUAYi CINCINNATI, O. Ucnry Hlso, Tl ANTJFACTCRER of ail kinds of Trav- Xv eling and Packing Trunks, Valises, La dies' Bonnet Boxes, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Ac All orders from abroad promptly attend- sd to. We are determined our work shall not be snrpasse-t la the Union. apll tf i Ii It A I A 8 X3 zx xx Is.

nulta, A 1 IRON HOOKS AMI SIII TTritS. Specimen Book of Ilailinjrs sent by Mail. X. S. BAKER, Jan89 75 Firm ftasa-r, CINCINNAl'I, 0.

WRAPPING PAPER. R. HI. If A It RETT, Agent of Lockland and Dajton Hills, A CFACTU ERS OF Anfin "EA3 Wrapping Paper; OVJKJU 45,0 "0 pda. Roofiing do; Iia'tirg do: 8641 bundles Tea do; btW reams fhoe do; 6.btt pds.

Mammoth do; for Merchants; lo0 Reams Uawe do; Auorted qaalnies and aiies. 8. BARRETT, Corner of Walnut aod Front fcbl9 Ciscissiti, IT Ol CC f'ZENGond Asanrte 6lUU Reams Belt Wr rted Paper; U)i) Bales Cotton Twine; P'o-v Handl. s. Vb man's Patent.) lbs Manilla or Grass pe, assorted; 3.VI coils snd ret! Hemp do; Kofi do do do Cotton do; doz.

Isticketa an Tub; llauu-t, assorted; 7i boxes (tar Candles; tO dr xen irket 10 ne.tu Clo. do; 1 I'linr Lines; 00 do Bed Cords; For sale low. s. M. BAr.RETT, Wholesale Wood and Willow Ware tore, Corner smut and Kront i inuiksati, 0 IMPORTANT TO THOSE USING STAR THE at'ention of the public is invited to the fact, that most r.f the War Candles offered forsi'e are DEFICIhN IN WEIGUI', that what if sold for a on od actually wekh but f.iu-teen or fifteen ounces, and package marked "40 lbs." fall short two, thres and even nv pound" per box.

This loan does not fall upon the holesale dealer, who sell packages at Markkd biuht; nor upon he who II by Cor st, but upon the consumers, who thus pay for about one- euttj more man tn. receive. The subscriber, havealwayi mide their Can 'les full sixteen ounces to the pound, and mark package at their real weight, which may be ascertained by tea ing them. As their experience in ths butioem enable, them to offer an article eaual in qnalitv to any in the market, they solicit the patronage of purchaaers who desire to study their oan interest, and, at the sane time, encourage correct dealing. PKO'Trin A GAM BLE, Cir dnns'l.

For preserving Frnits, Vegetables, to. Ths snly Caa ever Invented requiring NO WAX, SOLDER, OR CEMENT! That Cans bar been tlioronzhly tested, having bwaa beftire tlte public one year, over ialv A MILLION of them wera sold tL. paat seaaoa, aod are now ia use, sod ia ererv instants, hav. glvaa sntir satisfaction. Thay an acknowledged by all who see tham, to the batcst, sirxn, a vost coyrstiriTrcAir tv csa.

They ar easily 6EALED and OI'KNEII. and acMTuit at prrjtma Vkciv, Vkgxtaslxs, Sa prrKtty nth ttaf. They can be aaed year after var. Diractinns for put'tiug up all kinds nf I rails, Ysgatsblas, Ac, ill accompany the Can. Every Can Warranted.

sTsT Tinner snd others supplied with ear Improved beU-tMaliag top in say quantity. Agmti vanfaf. aixoaosssiRTuwitia RiwiTTiurg, will aa rxoarTLr attxvpxo to. E. M.

SHOEMAKER CO j. BoU Proprietor and ltmvfactvrtrt, 234 Walnut St, CINClKtai nUtO. t-'l arr9t(1S RAILROAD SPIKES. POTTER, ROLFE A SWETTS'. lV'ade of romeroy Iron.

Constantly for rale by L. F. POTTER, No. East Front Street, opposite Tubhe Landing, Jn2 Um Cincinnati, Ohio. AM WOOD.

a. araarrr. WOODS MEREITT, A TOR XE ii A A IV, II.LLt TICNN, Office No. 63 Cherry street Jania ly LftttT ami Can Paiier. A Invoice of Extra Superfine cmmcrcial Port and Cap IX Pal farter at r.ry low prices, to clore Oia'u: BENJ.

F.8UIELDS. IIUGHIvS BROTHERS, Ambrotype, Photographic AND A Ci II Ii It II A ARTISTS, NO.SI CNION PTRFET, NASHVILLE. MFROTTPE9, Photoirrapha, plain oecohed. In oil, and warrant'! aa durable aa any other style ef painting, Dagaeneuiypea, bterreoscop I layon or Vignette; and rr oilier atvla of etnre, 'aen at thl etab ishmenl In lb a gk.st perfection of the Art, snd warranted to pie ana or no sato. AJIIlUOTY PCS.

