Working and Pumping: How I Pumped a Freezer Stash of 1,000oz (2024)

I had a rough delivery, and had to pump for a while to get my supply in. My son’s meals went from just formula to formula and pumped milk to pumped milk only to exclusively nursing. After all the work (and nipple cream!) I went through to be able to breastfeed him, I was determined to build a milk supply to adequately feed Junior when I returned to work. 6 months later, I’ve got about 1,000oz stored. Here’s how I did it.


For my job, I work full-time, 7am-4pm, Monday-Friday. Junior is at daycare 6:30am to 4:30pm. When pumping both breasts, I pump for 15 minutes with an electric double pump. When nursing one side and pumping the other, I use a manual pump or use the electric pump and pump for as long as he nurses. We do not co-sleep unless he’s sick or going through a growth spurt. We room-share (for now). I wear him when we are out and about with my carrier.



Weeks 0-2

Pump 8-10x a day until milk came in. Feed pumped milk and supplement with formula.

Weeks 2-4

Try getting Junior to nurse for as long as possible at least 8x a day. If he nursed for a short amount of time or was still hungry, I handed him off to someone to feed him pumped milk while I went and pumped both sides to keep my supply up.

Weeks 4-8

Feed Junior 8x a day.
Nursed Junior 7x a day. Fed him pumped milk for 1x a day ( so I can sleep!)
For 2 of 7 nursing sessions (one in the middle of the night and one in the morning), feed one side and pump the other side.
Squeeze in 1-2 pumping sessions, if possible.

Weeks 8-12

Feed Junior 7x a day.
Nursed Junior for 7x a day. For 3 of 7 nursing sessions (one in the middle of the night and one in the morning and one in the afternoon), feed one side and pump the other side. Squeeze in 1-2 pumping sessions, if possible.

Weeks 12+

Nurse Junior on demand when I’m at home. For 2 nursing sessions (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) feed one side and pump the other side. Pump both sides 3x a day at work.

Dos and Don’ts


-Have a two day buffer. Whatever I pumped on Monday, I store it in the coldest part of my refrigerator and send it to daycare on Wednesday. This allows for my output on Friday to be carried over until Monday and I’m not as pressured to pump over the weekend. Thursday was my freezer day in that whatever I pumped went straight to the freezer. It also gives me more peace-of-mind knowing two days to pump enough milk for Tuesday.

-Invest in good equipment. Invest in a good double electric pump. Invest in a hands-free bra. Invest in storage bags that don’t leak as much. Replace parts when you need to.

-Record videos on your smartphone of baby laughing AND crying. Seeing AND Hearing helped with the letdown process as opposed to only seeing.

-Get a nursing cover and a privacy door hanger. They both helped to avoid any nip slip just in case someone walked in during a pumping session. I also had a sweater just in case I got too cold. Being warm helps for optimum production.

-Have two hands free bras. One that was a gift from my husband that I used with the electric pump. The other was an old sports bra I cut holes into for use with the manual pump. I washed both bras with Junior’s cloths to give me his “scent”.


-get too obsessed with building a freezer stash. Mine just happened because I had “extra”. My goals, first and foremost, were to feed my baby, and take care of myself. Happy mommy, happier baby

-Bottle watch. Just sit back and space out. Look at photos and videos of your baby. Read the news. Don’t even look at a clock. Just set a timer.

-visit “boob nazi” forums for advice. 99% of people who visit that side read it and compare themselves. 1% are outspoken and post how they’re breastfeeding and pumping a bagillion ounces a day. Supply is different for every woman. If you have to supplement, do so. Feed your baby. That’s all there is to it.


Breastfeeding Junior got off to a rocky start. He spend first few days in the NICU. My milk didn’t come in until the 8th day, and it didn’t fully come in until he was 2 and 1/2 weeks old. Bad news all around, I was dreading using formula (because I wanted to save money) so I was determined to nurse him.

After a really bad delivery experience (read here), I felt so defeated because Junior would latch perfectly but nothing was coming out. From day 1, I was attached to the pump to help bring in the liquid gold. He was fed formula and a little bit of colostrum until the 8th day when my milk came in. I thought I would be done with the pump until I returned to work. I was so excited to nurse him exclusively. But at that point, he was so used to the bottle, he had regressed in latching on. So I thought to myself, I would have to exclusively pump and perhaps supplement with formula. Back to being attached to the pump!

By then, I was a pump pro. I had spare parts, a handsfree bra, and plenty of storage bags and bottles.

