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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (5)

What Are Essential Oils and How Can They Help You?

The benefits of essential oils are staggering!

They are created from plants. But before I get into more details about what they are, I thought you'd like to know some of the ways people are using them to improve their lives.

  • Some help support healthy gallbladder and liver function.
  • Some provide a relaxing and calming aroma when you need it.
  • Some help you wind down at bedtime.
  • Some support healthy weight management.
  • Some support a healthy immune system.
  • Some support a healthy digestive system.

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (6)

3 Ways People Get Effective Results Using Oils

It's easy to use them, especially if they are pure.

Here are the three main ways that most people benefit from essential oils. Keep in mind that each of these ways has its own unique benefits.

  • You can get the astonishing benefits by ingesting some! Young Living offers line of oils labeled explicitly for internal use.
  • A lot of people like to use oils topically. Usually, finding out how to use essential oils on the skin is what turns most people from casual oil users to avid users.
  • Diffusing is a favorite way to use essential oils and is probably the

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (7)

This is What You Need to Know About Tainted Essential Oils

I feel purity is vital in essential oils.

In fact, I have learned that the purity of an oil is not only vital to its effectiveness but its safety as well. Here is what you need to know about oils that are pure vs. oils that are adulterated.

Essential oils are rich in molecules that help carry oxygen, nutrients, and other substances through the cell membranes.

Combine essential oils with impure or toxic substances, and they will take those poisons into every cell of your body!

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (9)

Free Email Class: Essential Oils 101

Learn all the basics on essential oils in my FREE Essential Oils 101 Email Course. I’ll also share DIY beauty and skin care recipes, homemade cleaners and other practical uses for essential oils to help you save money too.

Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (10)
Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (11)

It's Easy to Unlock a 24% Discount

Why pay full-price when Young Living makes it simple to save with two easy options?

1. Purchase a mix of any products that total at least 100 PV* or greater, at any time, to unlock a 24% discount for a rolling 12 months.

2. Or you can simply put an item or items on a subscription order for any PV amount. As long as you maintain that active subscription, you will retain the discount amount of 24%.

* PV: Points Value and is a unit of measurement generally equal to one dollar (USD).

Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (12)

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (17)

What Makes These Oils the Most Authentic in the World?

A set of quality standards that are unmatched in the industry!

These comprehensive standards go far beyond the industry standards on quality because of the unique Seed to Seal® process that is demanded of every bottle of oil.

These quality standards are non-negotiable benchmarks for delivering a product that you can feel 100% safe using and sharing. This is important ifresults matter!

The following steps are what make these oils the most authentic oils in the world. Young Living® will never knowingly compromise by adding synthetics, contaminants, or cheap fillers, or by using unethical production practices.

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (18)

When You Control the Farms You Control the Quality!

With 23 global farms, Young Living has earned its quality reputation.

Young Living's strict standards for planting, growing, harvesting, distilling, and producing essential oils is why they are able to bring us the Seed to Seal® quality promise.

Pioneering the industry, Young Living’s farms started over two decades ago with one small crop of lavender grown in St. Maries, Idaho. Since then, they have expanded to many corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers.

I've learned that Young Living will never cut corners!

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Why I Chose Young Living

Why would it matter what brand of essential oils you purchase? The answer to this question is complex, but it only matters if results are important to you. Results are my top priority!

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (20)

Do You Have a Passion for Inspiring Wellness?

Have you ever wanted to work from home and have more control over your time and income?

Here is one of the best global opportunities in the world, but perhaps you should judge this for yourself. Of the millions of members who use Young Living products, 89.5% of them remain a Preferred Customer.

The other 10.5% decide to go on to earn extra money.

Here's a Business...

  • For those who would like to work from home.
  • For those who might like to just earn enough to pay for their products.

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (21)

Events and Classes!

Check out my upcoming events calender and reserve your spot at one of my upcoming gatherings!

For home, health, & fitness

These products celebrate the harmony between nature, body, mind, and soul. Have you noticed that walking through lavender fields or a pine forest seems to instantly awaken your senses — from the energizing aromas to the feelings of well-being the smell evokes? Young Living infuses this into everything they create.

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (32)

Monthly Specials

Why pay full-price when becoming a member has no added or further obligations? Just get a starter kit and enjoy all the member benefits and ability to purchase all your future products at 24% off retail pricing! This is your first step on a path to a different type of lifestyle.

Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (33)

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February Gifts With Purchase!!


February 23 GiftsThis February, remember to take time out to show yourself some self-love. Nurture those daily practices that nourish both body and mind with February’s gift with purchase. We’ve...

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Canada's Gift With Purchase


Power Your Summer Adventure with essential natural health products!Savour the last moments of summer and soak up all the adventure that still awaits! These fun-filled days call each of us...

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Safety Guidelines Using YL Oils

To prevent misuse of these precious oils and to ensure that you enjoy their maximum benefit, Young Living created this helpful safety guide.

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Simple Auto-Ship, Unlock 24% Discount

Simply the easiest auto-ship program I've seen!Loyalty Orders is what Young Living calls their auto-ship program. When you choose to have an item(s) on auto-ship, it unlocks a 24% discount

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A starter bundle is available

Check It Out

Most of us begin our journey by choosing a Young Living Starter Bundle. The bundles offer considerable value for your money and they contain enough full-size items to ensure initial success using Young Living.

Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (35)

Hi Friend!

I'm so happy you stopped by. It is with great pride that I am able to share the most authentic essential oils in the world. My journey with Young Living started in February 2002. It was the best decision I have ever made for the wellness of me and my family. From being homeless, sick and broke with two children to prospering abundantly!!!

I am very passionate about sharing what I learned from God's Word and equipping others to become a Kingdom Mindset Practitioner and live the abundant life! The combination of scripture in the process of renewing the mind and using God's power packed plant oils will impact you and cause change on all levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.

If results are important to you, I hope you spend some time reading a bit on my website. Authenticity is certainly most important, not only for the bottles of oils and for the oil-infused products that have changed my life, but learning the truth about who God says you are and what He says you can have in your life, will bring tremendous transformation, as well. Come learn with me how God's Word and essential oils can set a person free and prosper them in spirit, soul and body! 3 John 1:2

If all of your questions haven't been answered on this site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I do one on one consultations!

Blessings to you!


Penny LeClair

Young Living Brand Partner
Brand Partner # 532360

(315) 576-6193

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Kingdom Mindset Practitioner (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.