A I hough tl.e beauiiiul Picture were bnt recentlv Inrro-duced by the ub cnRers In this city, they have became popular that we hsve, tt a great exp-n seoureal the services of an cn-lnenl Ani-l era New York, to attend to this branch of Ihe etc tve y. EE.IN0 ALGXG IKE JTYEKILIS. Children can by thia rxe have their Ltkenewe taken quicker than any her way on'y t.o or llirea aeo.nd be ng required for tlt iav and warranted to giv aatiafae. tiun o- no cha'g will be aade. lir.og thew sAiug aad have th.

ui la.eo belors rymg euawheic. J.i.) lflT.HItH BRO'A. i.n$:i: is, PATEa STAKING, BAGS. Ae, JAM now happy lo Infurm the pub that I have got say new Mil fully nbcl ai in full an 1 eoinptrie operatkan, I la'gvlv ir.crc-d e.par ty aid wearaiuiaieg oil from i 0 to iMI i. of i a rr da y.

Ct o( all dercetp tien and tdtat of News and Book Pater, a hah will sell at a raonb.s prices ai It cau te ot.iame.1 in lite sat. To Cotton ruftorirn. Ws sre now making larye Vut of Cotton Vara Pa par, JS by th prire of hck I nave reduced to im per raaaa. Als-, all ell. sisrs itli on larnP-per and price In propar tvoa.

AnI learneett'y a -licit tbe attention of Factrra laaav lag their atop. Bag i( aod 1 bread Waste, aar a Lick 1 will ay an advaaevd pi a iu cash nr paper. TO HEECEANT3 AKD PEDDLERS. I so'icit alt of yaa nave ragi ta scU to bring thesx lo SB aad gelihe ca-h for it em. Ket'ol ect tlie prr m.nra- that I am to ry oa the 1st July ta tK btlcglag Ui a-al ray, ra adv-r l-esneal.

W. 8 WllITi-MlN, Kortk Eaa Coraer pardie Kcjuaia, saarcMT-za 4 haahvu.Trun. Soda Water Apparatas. CONSISTING of two teratur and two vta Fownta which will snbl to sv.il the purchaser, wl or witbeat as Soda F-twnta. Call soon if yaw want a b.rsaii at J.

U. A RcBK1bO-iSCLNl'fcCriuNKY, aur4 IWoadwsy WILLOW W0E.2 2ASEETS A5DSATCEZLS. I HAVE a crbtAca Wort laskefe. Mala a4 sweat. Also, ataaatbak i var tost 4.

J. At. McGCLL. PI ANN IU CXLXIRATED C0X215LD EXAPER, AND SOW ,12, WITH WOODS' Tint Grand Silver Hedal For ta tsast Reaper and Mow? at ike paras WetJS Fair Kaaitt-auo, i-'s awatavd to li. Maney, and (te Hacruaw lr Pricc IVapoleon! I Rati band aad Ar aW, tas aaavw ta.k,aa.

Tha eweeivwd -a) Prrio.imi. al Ihe rule lair is Nsw Yaa Haw Jarrvey, rrtwsnk, Mara tire, taeaeetkei A.ca laely, and si tiaUtia ad Mcvhtds sa iht. awl a giewa auiivsisai aaKaiaeuua Iknaj-anjtal UkI IW Tana whaare sent a.1 al ifcaea bavs t-a sl Uts laat iw ycarev e.fi ia 'n, Laatt-Sf ctftrRAc XOTICC. 'CTUI was taak tkU Cuabawry sast af say aarral Bad A fcauvt cuaua kaea aad a InanJ La. itdasaeal.

aad tats ti barn sT-ea a.f aa tnte. PrK. aaJy It parfawa. tVt llV, ft. AW kart4 sv.

C'Mtawba Grn.e llftawt JrtT HCkUlD, CaUwb Orai-s kseea, se ari 111 A. HcC ALL, A(asu i a sv 9 a. I ST. LOUIS ADVERTISEMEHTS. From the Newspaper Advertising Agency of W.


WE have removed oor entire stock of Weed aad Willow Ware No. 12U Second street, one door above Viae, opposite mil no ei, kl, Lanii) Ho, S. CUPPLES ft AHCTACTCXXXg AJfD WBtUBALB DBAlnS Ol TOODC.N AMI WILLOW IV ARE. BROOMS, BRUSHES, MATS, MATCHES, BLACKING, Qjdip, Maxilla, Jrra ab Cottoi Coxbaos aid Twmss, or ALL xixds. Wrapping Paper, Feives, Cnrry Combs, Cards and Ha me.