Suddenly at four weeks old, Junior turned the corner and realized that breastmilk was better coming fresh from the tap. Since I was pumping every 2-3 hours, I had built a freezer stash of about 75 oz. I spent the next 8 weeks trying to exclusively breastfeed with the exception of his one bottle before bedtime so Daddy can help feed him. (Plus this ensured that he was really full and would sleep longer at night)

During this time, I pumped in-between feedings, and even woke up in the middle of the night to pump. What really helped me was having family to help. They would watch Junior while I went to pump, helped with washing the pump parts, and made sure I had enough calories and water to keep my supply up. My mother-in-law was part of La Leche League and she gave me all sorts of tips.

At 12 weeks, I went back to work and continued pumping and building my breast milk supply.

My strategy was to have a two-day buffer. As in, whatever I pumped on Monday, he would have Wednesday. This was to give me a break over the weekend because whatever I pumped on Friday, he would have Monday and I wasn’t pressured over the weekend to pump. Thursday was my day to add to my freezer stash. Whatever I pumped that day went directly to the freezer. Junior was getting 12oz a day at daycare, and I would supply them with about 12oz extra of freezer stash to use at their discretion. They were also really good about not feeding him 2 hours before I picked up him, so I could nurse him when we got home.

There were times my supply went really low. I had purchased the tea and fenugreek supplements, but it seemed to make my baby extra gassy and fussy so I gave those up. It would all-of-sudden go back up again, and I attributed to me ovulating. It went back to normal after a few days.

My output has gone down only slightly now that I returned to work for a new months. To alleviate that, I would feed him from one side in the morning, and pump the other. You always have the most milk in the morning so I took advantage of that. If I didn’t pump enough during the workday, I would also use the same technique at night. I used a hands free bra and a manual pump to pump the other side. Sidenote: I have the forearms strength of Popeye. It was just easier for me to move around and manually pump one side then being hooked up and immobile with my electric pump. Junior was also getting more squirmy, so using a manual pump for the time I would pump and feed worked best for me.

Read more about my working mom schedule here.

Little by little, I noticed my stash increasing. Junior is almost 6 months old, I realized I had saved up 1,000 oz for him. He’ll be starting solids soon. Ideally, I would like to nurse him until he’s a year old but if he stops sooner than that, I’ve got 1,000 oz (and counting!) to feed him.

Be sure to add your tips on the comments!

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7 Comments on Working and Pumping: How I Pumped a Freezer Stash of 1,000oz

  1. This is a great post! I had to go back to work at 8 weeks, so I was a pumping fanatic at work (pumped 3-4 times at work… blah). I never made enough to cover all of Wrenn’s bottles while I was gone, but decided that I’d just do as much as I could, for as long as I could. I never got the big freezer stash, but like you, I’d pump for the next day’s bottles, and then sneak in a few pumps over the weekend to help increase my stash for the following week. It was a huge sacrifice and not a lot of fun, but I am convinced that my baby was healthier because of all the breastmilk she got. Keep it up!

    • This post is a life saver. I am so stressed about feeding my baby girl. I want to so bad keep feeding her breastmilk for as long as possible but some times it’s very hard. Thanks for the encouragement.

      • Love it! You can do it!

  2. Thanks for this article! Reading this give me insight to build milk supply for my baby. I hope I will build enough supply prior getting to work!

    • Yes! Do it girl!

  3. Wow! You’re amazing! I exclusively bf and have since the day my baby was born. That being said, I did a homebirth and was lucky enough to have enriching go right. During the first month I wanted to quit so many times. I found out my baby had tongue tie, he had surgery and it made all the difference. But you…went through crazy stress and pumped for baby! Truly an inspiration!!!! So many women quit, and I do not blame them as every woman does what is best for them and their child. Super kudos to you mama!

    • Thanks, girl!

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Working and Pumping: How I Pumped a Freezer Stash of 1,000oz (2024)


How many oz of breastmilk is a good freezer stash? ›

Plan to have about three daycare days worth of milk in your freezer. Label this “WORK MILK.” For most who work an eight hour work day, you can expect baby to each about 12-16 ounces in an 8 hour period at daycare, so a comfortable freezer stash is 36-48 ounces.

How do you pump a freezer stash? ›

How do I pump enough for storing?
  1. Nurse your baby in the morning and then pump both breasts afterwards for about 15 minutes.
  2. At a feeding later in the day, have someone else offer your baby an ounce or two of pumped milk while you pump again for about 15 minutes.
  3. When you are done pumping, offer your baby your breast.

What is the point of a freezer stash of breastmilk? ›

A freezer stash provides you with freedom if you want a night out on the town or if an unexpected emergency calls you away from your little one. It's also a fail-safe if you have any other unanticipated breastfeeding interruption.

