Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (2024)

Published: · by Laurel Perry · About 2 minutes to read this article. · This post may contain affiliate links

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Gluten Free Baked Artichokes with Smoky Paprika Aioli are the perfect New Year's Eve appetizer. With its golden crispy crunch you'd never believe this recipe is baked instead of fried!Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (1)

This may be the single most delicious, tasty, flavor-packed, kinda maybe definitely the best ever recipe I have ever made.

Let me back up that bold claim by saying that this recipe might not be for everyone, but my artichoke loving, appetizer craving, aioli dunking friends out there will agree with me on this one: what could be better than a salty and tender artichoke coated in crispy crunchy baked-but-tastes-like-fried breadcrumb coating, and then dunked in a smoky lemony sauce?

These Gluten Free Baked Artichokes are right up there with puppies, fresh cut flowers, and really really good dark chocolate.

Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (2)

When this recipe was in the testing phase, my family dutifully stepped in as my guinea pigs. I made theseGluten Free Baked Artichokes for Christmas and learned a few things:

1) They disappear very quickly; make a double batch,

2) good gluten free breadcrumbs are hard to find (more on this in a moment) and

3) letting the aioli sit in the fridge overnight blooms the flavors and makes things extra extra delicious!

Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (3)

The world of gluten free breadcrumbs is a sad place, but there are a few shining stars among the hard-as-rock tasteless alternatives. My favorite is this brand of gluten-free pankoGluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (4). They are light, crispy, turn golden brown, and are made without any strange ingredients. Win, win, win.

Second best goes to making your own. This adds a few steps to the recipe, but it is worth it for the perfect crispy crunchy coating.

How to make gluten free breadcrumbs:

Take your favorite gluten-free bread, tear it up into chunks and lay them out on a baking sheet. Place them in a 350 degree oven until they are dry as the dessert. Once they have cooled, chop them up in a food processor until you have breadcrumbs. Pat yourself on the back and proceed with the rest of the recipe.

Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (5)


Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (6)

Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli

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  • Author: Laurel
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 6 servings 1x
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Oven
  • Cuisine: Spanish
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Gluten Free Baked Artichokes with Smoky Paprika Aioli are the perfect New Year's Eve appetizer. With its golden crispy crunch, you'd never believe this recipe is baked instead of fried! A special 3 step breading process is a foolproof way to ensure the coating adheres to the artichokes – and it also happens to be egg free and vegan!



For the artichokes:

  • 2 14oz. cans water packed artichoke hearts, drained
  • ¾ cup garbanzo bean flour
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 ½ cups gluten free panko breadcrumbs
  • 2 tablespoons Old Bay seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon salt (divided)
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder (divided)
  • Avocado oil

For the Smoky Paprika Aioli:

  • 1 cup vegan mayonnaise (or other mayonnaise)
  • 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic (minced)


  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. First, Prep your breading station: Whisk the garbanzo bean flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1 teaspoon garlic powder in a bowl. In a second bowl, whisk together the almond milk, Dijon mustard, and 1 teaspoon salt. In a third bowl, whisk the breadcrumbs, Old Bay, 1 teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons garlic powder.
  3. Take one artichoke heart and coat it in the garbanzo bean flour. Dunk it into the almond milk and then into the breadcrumbs. Roll the artichoke in the breadcrumbs to coat. Place it on a baking tray. Repeat with the remaining artichokes.
  4. Once the artichokes are lined up on the baking sheet, pour avocado oil over each artichoke. You want to use lots of oil to prevent them from sticking and to get a golden brown crust. The sheet pan should have a layer of oil on the bottom by the time you are done. Give the pan a shake to evenly distribute the oil. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.
  5. While the artichokes are baking, whisk together all of the aioli ingredients.
  6. Once the artichokes are finished, transfer them to a serving tray in a single layer and serve with the sauce.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (7)Rachel says

    Any suggestions if I were to make these not gluten free or vegan? Should I add egg for the coating and real flour?


    • Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (8)Laurel says

      Hi Rachel! I'm not sure about eggs for the coating since I haven't tried it before, but swapping out the garbanzo bean flour for regular all purpose flour and the GF panko breadcrumbs for regular panko should work like a charm! Let me know if the egg works; I would love to know!


  2. Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (9)Melissa | Wee Little Vegans says

    Oh this looks seriously delicious! We love artichoke at our house plus anything crunchy and dippable is always a win with the kiddos!


  3. Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (10)Brooke says

    This looks fantastic. I have never done the flower coating before breading. I can imagine it helps the crust coating hold together. I look forward to trying it.


    • Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (11)Laurel says

      Thank you, Brooke! It really does help the crust adhere to the artichoke :) Happy cooking!


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Gluten Free Baked Artichokes & Smoky Paprika Aioli (2024)
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