BEtG engaged more extensively In mannfactnring than any other honse in oor line in the West, we can and will sell lower than anv other howae in St Louis, and if you will call on os before purchaaing either in Chicago or Cincinnati, yow will Snd at our prices will average lower than In ei her of the two places. We call parlicit ar atten.ion to aar stock of TURNED AXB and PICK HANDLES, WELL BUCKETS and Iron bound Kecs, from one to te gallons, and Brn.hes of all kinds, and all kind of Willow Wagons, Cradles, Cabs. Harrpers Clothe and Market Baskets, end every descript oa of Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Cedar Tuba, Churns in Boxes, Cans an I Buckets all i I ou a manufaciure. except the two la which we bring direct from tbe manufacturers. We are also Agent for PIERCE A CO's Milwaukee Matches, which we are selling at Factory Prices, fteiglit aid.

d. Ws are also MASCrAcrcaiso the large Fteunboat snd (-table rooms, and a erst rate Imit.tion bbaker Broomi. Broom Handles and Twin always on bund. febt-dom Mill Fiirnishinfj. ESTABLISHED IN 1835.


ETC. Our assortment of Mill Material Is the largest in tl. rnittil SttitrA At present we I. sre on hand 2M) pairs MILL STONES Orders promptly filled snd all articles war-a-inted. martil lyl G.

A C. TODU A CO. Eye and Ear. TI. C.

COOK, HI. NT. I.OI IS IO DR. COOK reapectful'y renews the tender -f hi professional services to the public in thi jwsaer snd ths ail oinlng Plates. A successful pruclice Xki'iLlJj of over eighteen years, devoted to the treatment of all di.ieases incident to the XT a and kar.

justify Mm In ths belief that all who may be iu any afflicted those important ortrana, will find from hi treatment speedy aud permanent relief. Dr. Cook has just murned from the East, where he has been carefully the diseases of the Eye and Far in the principal Kve in the Un ted States; and he feels warranted in offering his professional services ha degree of confidence to those who msy be afflicted. Those whom he has treated are tbe best witnesses of his skill, and there are thousands in St. Loud ami the Western State who can bear testimony to his skilful treatment.

Ho respectfully re'ers to Hon. H. i. Geyer, K. Mackenzie, Messrs Charless, Blow A Co St.

Louis; Hon. John Moore, tale Tressurer of Illinois; Jas. Charless, President Mhaou-B mk; H. Cole, Warsaw, Cap v. R.

C. Henry, Warsaw, ia.oiiri. t37 OSlce northwe.it corner of Pine and Becond steee'S stair, enli anee ou Pine st. aeptll dawly TtTcQX l' ECTIQiERS" ai iv uutiornikriiru iwT-i uii unnrti Vwr OO UI A ialoi I i. n-t -A ew A war anil 10 i i VU yl iui AAva cuaaij auaj AaAs sw aij quantity of M0TT0 VERSES, OF AN ENTIRELY NEW STYLE, And wb'ch will be sold as cheap for cash as tbe old styls can be purchased at the East irders promptly filled; and sample sheets, with upon spplicatiun by mail, to S.

H. BAILY, Whole Conf-ctionee, febl3-d8m N. Lou la P. K1HUSLAXD. JAS cruDr.

XINGSLAND CUDDY, BROADWAY FOUNDRY, nt. oi ls, MA.vtiFACTi'acaa or Steam Engines of all sizes; Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Boilers and Sheet Iron Work; Parrer and Johnson Water Wheels; Tobacco, and Hydraulic Presses; Lead Furnace Castings, and Iron and Brass Work of every description; ALSO, Frasio's Patent Upright Saw JffiU. Boliiuj Mill and Blast Furnace Machinery. All order, promt t'y attended to, and work warranted of the best pn TO CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN G- unpo xv 3L A VR now in Msgaains, and la constant raeeipt frwet 1 Manufacturers, supplies of the beat brands of and Blastir.g Powder. I am prepared to furniah contractor with any amount of blasting Powder aud sua.

(T lers ptomptly fl.le.l T. A. McCaLL, AgenL OtHce at Whiteman' Paper ftore, Nortli-kaat Corner ol Pol-lio Sq'tars. m7 W. KNOX, 1) II AN C.

ER 4 AND Koy Plttor. Coiner Broad and Cherry Su, Naahvl.le, Tcna 3.X3.TT1 Groode FOR aMECHAMCS. Buch-r, Peldwln's PI ines, hut tier's art, llol'cw Angurt solid hesd, Wi-herbv's Cr.btehi, P.trlng tw sett all kmda, VYnti.rbv's Draw Knlvst, Graduated Augnr, Ii t'a Uatcheis aad Hand Turning Tools, Axes, Spear A Jackn' Saws, Bnc-'. an-1 ritt, Millwright Chisel', fa.1 Steel Di.klera, 1 Plumbs and Level. Long Paring Extra ac Ao As.