How long do 1000 ounces of breastmilk last? ›

(Example- 1000 ounces divided by 30 oz/day = 33 days of milk.) Most breastmilk-fed babies continue to take the same daily total ounces until they are 12 months old, when most pediatricians suggest increasing solid meals and reducing milk to ~16oz/day.

How much milk should I have frozen before returning to work? ›

Now let's shoot for having between 3-5 days worth of milk stored before you go back to work. Multiply 12-16 ounces by 3-5 days. If you'll be missing four feedings per day, multiply 12-16 ounces by 3-5 days, and you'll get a total of somewhere between 36 and 80 ounces.

How often should I pump to build stash? ›

By pumping just once a day, over the course of several weeks, you'll build up a serious supply. Let's do the math: if you pump even just two ounces each morning, by the end of the week you'll have 14 ounces. Do that for five weeks and voila—70 ounces.

What is the best time to pump to increase milk supply? ›

Pump in the morning. Many moms get the most milk first thing in the morning. Pump between breastfeeding, either 30-60 minutes after nursing or at least one hour before breastfeeding. This should leave plenty of milk for your baby at your next feeding.

Will pumping once a day cause oversupply? ›

Pumping and Nursing Routines

For example, if the baby usually nurses every two hours, the mother can pump once a day after the first morning feeding. This will help build up a supply of milk without causing an oversupply.

Can you combine breast milk from different days? ›

According to Verywell Family, it is safe to combine breast milk from different pumping sessions if the milk is collected and stored under clean conditions and the baby is full-term and healthy. However, it is not recommended to combine milk that has been stored for more than 24 hours.

How to build an oversupply? ›

Oversupply can occur naturally, but it can also be created by overstimulating the breasts in the early days and weeks of breastfeeding. Pumping milk from the beginning is often encouraged with the idea that it may help establish a milk supply.

When to throw out frozen breast milk? ›

As long as the temperature of the freezer is 0°F or below, the type of freezer does not matter. The temperature of kitchen freezers is typically 0° F. Deep freezers and chest freezers may be colder than 0°F. Breast milk can be stored at 0° F or colder for up to 12 months, although using it within 6 months is best.

What is the refrigerator hack for breast milk? ›

Breast milk has immune components that reduce bacteria. Store in a closed container. Put your pump parts into a ziplock back or Tupperware to store in the fridge. Keep the pump parts in the back of the fridge away from fluctuating temperatures.

How to build up a freezer stash of breastmilk? ›

Breast Milk Backup Stash: How to Pump Enough Milk to Store
  1. Add an extra pump session after your milk supply is established.
  2. Choose your storage bags wisely.
  3. Freeze the right amount in each bag.
  4. Store your bags efficiently in your freezer.
  5. Don't stress about building a large stash.

How many ounces of breastmilk is considered an oversupply? ›

When feeding directly at breast, the average 1-9 month old will take about 2.5-5 oz of breastmilk per feed. In the context of oversupply, a woman may have 6 or more ounces in one breast alone.

How many Oz is a full milk supply? ›

As you can see, milk supply goes from 1ounce per day to around 24 ounces per day, over the first 2 to 3 weeks, ideally. For some, it may take 6 weeks to get to a full supply. Sometimes a mother's milk supply doesn't keep pace with what her baby needs in the first couple weeks.

How much breast milk should go in a freezer bag? ›

5 ounces is preferred. DO store bags as flat as possible in your freezer. TIP: Store bags in a plastic storage bin, shoe box or another container in your freezer. Some moms even use a separate container to store milk in order by earliest date frozen.

What is the best quantity to freeze breast milk? ›

Store breast milk in small batches, ideally 2 to 4 ounces to prevent waste. Any remaining breast milk left in a bottle after your baby is finished with a feeding should be used within 2 hours—or, if quickly refrigerated, used for the next feeding. You can always thaw an extra container if needed.

How many ounces of breastmilk should I leave? ›

A typical range of milk intake is 19oz to 30oz (570ml to 900ml) per day. Use these steps to work out the amount of breast milk your baby will need: Estimate the number of times that your baby breastfeeds per day (in 24 hours). Divide 25oz (750ml) by the number of breastfeeds.

What should my deep freezer be set at for breast milk? ›

  • Human Milk Storage Guidelines. Type of Breast Milk. Storage Locations and Temperatures.
  • Countertop. 77°F or colder. (25°C)
  • Refrigerator. 40°F. (4°C)
  • Freezer. 0°F. (-18°C)
  • Deep Freezer. -4°F or colder. (-20°C)
  • Pumped. Up to. 4 hours.
  • 4 days. Up to. 6 months.
  • 12 months. Thawed, Previously. Frozen.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.