Cast h'eel Cjaw Uammera, mard J. W. H0RT0N A 71 Market at. JUiiMing lateriaU. Rim Lock P'atel N.

bs, P.aii ktblie KoHa, Butt liit-cer all kinds. Alio ruiltr. Murtirs Lvlra, I oil A p.trur't W'lndowHinga- rbuutr Fstii.g rtl, Ht Jia, Cerew, Ac snatt J.W. HOUfON A CO, 71 Maraetstresl GOOD REMEDIES ARE A PUBLIC G0CD. TMi GLEEN MOUNTAIN OINMINT was naed la-dina, Ilia eoui.lry aa first di- verrd.

and kj Ihrna euitaid- red "Um b.l gut of tha Great S.drit, to bia red children It la tha best application innamsiatory Oussmamla, a a. heaiasll-eu, ktyalpalaa, vanotas effee-Uon of tb throat and g'atda, ru, I'ttna, wraiaei. ars, Sarw of all kinda, Ae. ttkot Jwi I aa. li twnta, Fe ewat ky aa Dragiau, aud by ALtX.

asarcLS Agent kr tt wienf.fckarf Droopina; llnds. T'HE beet reraidr tor M-a aabir, aed for al rb disease of childi, tram oo bosuT I ire year old. at Tin: Ciiii.nui;.' of bs CoT-panv. Fo fcvara, tewifciar, diarrtaa, ricarta, ol a. wnrwis, A it kl lb be a avwr know.

In tk lartv inlorf U-tnaavar, taav' Is g. grat ya will navi a list iaf aaavea Phyl lan ihroaghui ike Liikw, wb fcavo aet I their pi a. rp Wbara ihwro aro jaar-f efclUWa sm4 kaa bmra aeel aac. aJtet wi nmi to atuae! st la Lkwsr boaaat. Prv Sw was tr bai'l.

tr sal ty a I Irugjiu a--i by ALFI. MACKINIJI, JT CuUaay Wtswt. Snrins Ffrer. 'PHI CR-fFENEESil DEALT a UTTER) at fevravred i arose a lb prtJlnf, iavt aad kwaftrif rsaxv, fcaraa, hmt and swaetwii mtvi frs IhO At na kaadiea of Aa-e- ka. Ibea are a sa-wevf al Urakn, iky give o.ag'.k to Ike iai aad it lkr leadctey la T'ey bav a.l iilfx'- p.ka ti Jwi-i pe pkf- Ftw aavas kf Urf-a.

uuaitrt tNa Wk), kl by ALU. at' klM.it, ssaerM 17 Cii rpill aa aaat wwrtl aaesoait U-e a ay A -1 anh.l'iT, Ik. am. i i at tlka Still ttc kica tetiae. unl Mr.

Iw iw Us lit ka Ue4 A awea.U jjJ aaaa; li 4 a Al-ewa a ks ea4M usi it lk eg Fabraary ad Ik lo ef Jw y. Mara wiatA svil sa arwwe Ia k4 nasy ka rwtasaaxt Area, svaai ywar It ruatLasM a a stab SAMasst, a st yr aagvl ty 1. 1 inp, 1.4 d.a taavasatt. If Mttateru, Wtp Fur fad eti, re awl pe-rt-raaaaveea, ftr WI A av. Kir tk.

i' onxutiit.iMa kssaJa la aa 1 a af taajU. cvws- aad Ufci rj PHILADELPHIA ADVERTIsem*nT PHILADELPHIA MA3TTACTTJRED 8 A A ill A IV It SAFE) VXTARRANTED ta atarut 1A Mr Mat mora Are than any Herring's rwfes in use, and sold at 12 the same prices. Also, Iron Shulli 13 and Door for Rank I nulla andf tOn-k. A I I riie thrill. ail warranted as goood and cheap as any in tie eonritry, by EVANS A WATSON, No.6SoBth 4th street, Philadelphia, Ps.

Hal Patent Powder Proof Locks, and all the celebrated Locks famished, when required. W. C. LUXARi) ia aiitaona- to racievs orders, and make sales ol the above. myV-ly GKM1.K "RODGERS" ihtlery.

solicit from buyers ao examination of onr very large stock of Import and Ametieaa CuUerr, which nsw embraces GEEATER VARIETY TIT AS we HAVE EVER BEFORE OFf ERlO), And includes a full assortment of patt-rns from Jo. Kodgsri Stns. HtLD, LANGSTROTH A Importers of Hardware, feho-twia I'biladel phlav. KEYSTGNinflX! MARKET STREET, WEST OF TWENTIETH, l'lllCADKCPIIIA. S.

F. JACOBY IMPORTERS of and dealers in the larions Foreign and Domestic Marbles, Statuary, Ac hi ve emxantlv on hand a larse and ele-1 aimrtmet of MANTLES, TOMB, MONUMENT TABLE TOPS. Ac, of every description, not eg. celled by any iu the city, for beauty svmmetry and finish. CABIN feT-MAKFRf, PLl'MBKHS'AND MARBLE CDT-TEKS, furnished at the ah lrtent notice, with Marble of ever description anil pattern, whether Foreign or Domotic, either fin she-i in tbe iUb or Block, on the most accommodating term.

We especially invite altenton to our stock oa band. feb2S WHOLESALE HOUSES. B. LANIER CO. (Successors to Hart A HofHc worth,) Tfo.

5 Market Street, Nashville, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Foreign Domestic Liquors. ci29 tf GABBER, SHEPHERD WHOLESALE DEALERS 15 SHOES, HATS STRAW GOODS, No. 50 Public unrc, NisHvnir Y70CH TO FIVE III Nniirik CANES I I 1,1 II i'iO 1 1 a- r. uii.i.'u a a -An. sTkMlUiiUJC 0tla- MlflO Jka ia CtlVT PITf DCCB adJfl to our mun'k I ry recent irivaU, to wtkai the at- r-t 1TATC i.

cuiM'ii ui in. laAAvc. ii jiHriiruid' iy iMTiicu. A. IMPORTER- AND WIIOLIMM; UEAI.EUN IN Slnplc and Fancy Dry Goods, No.

tO Public Square-, A a II VJI.LE, X. CLfkTiiiNf; I I i.o i in.x; U7 have now in tore an invoice of READY MADE i lllN'i, a.lap e.i lo the season, which will sell npon the most favorable terms. Call quick and suppl your-sefves cheap. A. J.

DUNCAN A sept! No. 70 Pu'tlic Square. DO'ICVI'ICN, OXNAItMffN, Ac. ONE HUNDRED BALES Dom-tics. Ojnahurgs.

A Whit Linseys, suitable for flantatinns. In and for sale by A.J. DUNCAN A aepti No. To Public Square. FBESH AEEIYAL OF FALL A WINTXH GOODS.


O. al'LAXAIAI ALL1SOX, ANDERSON tfc CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign 5t Domestic Dry Goods, AND READY MADE CLOTHING, No. 41 Public Nqnnre, XAsnruu: texx. TE are bow In rreefpt of our FALL 4SD WINTER iyntv vuioratjiur letrKV aim wen iricura va riiitriiiv avii ihhiiiSTip nnv finnrw rvrtrt.

ifVs an a irnni vc aJur tnirrn ui nitnii 7iai'b lv ti i wur we offer to the trail on tanoa that caa not fail to gife aatia IX 11. l.u. wi.lllna a.s marbal i a a Dttlilf kl I nk ant f1 II bn.ala IKtJklU 'A. tv sj aajnviw vans nvm biivw. lasiaa sx vaaa aad shall Uke ia exhibiting vnr uttK-F and pricMlo a av a i a' lit' flQi ikl aV TAi EVANS, PORTER WH0LFSALI DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, GIIOEO, fJbo.

No. 51 iflnrket Mreei, Naahvllle. U' are now In receipt of oar Fall and Winter (lock of DRV iOODl, HATS, CAPS, B0T3, SHOES, Ac to an examination of wha-h we respectfully call the attention of Merchants vlMTlng thl city. Our tock comprise everything usually bund la a tobhlng bouae. and having been purchased under the most favorable circnm-tai ew, enables nsto offer Inducement to cask and punctual time dealers.

DUFOL'R A CO'S ANCHOR BRAND BOLTING CLOTHS alwavs hand. aje- Liusey, Jeans, whit and strtped Cottons, Pocks and Feathre taken in exchange. augV EVANS, PORTER A CO. IHA A. STOUT, 0 A I 411 I ICE N4.

40 FltOVr Three doors from Public Square, ASHVILLE, ILL tell all kin. la i prop.rty for ths benefit of traeo waotlr sn Auc'ioneee. Second hand Eurnltur, rd a'l ki't. -f perl'hable iopei-y, no ew Pnbtie Squar. Also, hir, puh nly.

aid sttl.i at au. tiou. Will attend aiei ol all k.u in t. couui i ol llavluiou, iu the City, at pr va'e houe and on fam a. TirM White Lead.

Ofin Ws.C.'oe'.trn A Co's bra rid of PCRI XUU HUE LEAD, fu 1 aeiht. and verv For sale by CHURCH AN. 'EICON. VNTEI. rl.A'i:Ell.

Forwhvh th gk est marl I price will be paid. In Cash. jaof-tf a Shelbyville University. 8HIXS1VILLE, BEDF02D CwTjaiY, Tennessee. TH pnld'c ire awapectfuPy Bofified that ike LITIRAKY IH.PA ul ttta abov losti utiun will eomnrac lis Sr-ni" on th uitvr iimiav in rrnitriiY.n50.

Aa Tru.tewa, we flalur smnelve tnaL, with University targi and liwpeatng a corps of liitist.irs Warned aud and a eographlc.l po-iti' in our flats central ami ee'lon with ihe go.id ht.slth, the fine mora'a an 1 the xel'enl our tspldly growing lean, are pr-vsred UioB" graal inducenie- I paeeni and jfUirdiaaa ahi may have sous aud waiu lo cdacaia, to favor Oj wi.h Uieir patren-ge, Ext. A L. A MILTON, Pre dent and Pn Moral a- Mental Pnikophy, and Hi lie. Ultra. F.

l-LVNN. A. Ancient and Modern Language. A. WINN.

A. Pr fesr Mtthem ttica. C. R. HKaP, A.

prcfeii-orBf iper'men'al ft-mof. CAKkV, A. M-, tVip PreparaUny DepartuaenU Aaaivtant. Term of Tuition Pxa ewiov rr vtaa 0a bal Paiablj ia AprAica. Primary Depart me 00 Acadeimo lrreu ar 1 Col.eeiaus S3 00 If" CiaccLiSS, giving a ontHn of Lb a rea of Studies to pur ui, together With athar asoewaary iaf irmatto.

ar now leatiy fr dntr tu'ion. an I apoa applacauoo, will ka- edia'elv sent to any ana dealVnt ftvr. Poarl'rg may aw abtalped pnvai. faml't al frwva ft to fie pa ssoatk, payaki at ike auddif aa4 and af the 'Atle in-lent bav entered no ded action will ko wad kar loa of tima, sn so la cew of proUaeta tckaess, or Olkeg prnvaitnt a For fu. lhr oarticB ri sdVtresa th Feceev ef lb Boar.

I. atoard af Truslarea. Tn a as 8. CAjaoii. rVe'y.

v4-4-A i sr. aAOsTF. EICHOL, OBrES BAILEY, AVlioleaiile Croccra, roawAECiso AHD COXKlSilCa MESCHAinS, No. 45 A 47 Ct Ur-e Near Broad, NAMIVIl i r. TEN.t.

as awaLxaa Eaeoa, Lard, Feathers, swex, Grail, 4s. B1 LATK ARRIVAUI FROM 51W1 CB LEANS mm Biark a7 farcxwria ss la paan napta), aJ ac prrtawt I affwr lavur(t. tj aa CiaBMry aaaviera wk aiay favor aa wok a t. bar iu av.re, aad ae-n, the w.ch w.ll sw for Caaa fbh' Fa Cfcoio Nf bnm Wt4'k, L( eaaaa airae, tt ek kMsm, at I acre MUastasa, 1 Taail rtt.la, 1 kj do. I 5 R'.

Mtajta-'d, fj arre! a aple. aars R. CiaVo, do rVt, Maraeael, 14 l-Waw, J.Jada. P' s1e sfssa, V5l, spa, iVt Iti la, saawtswl fSteaJ kasw LaawOeav, 11 Jto M. at.

katatsve, 1 lo mm At aeakeav, lii na r.f led ttar.esa, wvawt Tea. sarS krasjda, VU' lata, 19 HU Aha-vBa. la) t-natH rrtr, rwaa a nrs tatOft I Kara, kr swso Uoixig. twswtkw wt'k vvwiy erissv key i ai tees, MCaiH, UallN A BA'LEY. JfT" a'aw k.w Hftrw.

a teraiiaamt, 1 tfa'at fa- wid I vers eo aa. tck4 Hii js4 taaaclwael aavd aw, aafc tare aajoao' O-v. tJ- k-ij SUg rJ a w-au vaweas, liS (tf i ,1 Aea kaaawkaajj a4 fetBt asrlge; a Aaa insrtl leiaf Co4 kar Cttar, MaaiaKliBs 4 tk tasv.us Corn ri.4 Co! tort Df A skswt Vf sssaa. Ci laap, or 4 a-a a tkataw va tkjua. I tti.

i ka- ta Jaf tr tw-i. sK--VaT st af 10 A saaat.ac-or'ai Rarwi I. 6.nis seal tl kt A INnasaaAxi. Ait; a tw rirtava tfrM st-xi twd rwwva svaftfci i -4 A LATEST IliIPOETATIOIT SPHIIIG GQI3BS FOR 1350, A. J.

DUHCAIT IMP0RTE 33 ANO WnOLwtLE DEtLKrjl IN F0RIIG5 AND DnMrSTIC DRY GOODS, Ko. 70, rUBLIC SQUARE. I'TTE ar now reo-ir uf direct fraai MsnnfactareTS, er Stock of ST API and FANCY PRT ttOODn, compna. ing a geneial aortment, which wa pladgo ourselves ti soil npon tbe saost ftvorable terms to prompt dealers, and Invito the sttrni'oi th trade to onr slot, af Goods now ia aiora. consist ng of a large lin of GOODS.

of very superior quality, via: Paris Stripe "Poult De SI ks. do brocade Italian Black of all widths. French Pointed Organdie. da and solid ccdnreal Barege. do do Robes of New j'yle.

English and FreveH Barege of sB style ami qaaSty. Freoci and I tig sh Brphaute uf svw styles. fcoich, French and kg'ib Lawns of ail style. Krglem and fneoch Painteti Jarooet. Embraidereil Swia aod Jaconet Dies; and Robsw Newtityle.

Swiss and Mull Mucins, and Cambric. Inserting, Edging, Lace, Ea.braiderlea and Trimming af the greatest varlery. Bonnet Ribbon of every variety of style. Wir.n ng aed solid colored boon. Craves of all oovurs.

Iloanry. Gloves. StupcnJ ra. aad trimmlnss ran, rmltw. Clotlis, Casslmcrcs, Vcstings, cotton a DE9, Nanking, linens, of svery variety ttvle and quality.

Engliso. Frsach aad American Farcy and solid eat rd Prim. Black and colored ErglHh and French Can brics and La tons 1 rimmiarv BleaWied and Brown Muslins ami Cr.U ng. Bed Tickings, Aprca CliecaS, Klripetl tlsnaBerga, Ac. lb Ws will be atl.iiLg to our present stock by Ralircad and steamers throughout the sea-nin, which will enable as at ail time to dbplsy Ike OtWist sljia vf tiocds.

Dl NVAN A M-JVh IT, 1S5. Ko. Tu Public Square. J. MANN tfc so.vs""" Eeaper and Hower Combined, AND SlXCliVa MOWFatt.

Witi Improreinents the Harvest ef 1333. rl'HE above Machine hu trwiruugi tea' In all is of liram au I and han p. ofed itself the Grvutcat rain untl i.akofNav ing: lti 110 of Ihe Ago. We claim i' superiority to nil nit ere in tbefoflew'rg points: 1. The adm.ral ie arrangeuieul id the 1 ongue, whi i oe comes the si e-dra so ot iLle t.

man nuvh'ne. The Patent Reaolv ir Canv u.s apo. wltk gram falls, and bcairied the a.Je of t'-o ma. l. ne, depositing it in the concave, from whk-n It thrown w.th tho revolving rake, ihe ai of a boy to rt lata ihe sis el tbo bundles.

It will five an averse of bja'el to tbe aero Verany he m- ue ol d. liven: the i in to the 8 r'roin the io ty of ie lieir u( and Ihe the Drivltg It hel it Is by 'ar the I ghte-l tlra I 4. TbaSu'kle aud Cuaroi xroau coLaliuctrl that they not cl and c.ui be re, ai I nr. a.ack-ir.it h. 6.

il rti ly wed WitH fast or siuw moiiuuw 6. i i. wrnJeV, and to JfY" We irrunt a'l roue! lues a. ufaclnred by aa to ba weii matlo, of good iu th ihev will mow a- well a can be tl me a-th a ic'-th ml will gr.iin as we as it cun I me a itl a er.i.Me. ihi win Lati skis ii iv as iTH-a ii ee-; Tta is r-x Witb to ri B.d sav, thai thia h.s, in avary nu'aie wliei it l.aa come at orn p-tilicn wr -r I te un- ih.u Tr aV.

or Mat Fans, uken -ko i ttt MIL'M, a taiowa laiuna State k.ir, at Lafayette, in KU. al th great ot Keeper and Moweri at Indianptl June 17, IS' at Ihe uh Trial at Lapora, Ind Jul. vh, l-oo: at a Pubic -rial at Janestide, July sid, 1W; at a-a SfaU' Fair at Indianapolis, W3, over ill i Ut roo.i celelraied Helpers of tha Day, including- tuosc uf ihe Union aLd pans World's Fair notorUty. Ia Introducing ths Msehln to ths notto cf Tnsese Farmer, ar nrt dip ee to take advantage of mar.T teelimorla't tt might brought forwar i its fivor, but hail only at this tnuw refer to U.a great Kt aper ai.d ower trial st Iodian.polH, where ear.ied cS th Hist ir'Tis, aa ihe IhwI Rriprr anil Mower, and rervlved a recommendation loth- S'a'e board of Agrteutu. to ks awarded tha Brat premium aa a roni hired Reaper Mower.

This Machine is the itiVaStlon of iwo Lurmer. and mechaiuVa, wh clearly saw, during the in tl.a he Ik great need af rehsbie Raai.tr, wklcb tliaar aki.l in tf. work.hop gav lii.ro th knowledge to make 'lhw wi king Reapers should order setv, as the supply WIU be bmitsX AdJiwe AiiLSTiOSO A CO aplo if Naaavuxa, un. JPlzxxxo rortcB. W.

i It. FKEE3IAX RK recs vir.g their IPR.I53 STOCK. t3C TV and wjul i call iikui-- attra'kin ia Kyeecji.J ii attra'kin ut zjjm-ir Plana, man- fTpfl A Uradb- rv, there S.rikiiil qusre BtacturMl by L'lkl law whtca for ricbnB, purity anj svenne ol tone, commnsd with pt.w.r an trrrfth. Cannot ke rxond. fall n.reh.

H. A R. FthkwAN. Meat Coimlrf Heidfnce For Salt. are now off.

ring for sale dm. I a ft Re dene with six acre ul gromd, Ai' vLa. three mik-a from near I'. Vv Pik. Thw Impioveraent.

ar C-jf A -(L gro id Well et nit tire -alw5- kas a Bus Spring is a i-lrai lr su iation, aud w.U be chean. Mora Uudcn be had wnl the if ind, rtasorabte lerni. LINl'rLIT A CRtCTiflT. are). 14 College Spring and Summer Good3.

WARD BIRMISOHAMJ No. 71 Ell A It MritEETt. NAM! 1 1 1. EE HAtEJjatree. ie-l a I -pb n-Prl aoetmnl SPBIKU AND eTJ OC0DS.

Of ihe lautat anU ataal txaut I I aautao. ear O.Btl-ten's wear, hcii tltry bw ptuel te have thur friend, and tb nbus grarria.iv ea). r-i aam'ne lor Ir -a-lirt. Al a variety cf li! fLEMEN'j I ti flOOD. taarebft-lm Snrinsand Siniinic Fahionsfor 1S-SG.

J. BR0WITE Ur0n.T re-pre'fnry il rrti h' firmere aod tbe puin at hire, that ka bat Jo II rm 'tar' im t.u -e-, mm at rarce, that ha klt-i rlurn- V3 I th all lb una iy-rs aud OaUrrna and i met i- rep rid sd from ihe I a.t w. lie di I i i to m.iae up ok on. I for f. imi IH-eraf iiy en th part thepi-bV a.

ed rlia a ran Inuwrie of ih am, lon.ert l'ieib street anil ti rtauar. mar tt Ico Ico ll UT hsv- eamtrart, Biil rnati th siiixrcs of NvkvilHruuniif lk ei.tB ng Staasser wub the i.AKi: ic At a eores.id tg with the eurreol raieev abal have fiom Un lotwalva kanwrvd too, and sxpr4 babsal io supply ou' uIO'ncr Uirvot trie while of ths wains weather. We have bi a lar. Ir are on Low-r Front stret and ta fur nish Ira here eesa'arijr; as) to ewr r. uMiir wetksgn ikat ha4 a OtU um cos4 sail than la oeiil per Lvuad.

B'hM Jf utrrif A PATSE. Tasar ry for Sale. I WILL ae'l, if spp iraio i mads baiors itt 1st vf Ma scy naly ratal. li.ce Steam Tower Tannery, IN CilATTAU TtNN. Tk (nnsTiiifwi tU'for r.achina thr InaxbaaaUMe Oak i of 'h an I II: mari''l aeietaliv, make thw th-nat-l Jvsfrat hr ocalny in th.

West aavnunacl. meg Last are. Till ie prtb My th coei ri'rs Tseaery la Wst, and Liig eo'i-lr jed a fit to ettOweso, aa 1 rt -sr'v an I rotiv a-aMr etpaWe 1 1 ir.ana:a MsrMtg ear is tbar 1 1 1 1 ff I slbe -ar saw-m. Tl- T'BUtary a aa lit. va ar aaw, as 4 wi I be d.

i 1 a I terai r. lo proved I imka ra iy to U. Psart, ak ta ty IW.a, a li. BTM'M. Prop-tvr.

i ktuuaoo, Tmn. AilFfrtiernfct IXtraordinarys 'i. bite T.e Lied lcV, 1 'lacaarat a U-rw Mil iirf sa eapi-e at Pattd ll ai (a i lmiw 1 kva aJaaeavy Prwuany ia t.l N)iV (. a-, tarsal Ali I and la Ukanw Tarrp ka, LJ. ay Ittuai anlCirf Utrevt, s.ai.Dettva wriik a sip aa ta letasue lur.

kv M. ia. F. la. T'ia gta-aod u.

a a if ik anaw a aui p-: LS graal I sawy l-f ktw day. Thw tajal'v owl awaeeaerf tipe rw Fwey anal ar aaioiwlia w.ia Baa wkaa iiauaa. saaaa lt rwwvar to-t te-jia kas -pf oax ad wr a' I i-r yets wieaae I u. 1 U.S sat aar I'l. a.

Aartl. i. l- 4 P.vw. 4 Ihi I li. a ita ttav, lb Wr Pn p.r'r.

It eaoa eJa. rty adigir aw taaxuly svt.it, aaal wlti dtWlXvd to appear cXeaaara. as baw auL Tuwii' Baasjearl wi Te, Ftef LL kifW. AMiAf vai flri scf ET, NaIIUIL I At hi LULiir. 'f-4 J'-HN tkk.IN 11V L'T I'lour.

300 AFf aU. 'sa vak grid. fapafc ltar. aaaa. aVwwail tad DwaeawS Fxt Fwoi'v floaar- la rs ai ak anat At.

4tNa A CO. it Tl tcp ar" st riMvtito TTaTiT'Oiellti. m)ti I ilEl- tviiot w. sn.r iiai sal iiUU lllat I t. i CO.

4U0 a 44 a-A. I k. AAiltki tso aa a 014 i. st) Salidfi'i S-f V-wt k.i k. Moiataara, 1 aj am a -aU, Ct ij 'i i4.

aM Uw kuav iiaaaaav. 4traaat to cala mmW i i i Jl a-.

Daily Nashville Patriot from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.